Session 187
Chapter 24
[INFO] Now logging to [file:///C:/Users/Angelo/AppData/Roaming/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/jp1xrpq3.default/chatzilla/logs/].
[INFO] Channel view for ``#Nobilis opened.
=-= User mode for Angelo is now +ix
--]| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis
[Angelo] Hi picciotti!
[Angelo] Am O late?
[Angelo] Am I late?
- Angelo bow to V.
[Verithe] Nope
[Lazarus] Nope, right on time!
[Knockwood] Hiya Angelo
[Angelo] fine then I calculated the time change right :-)
--]| BethE ( has joined #Nobilis
[Angelo] Hi Beth! *Hug*
[BethE] Evening! *HUG* Hope you weren't in too early, Angelo?
[Lazarus] Hey Beth!
[Knockwood] Hi Beth
[Verithe] Nope. He was right on time. :D
[Angelo] Nope, done my homework and connected at the right time :-)
[BethE] I knew I had forgotten to mention, last week, that our time change was this weekend (last Sunday).
[Lazarus] I have homework to do, but it is a paper due at the end of the month
[Random_Nerd] Meanwhile, I've finally finished up my whole moot court thing, so I just have regular stuff to worry about.
[Verithe] Yay!
[Angelo] oh, do you restarted univerity Laz?
[Angelo] Yeppa!
[Knockwood] So, your court thing is now moot? :)
[Random_Nerd] Yeah.
[Random_Nerd] Judges, when they have you on the stand, are kind of jerks. Worse than GMs.
[Lazarus] Angelo, yep, restarted university. Got the rest of this semester, next semester, and one course left
[Angelo] Wow!
[Angelo] and you are working while studying?
[Lazarus] No work
[Lazarus] Part of what prompted going back
[Angelo] oh, I see so you are in the same situation as RN
[Angelo] more o less
[Lazarus] More or less
[Lazarus] Sara now has a decent job, so we should be ok
[Knockwood] that's amazing
[Angelo] and you (as average American) can live with just one working? or the normality is that in a couple both work (as in Italy?)
[Lazarus] Norm is both work. We are tight on money, but better off than we could be. - rent is actually pretty cheap
[BethE] Depends on the couple. There are many couples that when a child is born, one of the couple leaves work and takes care of the kid.
[Knockwood] alternative, you could sell the kids...
[Angelo] ok, understood.
[Lazarus] Oh yeah, student loans help out a _lot_
[Angelo] Knock!!!
[Lazarus] sort of
[BethE] Knock, the organs are too tiny.
[Random_Nerd] A lot of it depends where you live, too.
[Random_Nerd] Cost of living varies wildly across the US.
[Knockwood] Goes with the population, really.
[Angelo] ohh ok here is more o less the same in all Italy
[Knockwood] People have been moving out of the middle of the country to the coasts for a while now...
[Angelo] but 2 or 3 places not areas
[Knockwood] so, CoL in, say, Kansas is cheap.
[Angelo] (like Rome ,Milan and Venice are higher that the rest of Italy)
[Angelo] does someone notice that I resumed my logs publication?
[Random_Nerd] Yeah, I saw that.
[Lazarus] Noticed, didn't read to see the edits
[Random_Nerd] I take it you trimmed out the rules discussion
[Angelo] ok ,so no outraged speech at login :-D
[Knockwood] though I didn't see a table of contents page....
[Verithe] The edits make for an amusing read.
[Random_Nerd] Oh? I'll have to see those, now that I finally have some free time.
[Angelo] well, I creatively add Redacted here and there
[Knockwood] like when we told Entropy to -REDACTED- himself with the large -REDACTED-
[Random_Nerd] Heh.
[Angelo] uhm there no such line .. .that I reacall
[Random_Nerd] We've removed it from your memory,.
[Angelo] otoh I just trimmered line and line of ooc rule arguing
[Lazarus] The power of memory got a boost
[Angelo] oh, cool!
[Lazarus] No no –REDACTED- that Memory can –REDACTED-on nobles.
[Random_Nerd] Heh.
[Angelo] Being Ftisk Data there is a power of Memory? I see memory as a subset of data...
[Random_Nerd] So, let's see.
[Lazarus] Well, a theoretical power of memory, anyway
[Random_Nerd] We've done the interview with Luc. Ftisk found out that Luc is scared of the effect on /his/ life expectancy if he was anchored by Ftisk. Which is kind of the equivalent of those "In Soviet Russia, Y Xes /you/" jokes.
[Lazarus] In Amyra, Nobles get Luc killed?
[Random_Nerd] Sam thinks he may or may not have ran into the same Dionyl secretary twice in two different roles, for different organizations, on different planets, about a week and a half apart.
[Angelo] (cloned secretary?)
[Random_Nerd] Any questions before we start?
[Angelo] there is a power of clone? How much him must repay in favors the Aidee?
[Random_Nerd] Heh.
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa
=-= Verithe is now known as Kite
=-= Lazarus is now known as Brian
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
[Theresa] I don't think Clone. Just..well travelled.
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
[Random_Nerd] So, is there anything you wished to do while on your way back from your meeting with Luc, or should we start in the meeting room?
[Brian] B5 on tv, martini in hand, Nobilis on iPad. Life is pretty ok
[DanteE] say hi to whoever we know at the funeral?
[Ftisk] If we start in the meeting room is the same day or some days are passed?
[Brian] Meeting room sounds good
[Random_Nerd] Okay.
[Random_Nerd] _____________START________________
[Ftisk] (same day or different one?)
[Random_Nerd] William: "So... that wasn't exactly what I was expecting."
[Random_Nerd] (Same, let's say.)
[Ftisk] (damn)
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "Do you think she was checking me out?"
[Random_Nerd] William: "Her head is /invisible/. How could I possibly tell?"
[Ftisk] "What was you expecting Sam?"
[Theresa] "It's..hard to tell, Sam."
[Brian] "Sam, we can’t see her head..."
[Kite] "Totally, Sam."
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "You could see her head if you /wanted/ to see her head."
[DanteE] (Reminds me, what do Dionyl look like in Spirit view?)
[Kite] "Do you need a nest?"
[Ftisk] "Who?"
[Random_Nerd] (You mean Border Mythic?)
[Theresa] "Sam, I don't have the social cues of Dionyl. For all I know, you flirt by being very direct and hopping onto each other in public."
[Brian] "very vulgar, T"
- Ftisk lDiv data who Sam is speaking of from his memory
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "Depends where you come from."
[Brian] "but remember the Triad"
[DanteE] (yeah)
[Random_Nerd] Sam is talking about Luc's assistant, who Sam thinks he also saw at the Aides office.
[Ftisk] "Hey, I can scan her mind next time Sam!"
[Kite] To Ftisk: "Sam."
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "Nah, it's cool."
[Ftisk] "So this is your sex/mating/reproduction courting? "
[Brian] "it always amuses me how /human/ Dionyl are."
[Theresa] (Sam is brilliant! Distract Ftisk from feeling bad by talking about sex!)
[Kite] (Haha!)
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "Hey, man, we were like this /first/."
[Theresa] "Or are humans very Dionyl."
[Ftisk] (sure this will work each Ftisk day :-) )
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "You guys are, like, the johnny-come-latelies."
[Kite] "Dionyl existed first?"
[Brian] "do you have any proof of that, Sam?"
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "We were like this before it was /cool/."
[Brian] "or was that before Time?"
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "That's what the angels say."
[Random_Nerd] William: "This was after Time."
[Ftisk] "Time is really overvalued"
- Ftisk float on Sam shoulder... or a least try
[Ftisk] "can I make of mashed potatoes your shoulder?"
[Brian] "so, Sam, how do we see where Dionyl are?"
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "Like, creepy magic powers?"
[Theresa] (After Time but before Stew.)
[Random_Nerd] (Stew was around before Time. Everyone knows that.)
[Theresa] (I demand the Angel of Stew now, you know.)
[Brian] (time is nothing without stew)
[Kite] (We should schedule a meeting with the Angel of Stew.)
[Theresa] (Is Firstborn also the Angel of Stew?)
[Random_Nerd] (Maybe, but he doesn't put it on his letterhead.)
[Theresa] *ponders* "Any ideas who that was in line after Ftisk?"
[Ftisk] "No one"
[DanteE] "They have a betting pool, remember.
[Random_Nerd] William: "I checked, actually, because I was curious. That was, I believe, the Power of Horrible Things."
- Ftisk float a bit around in question marks patterns
[Kite] "I can see that."
[Ftisk] "Eh? That is a cool power!"
[Random_Nerd] Dante, you feel the vague tingling of a prayer.
[DanteE] "Who has the lead in the who-will-Anchor-Luc pool?"
[Brian] "hm. Makes some amount of sense. Certainly not fluffy bunnies"
- DanteE answers the prayer... "Hello?"
=-= YOU are now known as fluffyBunnyTisk
[fluffyBunnyTisk] like this one?
[Random_Nerd] William: "I don't have any bets in that pool. Haven't had enough time to survey the applicants."
- fluffyBunnyTisk jump around
[Brian] "less ftisky."
[Brian] (who wants the Project of "find out what Betting Pools the Aides have on the go"?)
[Kite] "Are we allowed to know the list of applicants?"
- fluffyBunnyTisk go to a windows and weave at the moon "Hi biiiig granddaaaaad!!!"
[Random_Nerd] Dante, you hear "This prayer is a petition for, uh, 'The Power of Swords, or Blades, or Weapons, or something.' Someone calling himself the Power of Fishing wants to talk to you about a sword. His phone number is XXX-XXX-XXXX."
[Kite] (Don't go making the giant, human-squishing bunny feel old!)
[Random_Nerd] It doesn't feel like a Noble on the other end.
- Theresa feels her eyes go Anime-big and shiny at fluffy-Bunny Ftisk and slaps a hand over her eyes until it passes. "I must be more tired than I thought..."
[DanteE] "Hm. William, who's the Power of Fishing?"
[Random_Nerd] The second moon seems to wiggle back and forth a bit, as if Monty jumped really high.
- fluffyBunnyTisk jump on Theresa Lap "A bit of pet therapy?"
[Theresa] (Aww, that's cute!)
[Random_Nerd] William: "Fishing? Um... I know this one... it's a Light power. Some new guy, like a year or two as a Noble. Human."
[DanteE] "Apparently he wants to talk to me about a Sword...
- DanteE writes down the number...
[fluffyBunnyTisk] "Do you see the moon jump?"
- Theresa pets Ftisk carefully.
[Brian] "hm."
[Theresa] "Yes, I did!"
[Theresa] (It could be about the sword you left at the funeral?)
[Random_Nerd] William: "Huh. Want me to do some quick research?"
[DanteE] "Yes... was he at the funeral?"
[Brian] (was fishing in the family of bones?)
[Random_Nerd] (Nope.)
[Random_Nerd] William: "Not that I know of."
- fluffyBunnyTisk like being petted
[DanteE] where's the phone number lead?
[Brian] (io)
[fluffyBunnyTisk] "Can I have a carrot?"
[Random_Nerd] It's a number in the upper peninsula of Michigan.
- Theresa does a hand-flourish and Ftisk has a carrot. Fresh!
[DanteE] "Hm. Got a phone number for someone in the United States."
[fluffyBunnyTisk] "Super T!"
- fluffyBunnyTisk crunch the carrot happily
[Brian] "we should be able to get you in contact with them"
[Theresa] "It's a little thing I do. You are very calming in this form, Ftisk."
[Random_Nerd] William comes back with some scrawled notes.
- fluffyBunnyTisk start to purr but then stop "ops wrong sound"
[Brian] "the world would be better with more purring"
[Random_Nerd] William: "Okay. The current Power of Fishing is Dorothy Walters. She is in the family of... and yes, I know that this sounds funny, Hunting, Fishing, and Finding Edible Things."
[Theresa] "Compact Imperator."
[Brian] "finding edible things?"
[fluffyBunnyTisk] "Very focused one"
[Theresa] "Foraging!"
[Random_Nerd] William: "A few thousands ago, that was one of the most important Estates on the planet."
[DanteE] "Are they in ... ah ... Michigan?"
[Random_Nerd] William: "Oddly enough, yes they are."
[fluffyBunnyTisk] (is Michigan particular?)
[Kite] "Hmmm."
[DanteE] "Hm. They called. Let's see what's happening..."
[Random_Nerd] (...particular?)
[Brian] "where were they a few thousand years ago?"
[Theresa] (Huh, it will be interesting to see how these Estates have changed over the years.)
[Random_Nerd] William: "There wasn't a Chancel then."
[fluffyBunnyTisk] (like from the perspective of an Italian that feel like America is a great homogeneous territory)
[DanteE] (can we dial the number or does the whole Chancel thing screw us up?)
[Random_Nerd] William: "I believe the Imperator, Cherat of the Light, tended to wander around, uh, hunting, fishing, and finding edible things."
[Theresa] (Michigan is a state. Upper midwest of the continental US. Known for Detroit, cherries and a type of food called a pasty.)
- DanteE heads to the conference room and fires up the speakerphone...
[Random_Nerd] (The Upper Peninsula of Michigan is pretty far to the north of the US. Not very densely populated, pretty cold, fairly outdoorsy culture.)
[fluffyBunnyTisk] (ok that was what I was asking. thank you!)
[Brian] (it is also pretty close to Canada)
[Random_Nerd] (Yeah, both location-wise and culturally.)
[Brian] (I don't know if it got through: Brian goes with Dante)
[DanteE] (also becoming infamous for bearing the brunt of the economic meltdown. Supposedly you can buy a house for $1000.)
[fluffyBunnyTisk] (oh, so Canada is _so_ different?)
[Random_Nerd] (Canada: America's Hat!)
[Brian] (Canada is sufficiently different.)
- fluffyBunnyTisk rest on Theresa lap and go with her
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "So, wait, they made a prayer and then left you a /phone number/?"
- Theresa will probably follow along with Ftisk carefully balanced in her hands.
[Brian] (we are kind of equal blend of US and British cultures with a dash of France thrown in for good measure. That's just the broad stuff, too)
[Brian] "phones are weird."
- fluffyBunnyTisk will let her transport him
[Theresa] "Well, Dante doesn't have a secretary, I think."
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "I'm just saying, it's kinda weird."
[fluffyBunnyTisk] (I know nothing of Canadian culture)
[DanteE] "Well, the pray-er didn't sound Noble."
[DanteE] "Everybody shush, this is long distance..."
[Theresa] (I know...Laz and not-Laz's-Sara-who was Snow and...a lot of stereotypes. ^^ )
- DanteE dials the number
[Random_Nerd] (It's all about saying 'eh' a lot, being nice to people, and Tim Hortons.)
[Brian] (look up "poutine", and you will be enlightened)
[Random_Nerd] (That's one way it's like UP Michigan. A lot of starch.)
[Random_Nerd] Phone, Woman's Voice: "Hello, this is Dorothy."
[Brian] (and not-my-Sara was also from the same city)
[Brian] "Amyran nobles here."
[DanteE] "Hello. This is Dominus Gladii. You sent a message about a sword?"
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "You're the power of Swords?"
[DanteE] "Well, Blades."
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "Close enough. Want a magic sword?"
[Brian] (huh, before Kudzu, there was no caprice)
[DanteE] "Magic how?"
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "Cuts anything, as near as we can tell. Took it off a Warmain-shard."
- fluffyBunnyTisk tip gently on Theresa side with the head
[Theresa] (Imperators probably don't count for the estate of caprice.)
[DanteE] "Ooh... that is interesting."
[Brian] (... True)
[Theresa] (Dante already has a sword!)
- Theresa looks at Ftisk.
[DanteE] (I _am_ a sword._)
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "Interesting. Yeah. Want it?"
[fluffyBunnyTisk] (well, Dante can start a collection of these)
[DanteE] "... sure. Tell us about the battle?"
[DanteE] "Assuming it was a battle..."
- fluffyBunnyTisk blink at Theresa
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "Well, kind of a battle. He showed up. He and I faced off on impressive-looking horses. My brother and a few of his friends shot him."
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "They shot him a /lot/."
[Theresa] (I like her!)
[Brian] (sounds like Mr. Universe)
[DanteE] "Heh. Fortunately I'm not as hung up on 'fair play' as some Nobles.
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "So, free magic sword. We don't want it. Do you?"
[DanteE] "Certainly. Where can we meet?"
[fluffyBunnyTisk] (Can Take that sword I so to have all accessories for when Conrad resurface?)
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "Newberry State Forest." She gives some GPS coordinates.
[Brian] (-REDACTED- of numbers of our position to the GPS location?)
[Random_Nerd] (You'll have to get out of Chancel first.)
[fluffyBunnyTisk] (maybe from heart and not with a cross chancel barrier)
[fluffyBunnyTisk] (as RN said!)
[Random_Nerd] (You're not, technically, located /anywhere/ on Earth right now.)
[DanteE] "Be there in a few minutes..."
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "Great. Meet you there."
[Brian] (hm. So I won't be able to do it free, then)
[Brian] (I think, anyway)
[fluffyBunnyTisk] (well, you can –REDACTED- to the channel exit)
[fluffyBunnyTisk] (step out)
[Random_Nerd] (Yeah, that you can do.)
[DanteE] (we can just dash to the nearest Forest and go there that a way)
[Brian] (-REDACTED- is level 6?)
[Random_Nerd] (Yep.)
- fluffyBunnyTisk jump down from T. lap and change back to Ftisk
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
[Random_Nerd] (Yeah, it's in a big forest. You can hop right to a relevant pathway out of chancel and show up nearly there.)
[Ftisk] "This is what I call relaxing!!!"
[DanteE] "Sam, quickest way to Newberry State Forest?"
[Brian] (good enough)
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "Shit, I don't know that one. Let me check my notes... wait, hold on..."
[Ftisk] "T. can I sleep sometime with you in rabbit form? is soo wonderful!"
[Random_Nerd] Sam picks up his phone and dials a number. "Hey. Susan. It's Sam. Check the database, see what we have for a 'Newberry State Forest'."
[Theresa] "Umm..sure, Ftisk. Just no sex, please. Relaxing is good."
- Brian looks askance at Ftisk
[Ftisk] "Yep, ok no sex 'till you ask for it"
[DanteE] (Hm... are mine getting through?)
[Kite] "..."
- DanteE juggles some chainsaws to pass the time.
[Random_Nerd] (Shall we just cut to you guys arriving pretty close to the designated location?)
[DanteE] (Sure.)
[Kite] (Sure)
[Random_Nerd] (Yours got through.)
[Brian] (so, we have Brian wanting T, and Ftisk wanting everyone?)
[Ftisk] (yep ^^)
[Random_Nerd] At the relevant location, which isn't too far from a road you can take the Dantemobile down, you see a few things.
[Random_Nerd] There's a long, silvery streamer winding through the air.
[Theresa] (Theresa is hoping that Ftisk doesn't snore.)
[Random_Nerd] There's an area cleared of trees, and with the slow shoveled away and replaced with what looks like rolls of sod.
[Random_Nerd] There's a sign that says "Jousting Area."
[Brian] (Ftisk can probably control that)
[Random_Nerd] There's a silvery-white horse, dead, that appears to have tripped into a four-foot pit that was concealed under the sod.
[Random_Nerd] There's a lot of blood and bits of shiny-white skin and bone.
[Random_Nerd] And there's a sword handle sticking out of the ground, next to the end of the silvery trail.
[Ftisk] (fair warning: Ftisk can Snore if it want)
[Random_Nerd] Sitting next to the sword handle is a woman on a folding chair, in a winter coat.
[Random_Nerd] She gets up and waves when you arrive.
[Theresa] "Oh, that is some kind of service! The blood hasn't even dried!"
[Random_Nerd] Fishing: "Blades?"
- Ftisk sprint and take the sword "For the power of grayskull!"
[DanteE] "I am. Hi there. Looks like we missed a party..."
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "Excrucian blood doesn't always seem to clot. I don't know why."
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "And I do believe I mentioned that we shot him a lot."
[Brian] "Clotting is I believe a Domain."
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "Easier than I expected. They're usually a lot smarter than this."
=-= YOU are now known as HeManTisk
[Brian] "either lost, or that was a feint by a Strategist."
[DanteE] "That's what I wonder about, actually. Obviously it hasn't been long..."
- DanteE checks out the sword with Sight and Mythic View...
- HeManTisk throw the sword to Dante
[Random_Nerd] Ftisk, as you wave the sword around, it slices a silvery trail in the sky. There's also little crackles of light, a smell of ozone, and if you have any sort of radiation detection, you're detecting mild amounts of ionizing radiation.
[Theresa] *to Fishing* "Have you heard about the interesting things Warmains have been doing lately?"
[Random_Nerd] Fishing: "Well, I thought this was pretty interesting. We're thinking of posting it on Youtube."
- DanteE catches it with a Ghost before it can hit anything...
[WARNING] Extra parameters ``"oh noes my power!" then giggle a lot ignored.
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
[Random_Nerd] The sword stops in mid-air.
[DanteE] "You'd get yelled at by PETA."
[Random_Nerd] Fishing: "I have it on good authority that the horses of the enemy are not, technically, animals."
[DanteE] "Huh. This may be sharp enough to cut nuclei..."
[Random_Nerd] Fishing: "I said it cuts /anything/, right?"
[DanteE] "You's still get yelled at by PETA."
[Random_Nerd] Fishing: "Rock. Air. Light. Space."
[Random_Nerd] Fishing: "See why we want to get rid of it?"
[DanteE] "Only thing I'm worried about is a possibility of 'contamination'...
[Random_Nerd] Fishing: "Hmm?"
- Ftisk bow before Fishing "sorry I forgot: I'm Ftisk"
[DanteE] "Wait. Is this Abhorrent, or just ungodly sharp?"
[Random_Nerd] She nods at Ftisk: "Dorothy. Fishing."
[Ftisk] "Machinery"
- Theresa gives Fishing a low-down on the different Warmain stuff we've seen in the past months, starting with Caesar on Dionyl.
[Random_Nerd] Fishing: "Probably? I don't know. He didn't get a chance to use it on us, and nobody volunteered to test that particular trait."
- Kite has been distracted, watching the sword.
[DanteE] "Fair enough..."
- DanteE does a Div on the Blade to find out 1) it capabilities, and 2) its history
[Ftisk] "I!!! I can test the sword!!!!!"
[Random_Nerd] Fishing: "But as soon as we figured out what it seemed to be doing, we sent someone to track down someone who'd be associated enough with some kind of relevant Estate."
[Random_Nerd] In terms of its capabilities, it cuts things. Specifically, it has –REDACTED- at a very high level. You don't think it could actually cut someone with Active Immortality.
[Random_Nerd] It isn't Abhorrent in the conventional sense, that of /removing/ defensive Gifts and miracles, but –REDACTED- is strong enough that it would just /overpower/ all but the strongest ones.
[DanteE] (But not Abhorrent?)
[DanteE] (Ah.)
[DanteE] "Hoo. This isn't Abhorrent, but it doesn't need to be.
[DanteE] "Any chance the guy carrying it had a scabbard for it?"
[Brian] "can it cut this?". ( really tiny ghost of a three )
[Random_Nerd] History-wise, it showed up in the hand of an Excrucian, cut a path through the air, the trees, two squirrels, one low-flying bird, and a hill.
[Random_Nerd] And then the Excrucian died in a surprisingly easy way.
[DanteE] "It probably could, Brian..."
[Kite] (poor hill)
[Random_Nerd] (Oh, and Dante, you could probably create a sword like this with a –REDACTED- of Blades.)
- DanteE takes the sword...
[DanteE] "I'd need to use some major mojo to create something like this."
[DanteE] (What do you mean by 'showed up in the hand'?)
[Random_Nerd] A wind that was passing by splits on the edge of the sword, and turns into two winds going in directions at an angle from the original one.
[Brian] (all things have kami. Cake exists to be eaten,)
- Theresa makes a mental note to ask William to take a look at recent/since Caesar Warmain interactions and see if they have all been 'easier'.
[Random_Nerd] (The sword's history seems to begin when it and an Excrucian-shard appeared in reality, a few hours ago today.)
[DanteE] "Huh. This thing has he same problem as the legendary universal solvent..."
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "You could get rid of it, right?"
[Random_Nerd] (You could, but it'd take a –REDACTED-.)
[Ftisk] (can cut imperators?)
[DanteE] "Yes I could. First I want to see where it came from, though...."
[Ftisk] "can cut imperators?"
[DanteE] (Is this extra-Creation in origin?)
[Random_Nerd] (Probably depends on the Imperator. At least /some/ Imperators.)
[Random_Nerd] (As far as you can tell, yes.)
[Random_Nerd] (Either that, or the Excrucian created it from nothing at the exact moment he entered Creation.)
[DanteE] "It's from Outside. And it would hurt like hell whatever it hit.""
[Random_Nerd] (But it doesn't have a history out there, because History is a thing of Creation.)
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "Is it Abhorrent?"
[Ftisk] "can we test and see if opening a channel to outside will bring the history of the sword in creation"
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "Oh, that reminds me. If you're bringing it across a Chancel boundary, I don't want to be there when you do it."
[DanteE] "Not quite. It wouldn't do anything besides cut. But it does that amazingly well."
[DanteE] "... you tried that?"
[Theresa] "Don't worry. We're Wildchancel. Sanity is not an issue."
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "We /didn't/ try that. And I want to keep it that way."
[Brian] "cutting the boundaries of our Chancel would be the least weird thing we have seen"
[Ftisk] "Bahm what is life without spice?"
[DanteE] (Bahm?)
[Ftisk] bah even
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "It would not, perhaps, be the weirdest thing I've seen. But I still don't want to be around when it does, on the off-chance that it slices a gap in reality itself."
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "Can you tell if it can do that?"
[Brian] "we normally tell by trying it"
[Random_Nerd] (You're about 85% sure it wouldn't do that, Dante.)
[DanteE] "Ftisk... there may be a way to contain it with your work. If you can create a thing that holds the blade by the side and has a vacuum at the edges..."
[Ftisk] "sure!"
[Brian] "wouldn't it cut the vacuum?"
[DanteE] "I doubt it's sharp enough to cut reality, but not 100% sure, so I'll see what we can do to contain it...."
- Ftisk lcreate the container with wheel on the bottom for easy transportation too
[DanteE] (There are no Spirits in a vacuum, right?)
[DanteE] (And remind me what a –REDACTED- would cost?)
[Ftisk] (A boxy shape with a engine that create vacuum and a handle and a sealed door)
[Random_Nerd] (Define 'a vacuum'.)
[DanteE] (Absence of all matter, and all things?)
[Random_Nerd] (Are we talking 'no air' or 'no air, no light, no space, no time, no gravity, no destiny' and so on?)
[Ftisk] (no air and the place is sealed so no light too)
[DanteE] (Can Ftisk make the latter type of vacuum with a machine?)
[Ftisk] (yep?)
[Random_Nerd] (A –REDACTED- is a level 8 miracle.)
[DanteE] (Damn, can't do that without hurting myself)
[Random_Nerd] (Oh, you might be able to remove the sharpness with a –REDACTED-, also at level 8.)
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "Oh, son of a /bitch/. You said you were Wild, right?"
[DanteE] (Looks like we're going to be hurting some spirits no matter what we do, at least until we can get it to the vault in the tower.)
[DanteE] "... our Ymera is."
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "No, no, I know a way around it. Wanna buy a sword? Twenty bucks."
[Kite] "Son of a bitch?"
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "The... the gift thing. You guys do that, right?"
[DanteE] "Oh, right, gifts."
[Brian] (never take a gift without giving one in return)
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "And I don't really /want/ you to give me in return a gift that's the equivalent of that stupid dangerous thing."
[Brian] "I was assuming that we were gifting you with the absence of sword"
[DanteE] "Well, we were going to talk payment once this is contained..."
[Ftisk] "Containment is booooring"
[DanteE] "For instance, Theresa, Power of Plants, could fix your field."
[DanteE] "Among other things it would get rid of that horse carcass..."
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "This isn't really our field, as such. We just had tracked the Shard to here, and my brother wanted to try the Coyote Gambit."
[Theresa] *Kite* "It's a swear. An expression."
[Kite] "It's a strange expression."
[Theresa] (*tries to think which one is the Coyote gambit*)
[Ftisk] "Why Kite?"
[DanteE] (Kinda like painting a tunnel entrance on a mountainside)
[Theresa] *to Kite* "It implies that someone or something is the offspring of an annoying female dog."
[Theresa] "Coyote gambit?"
[Kite] "There are no dog offspring here, are there?"
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "Come up with a plan that Wile E. Coyote might have tried, only do it with miraculous power instead of mail-order supplies."
[Ftisk] "Fun!"
[DanteE] "Well, it looks like it worked..."
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "I saw a wolf a while ago. But he seemed pretty cool."
[Brian] "ooo, sounds like fun"
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "It usually doesn't actually /work/, but at least it confuses them."
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "And, hey, sometimes you get lucky. Even smart Excrucians sometimes have weird conceptual blind spots when it comes to Creation."
[Kite] ((brb))
[Theresa] (Did someone yell, "Warmain Season, _FIRE_!" Or is that a Bugs Bunny gambit?)
[DanteE] "Well, we can still trade something, and what we give you would have the advantage of being from _this_ side of the Wall without any traps."
[Theresa] "I almost feel sorry that they don't have Warner Brothers."
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "They'll get it when they take it from our cold, dead hands."
[DanteE] (Did Ftisk make the container?)
[Ftisk] (yep the first one, when it will no work I make a v2 one)
[Random_Nerd] (Okay. Ftisk, describe what you've made, and how it fits around the sword.)
- Ftisk pull the box toward Dante
[DanteE] "Our familia and friends: Theresa, Domina Flora; Brian, Dominus Numerii; myself, Dominus Gladii et Animus; Ftisk, Dominus Machinae et Data; Kite, Dominus Assembly...
[Ftisk] The container is a boxy thing with a lower part with an engine that create vacuum and on the top a sealed door that open in a chamber with a grasper that take the sword
- DanteE carefully puts the sword in the machine...
[Ftisk] is all mundane tech at the moment and the sword will be air less and light less
[Random_Nerd] You manage to get it in place without cutting holes in the side of the container.
[Random_Nerd] However, when you try to close it, the door comes up against the slice in the air and meets with resistance
[Kite] "Odd, that..."
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "Yeah, that's the main reason we aren't keeping it. As soon as we're done with this, I need to find the Power of Space. Is there one?"
[Ftisk] "try moving the container a bit left"
[Random_Nerd] The back of the container peels open, as the bits of space that parts of it occupy are suddenly not next to each other any more.
[Brian] "cool"
[Ftisk] "ok, we need a v2"
- Theresa will call William on her phone.
[DanteE] "Yipes."
[DanteE] "I'm surprised this blade even got here..."
[Random_Nerd] Sam picks up: "William's House of Suits and Dancing Clowns. How may I help you?"
[DanteE] (Did I get an indication of where it appeared?)
[Theresa] "Hi Sam! Is there a Power of Space?"
[Random_Nerd] (Not from the divination, but you just need to trace back the trail of sliced space.)
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "Define 'Space'."
[Ftisk] (will space heal itself gived time?)
[Random_Nerd] (How are you checking?)
- Theresa puts a hand over the receiver. "Dorothy, can you please define Space? We have an Aide who is looking for the Power contact information.":
[DanteE] (What would happen if I hit the blade with a Ghost--REDACTED-?)
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "Because there's a Power of Space!, but that's, like, rocket ships and stuff."
[Random_Nerd] (Wanna try?)
[DanteE] "Let my try something.."
- DanteE zaps the blade with a Ghost-GDest
[Ftisk] (brb)
[Random_Nerd] The ghost miracle flickers in the direction of the blade, but it doesn't have the force behind it to affect destiny in a meaningful way, and the blade's got a pretty strong destiny.
[Theresa] *to Sam* "Ah, not that space. More like the place that stuff occupies. Not the rockets and suits and robots and such."
[Theresa] "We have a sword that can cut through..pretty much anything. And the space around here is getting torn up a bit."
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "Oh, like that. Uh, there's Physics. And there's Numbers, of course. That the kind of thing you mean?"
[Ftisk] (b)
[Theresa] "I think. Or Power of Dimensions. Something along those lines and we have Brian here already. But we could always poke Physics if there aren't anything else better."
[Kite] "Hmmm..."
[Brian] "doesn't Physics have rocketships and ray guns too?"
[DanteE] (What if Brian does something that temporarily changes the size of the edge of the blade to something much larger?)
[Theresa] "He had his own ray gun."
[Kite] (Can Kite do a -REDACTED- on the sword, granting it the "Must create" property?)
[Random_Nerd] (Wanna see, Dante?)
[Brian] (I could probably -REDACTED- it to places. I think size changes are -REDACTED-, too)
[Random_Nerd] (You could do that, but if it contradicts the "Cuts everything, even /that/" then you need to trump its Authoritas.)
[DanteE] "Brian, can you fool with the size of the cutting edges of this?"
[Brian] "I can see..."
[Random_Nerd] (Oh, and of course, Dante could use a -REDACTED- to say "This sword is in Amyra. I didn't have to carry it there, it -REDACTED- already /there/.")
[DanteE] (Oh, wait... what's the miracle level of a teleport?)
[Kite] (I don't know if I'll be able to trump it, but the new Actoritas rules still confuse me a tad.)
[DanteE] (and we were thinking the same thing at the same time)
[Brian] (-REDACTED- of Numbers +2 -REDACTED- to motion its "border" as being shrunk without changing the dimensions of the edge of the sword)
[Random_Nerd] (Depends what you want to do. A -REDACTED- will /move/ it there, but a -REDACTED- will make it so it's always /been/ there.)
[Random_Nerd] (The latter won't move it through any space, so nothing for it to cut.)
[DanteE] (Looking for what I _can_ do without smoke coming out of my ears.)
[Brian] (physical size, I meant, doesn't change)
[Random_Nerd] (When you say "motion its border as being shrunk," what do you mean?)
[DanteE] (Brian, would your thing be reversible, in case we wind up needing the sword from hell?)
[Brian] (so that the "this cuts things" is inside the object, as opposed to the border of the object)
[DanteE] (That would make the blade cut itself.)
[Brian] (maybe)
[Random_Nerd] (I... don't see how that's a -REDACTED-.)
[Random_Nerd] (Dante could do -REDACTED- of Blades.)
[DanteE] (Aside from being very emo, that might be dangerous.)
[Random_Nerd] (Since it's moving where the cutting part is.)
[Brian] (the border is what cuts, which can be described in terms of numbers, but yeah, it is a stretch. Blades would be better)
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "So, do we have a deal?"
[Brian] Brian hands her a twenty.
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "Enjoy your sword! So, you said something about the Power of Physics?"
[Brian] "yeah. He is ... Fun"
[Theresa] "Yeah, at the moment, he's probably the closest person to a Power of Space-without-an-exclamation-point.
[DanteE] (Can -REDACTED- blade to our vault from here?
[Theresa] (Which vault? The Treasure vault?)
[DanteE] (Yep, the one in the tower where I'm collecting... everything)
[Random_Nerd] (Yes, you can.)
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "Could you email me a copy of his insignia?"
[DanteE] "OK, I'm going to put this in our vault. Watch for anything weirder than usual happening..."
- DanteE -REDACTED- blade -REDACTED- our vault.\
[Theresa] "Sure! What's your address?"
[Random_Nerd] The blade is in Dante's vault. Of course it is, it /belongs/ in Dante's vault, and why would it be anywhere else?
[Brian] (so I can get things straight, a -REDACTED- Numbers could change the size of the thing, but would necessary include keeping the thing in proportion?)
[DanteE] "Actually, Theresa, can't you just create Physics' flower for her?"
[Random_Nerd] (Hmm... you could probably fiddle with its proportions a bit, but if you wanted to significantly change its shape, that'd take a -REDACTED-.)
[Theresa] "Well, true, but it depends on how you prefer to contact people. Some people want to pray, others email." *will tell Sam the addy and to email Dorothy the pertinent info*
[Brian] (ok, that fits my conception, more or less)
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "You're Flowers or something?"
[Theresa] "Plants, actually."
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "Huh. Okay."
[DanteE] "Comes in handy sometimes..."
[Theresa] "It's helped our Chancel keep going after the big change."
[DanteE] (Can she have the local plants get rid of the horse carcass?)
[Random_Nerd] (Yeah, she could get them going on that.)
[DanteE] (Could just persuade them to open the ground and drag it under)
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "So, this Physics. What's he like?"
[DanteE] "Well, when we first met he was imitating Entropy."
- Theresa will have the local roots open up the ground and clean up the horse bits and blood.
[DanteE] "Practical joke on Brian."
[Theresa] "Very defensive of his Estate."
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "Oh. Is the current one the same Physics as that one?"
[DanteE] to William: "Something changes recently?"
[Random_Nerd] William: "Hmm?"
[DanteE] (Dorothy's comment makes it sound like Physics changed recently)
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy walks over to a clear area, waves a hand vaguely, and a grill loaded with charcoal that's nearly reached the point of being glowing coals appears.
[Random_Nerd] (When she heard about that prank, she assumed that he probably had.)
[Random_Nerd] Then she picks up a fishing pole that was leaning against a nearby tree, squints at the horizon, and casts vaguely north by northwest.
[Theresa] "Oh, no, he didn't get hurt for the prank. It's the same Physics."
[Random_Nerd] The fishhook goes off flying at a pretty fast rate, making a tiny sonic boom.
[Theresa] "We've also meant Entropy a couple of times."
- Theresa is impressed by the fishing.
- Kite is excited by the fishing!
[Brian] (kite! Shiny fish hook!)
[Random_Nerd] A few moments later, she jerks the rod back, and a walleye soars through the air and lands in her free hand.
[Kite] "FISH!"
[DanteE] "Easy, Kite..."
[Brian] (om nom nom)
[Random_Nerd] She flicks it on the forehead, tosses it into the air, and then guts, scales, and fillets it in mid-air, with the slices landing on the grill.
[Theresa] (Kite has found the woman of his dreams. Shiny and fish-providing.)
[Kite] (That's why Kite doesn't use hooks and rods and such when's not very productive.)
[Kite] "Mmmmmm!"
[DanteE] (Theresa: should give her some spices)
[Kite] To Dorothy: "You are a remarkable person. You know that?"
[Random_Nerd] As it sizzles, she casts again, and then jerks back a six-pack of beer bottles.
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "Hmm?"
[Brian] "handy"
[DanteE] "Actually, how often do you see Excrucians around here?"
[Theresa] (Okay, now Bryan and Dante love her. ^^ )
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "Not often. We try to take a proactive approach when they show up."
[Brian] "so beer is a sort of fish? How about compliments?"
[Kite] "That's not a fish." D:
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "No, it's not a kind of fish. I'm just /really good/ with a fishing rod. And don't worry, the place I nabbed it from will just notice that it's gone and put it on my tab."
- Theresa will create a small handkerchief and fill it with a Pacific Northwest spice rub. *Gives it to Dorothy* "Also in return for the sword."
[DanteE] (RN: let me guess, she has something like "-REDACTED-" in her Domain description?)
- Kite is now disappointed.
[Random_Nerd] (Gift: "I'm Really Good at Fishing. Aspect 7, Simple Miracle, Almost Anywhere, Focused Task-Oriented, Uncommon.")
[Random_Nerd] She turns the fish fillets and sprinkles the spices on.
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "Want some more fish?"
[Brian] "you are asking a bird that?"
[Ftisk] "no thank you"
[Kite] "Always!"
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "What kind?"
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "Has to be a kind that actually exists. And nothing endangered, please."
[Theresa] "Kite prefers his raw." *smile* "But I would love to try a small piece of what's on the fire."
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "Oh, and it should be on earth."
- Kite 's mind goes numb with the possibilities.
[DanteE] (She's good, she's not _that_ good. :) )
[Kite] "Eel! I want eel!"
[DanteE] "OK, so let me see if I have this right...
[DanteE] "You and your familia got advance warning that sword-guy was coming.
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "Yeah?"
[DanteE] "One of your brothers popped a jousting arena into existence in an effort to confuse him.
[Random_Nerd] She squints and casts.
[Random_Nerd] D: "We all worked a bit on that."
[DanteE] "And while he was considering this, you guys blew him into tiny pieces."
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "Yep. Very tiny pieces."
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "You know how I'm good with a fishing rod? My brother's good with a rifle."
[DanteE] "... how'd you get advance warning, though?"
[Brian] "hunting?"
[Random_Nerd] She jerks the rod, and then starts reeling something in.
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "Yep. Hunting."
- Kite fluffs his feathers in anticipation.
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "We know some of the trees around here. One of them tipped us off that a guy with stars in his eyes was riding around on a horse."
[Theresa] "Good of them!"
[Random_Nerd] She catches a plump, wriggling eel, and then flicks it right on the forehead.
[Random_Nerd] Dorothy: "And 'guy with stars in his eyes on a horse' is a bit of a tip-off."
[DanteE] "I think Kite likes 'em wriggling anyway."
[Random_Nerd] D: "Well, I don't have to cook it, but I'm at least going to kill it before he eats it."
[Random_Nerd] She tosses the fresh eel to Kite.
[DanteE] "ah yeah."
- Kite catches and swallows it happily.
[Kite] "Thanks!"
[Random_Nerd] D: "Still, you can't get much fresher than caught twenty seconds ago, and killed five seconds ago."
[DanteE] "Very true."
[Brian] (braaaaaaaains)
[DanteE] to the others: "I wonder if this is part of the same thing that prompted the attack on Jaris.
[Random_Nerd] (So, should we call it a night?)
[Brian] (midnight here)
[Brian] (just reading for paper tomorrow though)
[DanteE] "Oh Theresa, don't forget to give her the bouquet our flowers."
[Random_Nerd] D: "Jaris? Migrations and Rivers Jaris?"
[Kite] (Works for me.)
[DanteE] (forgot an of)
[DanteE] "That's her.
[DanteE] "They're bunking with us temporarily."
[Random_Nerd] D: "Oh, you're /those/ guys? Hey, small world."
- Theresa will create a small basket of everyone's flowers, labelled well and give them over.
[Random_Nerd] She goes to the grill and retrieves the grilled fish.
[DanteE] "Our Ymera has interesting Estates."
[Random_Nerd] D: "Sounds like it."
[Random_Nerd] ________________STOP__________________________
=-= Brian is now known as lazarus
=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood
[Random_Nerd] So, what'd you guys think of this one?
[lazarus] I like meeting new people
=-= Theresa is now known as BethE
[BethE] She's awesome!
[Random_Nerd] Pretty simple, just an NPC and a problem, but they can't all be epic mysteries.
=-= YOU are now known as Braaaaaain
[Knockwood] Interesting!
=-= Kite is now known as Verithe
[Braaaaaain] was interesting. I would like to meet Hunting
[Knockwood] is this one tied to the Epic Mysteries or stand alone?
[BethE] You make very interesting NPCs that are good to notice but don't overwhelm.
[Random_Nerd] Well, there's the question of what exactly the Warmain was up to, what the weird sword was for, and so on.
[BethE] ( )
[Verithe] That is now my favorite sea turtle.
[Knockwood] heh
[Braaaaaain] cute-1
[Braaaaaain] !
[Knockwood] -REDACTED-?
[Random_Nerd] Hmm.
[Random_Nerd] Any suggested relevance -REDACTED-?"
[Verithe] I can't think of one for mine.
[Knockwood] I've got -REDACTED-, remember
[Braaaaaain] nope, not even the smell
[Knockwood] also -REDACTED-.
[lazarus] Night guys
[Knockwood] as well as 2 unused Treasure points. :)
[Verithe] Night, Laz
|[-- lazarus has left (Disintegrated: lazarus)
[Knockwood] g'night Laz
[Braaaaaain] wow fast was laz
[Random_Nerd] Hmm... okay, you met a Noble that has ties with some other Nobles you know, and introduced her to another ally of yours. -REDACTED-.
[Knockwood] -REDACTED-, right?
[Random_Nerd] -REDACTED-.
[Random_Nerd] -REDACTED- victory.
[Random_Nerd] But -REDACTED-, you have to struggle for.
[Knockwood] ah.
[BethE] (I can see him being fast to leave. Study/sleep needed. :) )
[Knockwood] Reminds me, any new word on your mock trial?
[BethE] Kite -
[Knockwood] er, moot whatever?
[Random_Nerd] Finished it.
[Verithe] Haha!
[Random_Nerd] Did the off-brief round, and while it wasn't great, I didn't actually shame my family.
[Knockwood] well, you're trying to be a lawyer, and that could.... naah, cheap joke
[Random_Nerd] Anyway, good session, guys.
[Random_Nerd] Everyone felt really in-character this one.
[Braaaaaain] night RN
[BethE] Night, guys! *HUG* Have a good weekend!
[Verithe] Take care!
[Knockwood] BTW, just to check, what size is the sword?
[Braaaaaain] night Beth
[Knockwood] and then good night you two
[Random_Nerd] Oh, by the way. The session two weeks from now will be cancelled.
[Random_Nerd] American Thanksgiving.
[Braaaaaain] okey
[Verithe] Alright. :)
[Braaaaaain] ah, happy birthday Knock
[Knockwood] Damn, I was so looking forward to seeing what Tryptophan does to the storyline...
=-= YOU are now known as Angelo
[BethE] Oh, it's your birthday? Happy birthday, Knock! *HUG*
[Knockwood] Thanks, Angelo
[Verithe] She kicks it in the face.
[Knockwood] (Where did you get that again?)
[Knockwood] Beth: it's tomorrow, actually.
[Angelo] to me or kite?
[Angelo] oh, sorry :-(
[Random_Nerd] Anyway, g'night, all.
[Knockwood] I share it with Neil Young, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Tonya Harding and Chuckles Manson.
|[-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )
[Knockwood] Also the Ba'hai faith.
[Angelo] uhm... isn't 11/12 then
[Knockwood] Angelo: it's still 11/11 here
[Angelo] not for me, here is 11/12 6.17 am
[Verithe] It's been 11/12 here for 14 hours.
[Knockwood] you're still in Japan?
[Angelo] the magic of timezones :-)
[Angelo] ah, how many years knock?
[Verithe] Yes.
[Knockwood] X.
[Verithe] That's really young!
[Knockwood] algebraic, not Roman. :)
[Angelo] X like -REDACTED-?
|[-- BethE has left (Ping timeout)
[Verithe] Ah
[Angelo] ahoh
[Knockwood] sure. ISTR I'm the oldest one here, tho.
[Angelo] uhm I don't know
[Verithe] Really?
[Angelo] came on give the number
[Knockwood] I'm not Old Geezer old, tho. :P
[Verithe] ].]
[Angelo] like 63?
[Knockwood] NO. Not that old
[Verithe] 30?
[Knockwood] Angelo's older than that
[Angelo] 40?
[Knockwood] no comment
[Angelo] yep I'm older that 30
[Knockwood] Anyway, I'll see you guys next week.
[Angelo] well, again good
[Verithe] Of course. Take care!
[Angelo] take care
[Knockwood] thank ya Angelo
|[-- Knockwood has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.12/20101026210630])
[Verithe] You take care as well, Angelo. :)
[Angelo] well, I go too. good night
[Verithe] Good night.
|[-- Verithe has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.12/20101026210630])
[--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis
Chapter 24