Steven Yoder (Dark Champions - New Venice)

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"BTW, my superpower includes 'Being Awesome' and 'Did Your Mom'"

"Wow, these C.A.S. guys are a bunch of losers. I mean, what is with their facination of Thoureau? At least they aren't reading that Ayn Rand 30something everyman crap..."

"Killings bad. Unless they really got it coming, like a kid molester or some who texts during the movies, in which case get good at Afflecking the body."

"As much as I hate my former employers, I give them a healthy respect. Just like I'm nice and polite to a very large dog holding my junk between its teeth. You got any questions on dealing with these guys, let me know."

"And no furries or sparkly vampires."

Character Sheet[edit]

Steven Yoder

30 Str 20

15 Dex 10

18 Con 8

13 Int 3

13 Ego 3

20 Pre 10

6 OCV 15

6 DCV 15



4 SPD 20

10 PD 8

8 ED 6

12 REC 8

50 END 6

13 Body 3

46 Stun 13


Draynsa Formulation Theta

+5 Lightning Reflexes 5

+5 Perception with normal sight 5

8 PD/ED Resistant 8

That All You Got?-3 DC Damage Negation (Physical), only when at Half Body or Stun (-1/2) 10

Regeneration 1/Day 4

VIPER Underarmor(tm) bodysuit: 6 PD/4 ED, IIF (-1/4) 10 Active 8 Real

Multipower: Draysna Perception and Balance Enhancement Throwing Mastery (OIF -1/2 (Whatever's Handy), Restrainable-1/2 (Must be able to throw objects), Limited Range -1/4 Half Range), 52 Active Points 23

2f: Chin Music: 5d6 Blast (Vs PD), AoE Any Area (2 x2m areas, Selective, +1/2), x2KB (+1/2) 2

2f: Don't Crowd the Plate: 7d6 Blast, Penetrating (+1/2) (vs PD) 2

2f: Right Down the Middle: 8d6 Blast (vs PD), 1/2 END 2

Running +4m 4

Leaping +4m 2

Trust me, I've seen worse: +10 Presence, only to protect against Presence Attacks (-1) 5


Martial Strike 4

Martial Dodge 4

Martial Disarm 4


Breakfall 3

Defense Maneuver 10

KS: Viper 12- 2

PS: Viper Five Team Leader 11- 2

KS: New Venice 11- 2

KS: New Venice Criminals 12- 2

Climbing 3

Gambling: Sports Betting 2

KS: The Sports World 2

Paramedics 3

Streetwise 3

Stealth 3

Teamwork 3

Tactics 3

Scholar 3

+2 CSL w Throwing Mastery Multipower 6

+2 CSL w/ Hebjitsu 6

Well-Off (Courtesy of VIPER) 2

60 pts


Psychological Complication: Weighs all actions in light of redeeming his past and making a better world(Common; Strong) 15

Social Complication:Harmful Secret: Ex-VIPER Five Team Leader (Infrequently, Major) 10

DNPC: Teenaged Son (Normal, Infrequent, unaware of adventuring career) 15

Psychological Complication: Code Vs Killing (unless they really push it): Common, Moderate 10

DNP: "The Boys" (Rest of my 'retired' Five Team), Less Powerful, Useful Noncombat Skills, Infrequent, 4 members). 10