Cuddlesaurus and the Jellybean of Destiny Geordy

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Geordy is a character played in Snarf's Gamma World Campaign Cuddlesaurus and the Jellybean of Destiny!


HP/Blooded: 24/12

Initiative: +13

Speed: 6+2


AC: 18

Fortitute: 12+3=15

Reflex: 19

Will: 14


Speedster: Dexterity; Psi;

  • +2 to PSI overcharge.
  • +4 bonus to Acrobatics checks
  • +2 bonus to Reflex
  • +2 speed in light or no armor

Hypercognitive: Wisdom; Psi;

  • +2 to PSI overcharge
  • +4 bonus to Insight checks
  • +2 bonus to Reflex
  • +8 bonus to initiative checks


Novice Primary: Quick Attack ( Shift 2, +8 vs. AC, 1d12+5 and shift 2 )

Novice Secondary: Uncanny Strike ( +7 vs AC, 1d12+4 and grants CA )


Str 9 (-1)

Con 12 (+1)

Dex 18 (+4)

Int 8 (-1)

Wis 16 (+3)

Cha 6 (-2)


Acrobatics +9

Athletics* +4+5=+9

Conspiracy +0

Insight +8

Interaction -1

Mechanics +0

Nature +4

Perception +4

Science +0

Stealth +5


Armor: Light Armor (cobbled together from coke ad metal shields)

Melee: Light 2-Handed Melee (a piece of chain with an assortment of metal weights at the end)

Ranged: Light 2-Handed Ranged (an antique sports bow refurbished with whatever was available and duct tape)

Other: Duct Tape, Night Vision Goggles, Pickup Truck, Water Purifier

Omega Tech:

Mass Pistol: 1-H ranged (10), +7 vs. Fort, 3d6 phys + slow

Alpha Mutations:

Strong as Stone: +5 Athletics, +3 Fort