Dragonlance: The War in Eastern Ansalon
L1 elven wizard - KreenWarrior
Str: 13, Dex: 14, Con: 14, Int: 15, Wis: 12, Cha: 11
hp: 7 (1d6+1), THAC0: 20
Galen Corundum
L1 male Dwarven Cleric of Kiri-Jolith - Motorskills
HP: 10
Str: 13 (+1 to hit and damage (melee) )
Dex: 13 (+1 to hit (ranged) / -1AC)
Con: 16 (+2hp / level)
Int: 10
Wis: 13 (+1/-1 spell save as appropriate)
Cha: 13 (+1 reactions)
Skill: Advocacy (principally provides influence over the lower tiers of society)
Armour: Banded Mail
AC: 4 (3)
Sling 1d4
Range: 40/80/120 THAC0 18/19/20
Initiative: +3
Maul (2 hands) 1d8+2 THAC0 19
Initiative: +4
Unskilled Weapon Penalty: -3
- Maul - 10sp
- Banded Mail - 80sp
- Sling - 1sp
- 2 Sling Pouches - 2sp
- 40x Sling bullets - 2sp
- Writing Materials - 10sp
- Religious / Political / Historical texts (inherited scrolls)
- Backpack: 2 sp
- Map/Scroll Case: 5 sp
- Oil Flask: 1 sp
- 2 wks. rations (iron): 6 sp
- Water/Wine Skin: 1 sp
- Tinder Box w/flint and steel: 1 sp
- 3 Sacks: 3 ip
- 3 Torches: 3 ip
Total Cost - 121sp, 6ip
Remaining Cash - 8sp, 14ip
Caranis Landel
L1, N, male human Fighter - Scorch
Str: 14 (+1), Dex: 15 (+1), Con: 14 (+1), Int: 8 (-1), Wis: 10 (0), Cha: 13 (+1)
hp: 9 (1d8+1), THAC0: 20, AC 6 (5 w/shield)
Melee: +1 to hit with: battle axe (1d8+2) or dagger (1d4+1)
Ranged: +2 to hit with: longbow (1d8+1)
Weapon proficiencies: Longbow, Hand axe, Battle axe, Dagger
Specialisation: Longbow
Skill: Woodscraft
- Studded leather armour, wooden shield
- Longbow (1d8, Spd +2, 70/140/210 L)
- Battle axe (1d8+1 Spd +3 M)
- Dagger (1d4, Spd +1 10/20/30 S)
- Simple, tan clothes, cloak, low boots
- Backpack
- Belt pouch
- Quiver (24)
- Water skin
- Tinderbox & flint, steel
- Iron rations (2 weeks)
- 9 sp
Naravas Barcid
L1 human Magic user - Iresprite
Str: 6, Dex: 10, Con: 9, Int: 17, Wis: 10, Cha: 15
hp: 4 (1d4), THAC0: 20
Weapon proficiency: Dagger
Skill: Etiquette
- 2 x spell components (20sp)
- "court" clothes (10sp)
- lantern (10sp)
- 3 x dagger (6sp)
- Map/Scroll case (5sp)
- backpack (2sp)
- 5 x oil flasks (5sp)
- 3 weeks iron rations (9sp)
- waterskin (1sp)
- wineskin (1sp)
- traveling clothes
- Money: 1sp
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