Cuddlesaurus and the Jellybean of Destiny! He-Who-Hits
He-Who-Hits Mind Coercer/Seismic -- a humanoid form of "living stone", animated and held together by force of will. Prefers to communicate telepathically whenever possible.
TRAITS: Mind Coercer: Charisma; Psi; +2 to psi overcharge; +4 bonus to Interaction checks; +2 bonus to Will; While you're conscious, you and each ally within 10 squares of you can mentally communicate with one another. Seismic: Strength; Dark; +2 to dark overcharge; +4 bonus to Athletics checks; Resist 5 physical; -1 penalty to speed.
POWERS: Novice Primary: Mental Push (Ranged 10, 1 creature) -- +5 vs. Will -- 4 psychic damage and target makes a basic attack as a free action against a creature of your choice Novice Secondary: Seismic Stomp (Close Burst 1, all creatures in burst) -- +4 vs. Fort -- 1d6+3 sonic damage and target is knocked prone
ABILITY SCORES: Str 16 (+3) Con 10 (+0) Dex 13 (+1) Int 10 (+0) Wis 15 (+2) Cha 18 (+4)
SKILLS: Acrobatics +2 Athletics +8 Conspiracy* +5 Insight +3 Interaction +9 Mechanics +1 Nature +3 Perception +3 Science +1 Stealth +2
GEAR: Armor: Light armor & shield (crystalline encrustations on skin and left arm) Melee: Heavy one-handed melee weapon (stone club) Ranged: Heavy one-handed ranged weapon (literally "throwing his fist") Other: Explorer's kit, pickup truck, 2 radio cell phones, tent, webcam, cordless drill
BASIC ATTACKS: Melee: +6 vs AC, 1d10+4 damage Ranged (5): +6 vs AC, 1d10+4 damage
ALPHA MUTATION: Healing Roots (Bio, Healing) (No Action, Personal) (Trigger: use a second wind or start turn unconscious) Gain hp equal to your bloodied value, immobilized and ignore forced movement until EONT.
OMEGA TECH: Spy Comp (Xi) (Encounter, Minor Action) Gain +2 power bonus to Conspiracy checks until end of encounter. In addition, roll a d20. You can add the result to one Conspiracy check you make before the end of the encounter.
HP/Bloodied: 22/11 Speed: 5 AC: 16 Fortitude: 14 Reflex: 12 Will: 17 Special Defenses: Resist 5 to physical damage Initiative: +2