Midnight covenant item: Gringold's Bounder

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Ring - Covenent Wounderous Item of the 2nd Age.


Little is known of the ring called Gringgold's Bounder. It is a beautiful soft infinity loop twisting in on itself. It does grant the wearer the knowledge of it's abilities and name when put on. But little else. Nothing is known of the "brother" ring.



the ring continually allows the wearer to leap about, The subject gets a +10 enhancement bonus on Jump checks.


the wearer is granted the ability of great leaps of distance and height. Acrobatic use depends on the user. the wearer may jump great distances without running start or jump checks, anything beyond requires normal jump rules/checks:

Maximum Height: 15'

Maximum Distance: 30'


the wearer becomes more graceful, agile, and coordinated by Cat's Grace. This grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity, adding the usual benefits to AC, Reflex saves, and other uses of the Dexterity modifier.

The enhancement bonus increases to +20 on Jump checks. Great distances increase to:

Maximum Height: 40'

Maximum Distance: 55'


the wearer's Cat's Grace bonus increases to +6.

The enhancement bonus increases to +30 on Jump checks. Great distances increase to:

Maximum Height: 55'

Maximum Distance: 70'


Through unknown means at times the wearer's mind may transfer with the wearer of Gringgold's Bounder "brother" ring. It is known currently that an Orc in the service of Jahzir holds the ring. It is unknown how or why this effect continues. It is also unknown what qualities the other ring has or what they may produce together.

Midnight: the SCROLL BEARERS