Cuddlesaurus and the Jellybean of Destiny ShopCop 6000

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ShopCop 6000 is a character played by Valandil in Snarf's Gamma World Campaign Cuddlesaurus and the Jellybean of Destiny!


Origins: Android / Hawkoid

Level: 1st

Background: ShopCop 6000 is a floating mall security droid. His Terrifying Shriek is actually a siren. His Machine Grip is actually a short range tractor beam used to to detain fleeing shoplifters.


HP/Blooded: 25/12

Initiative: +1

Speed: 6


AC: 15

Fortitute: 14

Reflex: 15

Will: 14


Android: Intelligence; Dark;

  • +2 to dark overcharge.
  • +4 bonus to Science checks
  • +2 bonus to Fortitude
  • You do not need to eat, drink, or breathe.

Hawkoid: Wisdom; Bio;

  • +2 to bio overcharge
  • +4 bonus to Perception checks
  • You have a fly speed equal to your speed. While flying, you take a -2 penalty to attack rolls.


Novice Primary

Machine Grip ( At-Will, Dark, Physical | Standard Action, Melee 1 | Target 1 creature )

Attack: INT+Level vs Reflex

Hit: 1d10+INT+(2xLevel) physical damage, and target is immobilized until start of your next turn. Moving to nonadjacent square cancels.

Novice Secondary

Terrifying Shriek ( Encounter, Bio, Physical | Standard Action, Burst 2 | Target each creature in burst )

Attack: WIS+Level vs Will

Hit: 1d6+WIS+Level psychic damamge, and slide target one square.


Str 10 (+0)

Con 13 (+1)

Dex 11 (+0)

Int 18 (+4)

Wis 16 (+3)

Cha 7 (-2)


Acrobatics +1

Athletics +1

Conspiracy +5

Insight +4

Interaction -1

Mechanics +5

Nature +8

Perception +8

Science +9

Stealth +1


Armor: No Armor

Melee: Light One-handed Melee

Ranged: Light One-handed Ranged

Other: Explorer's kit, Duct tape, Night-vision goggles

Omega Tech:

H11 Blaster Rifle (Atom 39)

Alpha Mutations:

Mandibles (Atom 41)