My name is Sarah Sigma. Welcome to Tangent. You know the press release about us. An international organization dedicated to cleaning up things both strange and interesting. In fact there is many a spandex wearing schmuck who considers us nothing more than a glorified cleanup crew. It serves us for them to consider us so up until they cross us. Here is the real deal. Our world is filled with unexploded bombs. Lost islands filled with things that time tried to forget or some mad scientists bad idea. After all, the hero beats the villain and vanishes off into the sun set, leaving behind a collapsing evil base. But both move on, and we have to deal with the left over mutants and the nuclear pile.
We keep the lid on this pressure cooker, a thin line between the Real World and the one people spend most of their lives in. 95% of humanity just aren't ready to deal with the weirdness in any real way and 4% are so much a part of it, that they can't see normal from where they are. Welcome to that 1% that stands between and I hope you brought waders. This is going to get messy.
Character List
Patrick Irons
Occult academic and telekinetic flying brick, played by Max.