Cuddlesaurus and the Jellybean of Destiny Mao
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Mao Whiskerton
Level 1, XP: 214
Felinoid Rat Swarm
Dexterity; Bio; +2 to bio overcharge; +4 bonus to Stealth checks; +2 bonus to Reflex; +1 bonus to speed while wearing light armor or no armor. You take no damage from falls of 50 feet or less, and you always land on your feet when you fall.
Rat Swarm:
Dexterity; Bio; +2 to bio overcharge; +4 bonus to Stealth checks; Resist 5 to all damage against melee and ranged attacks, and vulnerable 5 to damage from area and close at tacks. You can't be knocked prone.
CRITICAL (LEVEL 2): Felinoid Critical *
CRITICAL (LEVEL 6): Rat Swarm Critical
Novice Primary: Slashing Claws
Novice Secondary: Swarm!
Utility (Level 3): Pounce * Expert (Level 5): Killing Bite * Utility (Level 7): Cover More Ground Expert (Level 9): Death By A Thousand Bites
STR: 12 (+1) DEX: 20 (+5) WIS: 16 (+3) CON: 12 (+1) INT: 9 (-1) CHA: 10 (+0)
Acrobatics +6 Athletics +2 Conspiracy +0 Insight +4 Interaction +1 Mechanics +0 Nature +4 Perception +4 Science +4 Stealth +14
Perception Passive: 14 Insight Passive: 14
Armor: Light Armor * AWESOME ZORRO OUTFIT Melee: Light One-handed Melee * RAPIER FROM A MUSEUM Ranged: Light One-handed Ranged * ARMORED KITTEN PROJECTILE Other: Explorer's kit *, Bolt cutter, Radio cell phone, Generator (8 hours of fuel), 20-lb dumbell, Electric blanket
HIT POINTS 24/12 SPEED AC 19 (10+L1+Armor3+Dex5) FORT 14 (10+L1+Radioactive2+Con1) REFLEX 18(10+L1+Felinoid2+Dex5) WILL 14(10+L1+Wis3) INITIATIVE +6
AttBon. Attack Dam.Dice Dam.Bonus +9 Unarmed Quick Attack 1d4 +6 +4 Unarmed Powerful 1d8 +2 +9 Light 1h Melee 1d8 +6 +9 Light 1h Ranged (5) 1d8 +6
93. Das Gamma Auge (A; R; Dark, Radiation) You have “The Gamma Eye” – whatever you look at, you fry. Standard Action, Ranged 20; Target: One creature; Attack: Level + Dexterity vs. Fortitude; Hit: 5d10 + Dexterity modifier + twice your level radiation damage, and the target is dazed and slowed (save ends both).; Miss: Half damage; Overcharge: When you hit with this power, you can roll a d20.; 10+ The attack deals double damage.; 9 or less: You take radiation damage equal to your bloodied value.
39. H11 Blaster Rifle (O; C; Xi) This large rifle will put a 2-inch smoking hole in your target. Weapon: 2-hand ranged; Power: Encounter Fire, Force, Laser; Standard Action, Ranged 20; Target: One Creature; Attack: Level + 6 vs. Reflex; Hit: 3d6 + Dexterity modifier + twice your level laser and force damage, and ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends); Salvage 6: 6th-level character can salvage the H11 blaster rifle. It becomes a light 2-hand ranged 20 weapon: Dex/Int; +3 accuracy; 3d6 laser and force damage.
38. Laser Whip (O; C; Xi) This long, flexible whip is formed from a beam of ruby light. Weapon: 1-handed melee; Power: Encounter * Laser; Standard Action Melee 5; Target: One creature; Attack: Level + 6 vs Reflex; Hit: 3d10 + Dexterity modifier + twice your level laser damage. In addition, you knock the target prone and pull it 2 squares.; Salvage 4: A 4th-level character can salvage the laser whip. It becomes a light 1-hand melee 2 weapon: Dex/Int; +3 accuracy; 2d6 laser damage.
Flurry of Bodies
Flurry of Bodies
Das Gamma Auge
Das Gamma Auge
Inhabit Corpse
Redundant Organs
Accelerated Claw
Card Descriptions:
42. Accelerated Claw (A; U; Bio, Physical) You slide around your foes like a zephyr and claw at them at will. Standard Action, Melee 1; Effect: Before the attack, you shift 2 squares. You can move through an enemy’s space during the shift, but you can’t end your movement there.; Target: One creature; Attack: Level + Dexterity vs. AC; Hit: 4d8 + Dexterity modifier + twice your level physical damage.; Overcharge: When you hit with this power, you can roll a d20.; 10+: The attack deals 2d8 extra physical damage.; 9 or less: You fall prone.
46. Flurry of Bodies (A; U; Bio, Physical, Weapon) You bloodlessly divide into multiple entities and swarm your foes. Standard Action, Melee 1; Target: One, two, or three creatures; Attack: Level + Dexterity vs. Reflex.; Hit: 3[W] + Dexterity modifier physical damage.; Miss: Half damage.; Effect: After the attack, you reform into a single entity in a square adjacent to one of the targets.; Overcharge: When you use this power, you can roll a d20.; 10+: Your melee reach for this attack increases by 1.; 9 or less: After the attack, you reform badly and are stunned (save ends). You can’t save against this effect during the turn you overcharge it.
81. Redundant Organs (A; R; Bio) Having redundant organs makes you difficult to kill. Plus, you could make a killing on the black market. Benefit: Your maximum hit points, bloodied value, and current hit points are doubled.; Overcharge: When you start your turn, you can roll a d20.; 10+: You gain a +2 bonus to all defenses while this card is readied.; 9 or less: Your new organs don’t fully function and you are dazed (save ends).
93. Das Gamma Auge (A; R; Dark, Radiation) You have “The Gamma Eye” – whatever you look at, you fry. Standard Action, Ranged 20; Target: One creature; Attack: Level + Dexterity vs. Fortitude; Hit: 5d10 + Dexterity modifier + twice your level radiation damage, and the target is dazed and slowed (save ends both).; Miss: Half damage; Overcharge: When you hit with this power, you can roll a d20.; 10+ The attack deals double damage.; 9 or less: You take radiation damage equal to your bloodied value.
95. Inhabit Corpse (A; R; Healing, Psi) You project your mind into a recently dead body, taking it for your own. Immediate Interrupt, Personal; Trigger: An enemy bloodies you or drops you to 0 hit points or fewer.; Effect: Choose any humanoid corpse within 10 squares of you to inhabit. You alter the corpse to be identical to your old self and the corpse becomes you. In addition, you regain hit points equal to your bloodied value. Your gear remains with your old body, which dies.; Overcharge: When you use this power, you can roll a d20.; 10+ You are restored to maximum hit points instead, and you can stand up (in your new body) as a free action.; 9 or less: You are dazed (save ends).