Tears of Entrophy NPCs

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Murakami Keiichi[edit]

Chemistry teacher. Late twenties. Average looking. Quite obsessed with the occult and tends to go on tangents about it when he should be teaching.

Ono Mai[edit]

History teacher. Mid twenties. An attractive woman with short brown hair. She always wears a galea (roman soldier's helmet). As you can imagine, goes on about the Roman Empire like Murakami-sensei goes on about the occult.

Houjou Ryu[edit]

Homeroom teacher of Class 1-B. An unremarkable middle aged man. Happens to be balding.

Ishibashi Ryo[edit]

Homeroom teacher of Class 2=C. Former soccer player who's career ended early due to an injury. Cares quite a bit about his students.

Sonozaki Seiji[edit]

The principal. A short and round older man. Likes to think of himself as a friend to all students.

Natsuki Yoko[edit]

The school nurse. A very attractive woman in her mid twenties. She's quite shy preferring not to speak much and she is quite clumsy.

Amano Eikichi[edit]

The owner/operator of the convenience store down the street from the school.

Mayuzumi Asuka[edit]

The owner/operator of the odd little occult museum that recently opened its doors near the school. Quite eccentric from what you hear, but is good friends with Murakami-sensei.