Zoraida Khatcherian

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Zoraida Khatcherian

A woman who realized that the Archive was a piece of technology and attempted to make a DIY version of it in her own head. While the DIY version lacks the ability to pull information out of the air, it is perfectly capable of storing anything Zoraida has ever seen or read.

High Concept: Home-made Archive

  • Sample Invokes: to know some esoteric bit of knowledge, to do computer like statistical analysis
  • Sample compels: people wanting to break open her head for all the yummy knowledge inside, be distracted by bits of esoterica, like reading the ingredients labels on food

Trouble: Just one more story, I can stop any time I want to

  • Sample Compels: Come on, no harm every came from reading a book, right?

"Why didn't you attack the guards on time?" "One of them was telling a joke I hadn't heard before, and I wanted to hear the punchline." Or any other time curiosity would get you in trouble

Aspect: Recuerdo la revolucion While not (as) involved in politics anymore plenty of people remember "that charming young woman"

  • Sample compels: get along with various political groups (various political radials, human rights groups, leftist reporters, etc)
  • Sample invokes: Having these sorts of friends brings ut its own problems.

Aspect: Full Speed Ahead!

  • Sample compels: having trouble waiting for hings to happen, and not provoking them. Having some minor flaw that occurred earlier cause problems because it was never fixed.

Aspect: Accidental Consigliere

  • Sample Invokes: When knowledge of and/or ties to the local underworld would come in handy.
  • Sample compels: when they wouldn’t come in handy.

Aspect: Words in the heart cannot be taken

  • Sample Invokes: When firing up others towards a particular belief or course of action. Resisting mental influence.
  • Sample compels: Sure you convinced them, now they are going to go out and do stuff and maybe what they do won’t turn out so well.

Aspect: I called the Thunder

  • Sample invokes: When fighting or contributing to anything loud and/or explosive. Reputation rolls.
  • Sample compels: being denied access to things that could… easily burn down, like libraries. When being approached by yet another petitioner for aid.


  • Superb: Discipline, Lore
  • Great: Presence, Scholarship
  • Good: Contacts, Empathy
  • Fair: Rapport, Resources
  • Average: Conviction, Endurance


  • -1 The Sight
  • -0 Soul Gaze
  • -0 Wizard's constitution
  • -3 Thaumaturgy (Crafting Strength)
  • -1 Archival Memory - You don't need to consult libraries when you are a library. Treat Zoraida as a magical library equal to her Lore and as a Mundane library equal to her Scholarship. She can also do a variety of party tricks like recall thousands of digits of Pi, remember license plate numbers, and so on.
  • -1 Saw That Coming

The (statistically) predictive power of the Archive is useful in combat as well. Use Lore in place of athletics for defense and in place of alertness for determining initiative.

  • -1 Languages

Zoraida is able to read things in almost any language and can Google-translate many other spoken languages.

Total refresh -7.

Enchanted items: (Base Item: Power 6 Uses 1)

  • Lucky dictionary (Block 4 or armor 2, 3 times a session, 1 slot)
  • Tazer Ring (Weapon: 4 attack, 3 times a session, 1 slot)
  • 2 potion slots