Session 193

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Chapter 26

[INFO] Now logging to [file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Angelo/Dati%20applicazioni/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/demuhaee.default/chatzilla/logs/].
[INFO] Channel view for ``#Nobilis opened.
--]| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis
[Lazarus] hey Angelo
[Angelo] Hey Laz!
[Angelo] Hi picciotti!
[BethE] Hi Angelo! *HUG*
[Angelo] Hi Beth! *counterHUG*
[Verithe] Hi!
[Lazarus] Count Strahd Von Zarovich just woke up. This game'll be over soon :p
[BethE] Kitty?
[Angelo] Who?
[Lazarus] Castle Ravenloft board game. Playing solo. Pretty much to randomize the decks some
[BethE] Ahh.
[Random_Nerd] Huh. There's a Ravenloft board game?
[Lazarus] yep.
[Lazarus] based on D&D 4e, but more board gamey (simpler ruleset, faster play, etc)
[Lazarus] nice thick tiles, too (interlocking dungeon tiles 4x4 squares)
[Angelo] picture me amazed.
[Random_Nerd] Huh. Now I'm wondering if there's a 4e Ravenloft.
[Random_Nerd] They made a 4e Dark Sun...
=-= YOU are now known as amazedAngel
[amazedAngel] I must add jeppa to 4ed dark sun.
[amazedAngel] I'm a BIG dark Sun fan! :-)
[Lazarus] no 4e RL as distinct from the main cosmology. It apparently is actually part of the core. Sorta.
[Lazarus] first life gone! One left, at half hits! :p
[Verithe] !
[Lazarus] how is everyone else?
[BethE] Cruddy day. Drinking hot chocolate now.
[amazedAngel] Fine tnx! Eating chocolate now.
[amazedAngel] (brb)
[Random_Nerd] So, while we wait for Knock...
[Random_Nerd] Any changes in your thoughts on who to hire, Verithe?
[Verithe] No. I'm pretty settled with the Spear and Jonathan helping her.
[Random_Nerd] Okay.
[Verithe] Kite will have to properly explain his Estate at some point.
[Lazarus] cool, I won the game! I barely escaped the catacombs of Castle Ravenloft :D
[Random_Nerd] Hmm.
[Random_Nerd] Should we start now, or wait for Knock?
[Lazarus] gimme a minute to get the pieces of this game away, and then I'm good
[amazedAngel] Again what work do Knock do?
=-= YOU are now known as couriosityKillTheCat
[couriosityKillTheCat] (and btw meaw!)
[BethE] I think with computers....IT stuff.
[couriosityKillTheCat] oh, ok!
[BethE] btw = By the way.

  • Verithe grabs lunch.

[Verithe] *delicious lunch grabbed!*
[Lazarus] yay!
[Random_Nerd] So, shall we start?
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa
=-= Verithe is now known as Kite
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
=-= Lazarus is now known as Brian
[Theresa] So why Spear and Jonathan? Won't she just wipe his brain?
[Ftisk] "ME! I can!!!"
[Random_Nerd] _________________START_______________
[Brian] (aft a bit)
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "So, normally I'd offer to tell the other two that they didn't get the job. But under the circumstances, I don't think that'd be useful."
[Theresa] (Hmm, didn't Dante say he wanted the Voice? Maybe have NPC-Dante have Gil give the Voice a business card or something?)
[Kite] "I will tell the Voice. I told him I would give him my answer."
[Ftisk] (a flower, a Dante flower I mean)
[Kite] "What's-his-name probably doesn't care."
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "That's what I was thinking."
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "So, my next step in the plan was to go see Caesar, since he's got a fairly established religion here on Dionyl, and you have some reasonably close ties to him."
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "How does that sound?"
[Kite] "Sounds good!"
[Ftisk] "A religious tie-in?"
[Ftisk] "Fun!"
[Brian] (just ordered Sara, who is at work, a pizza and garlic bread. Whee! Now to order /me/ a pizza)
[Ftisk] (take a gorgonzola+black olives+salami+sardines one!)
[Theresa] (Candian bacon and pineapple!)
[Ftisk] "So we go into a field trip?"
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "Oh, and one other thing. To get the local Aides to set this up for you, I agreed that you'd perform a small miracle of Assembly, to combine their various sets of personnel records into a single comprehensive file. That is something that you can do trivially, correct?"
[Theresa] "Should we bring your choices with us?"
[Brian] (my pizza has pineapple, red pepper, chicken, and ground beef. Yum. No idea what Sara's has)
[Brian] (yay GST credit paying for my pizza :p)
[Kite] "Sounds do-able."

  • Ftisk nod nod

[Random_Nerd] Gil: "Good. That will repay them in full for all the first and second tier interviews, and so forth."
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "So, when we go to see Caesar, do you wish to bring either or both of your new priests?"
[Ftisk] "Both?"
[Kite] " it be considered impolite to Caesar to do otherwise?"
[Ftisk] "But I was under the impression that you wanted the voiceInTheDarkness too if he/she/it agree to work with you directly? Right?"
[Brian] "Sam, can you make a note that I would like to interview that first guy for my own purposes?"
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "Neither bringing nor not bringing them would be considered impolite."
[Theresa] (The first guy is one of the ones Kite wants.)
[Random_Nerd] Sam nods (visible from his headscarves' movement), pulls out a pad of paper, and scribbles something in shorthand.
[Brian] (oh, scratch my last, then)
[Kite] "Then it might be best to hold off on the parading them around until after I can properly explain some things to them."

  • Ftisk land on Theresa shoulder

[Brian] (well, I'd still like to talk to him, I guess, just not particularly the same reason as before)
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "Very well. Shall I tell them to prepare for a trip to Amyra or Locus Vulcan for a while, or do you wish them to start work here on Dionyl?"

  • Theresa murmurs to Ftisk, "I should see if the couple of assistants I have at home can get Aide training."

[Kite] "Locus Vulcan sounds like a good place for them to visit. Do they need off-worlding classes?"
=-= YOU are now known as rabbitTisk
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "Hmm. I'll have to check, actually."
[rabbitTisk] "Why not? Is a job like any other. They need to be able to take classes off course... Ah, can you scratch my left ear?" *Puppy eyes*
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "The Spear spent some time in a Splinter cenobium, so she should be able to pick it up quickly enough."
[Brian] *scritches Ftisk idly*
[Kite] "Just she should be fine, then."

  • Theresa scrathes bunnyFtisk.

[Random_Nerd] Gil: "Brother Jonathan... hmm. We'll have to check. Can probably put him in an accelerated course."
--]| Knockwood ( has joined #Nobilis
[Knockwood] (hi guys)
[Brian] (hey kwd)
[Theresa] (Hi Knock!)
[Kite] "Jonathan can work on puzzles until she's back."
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE

  • rabbitTisk look at Brian "ohhh uhm... you have a so gentle touch! Why I looked always to Dante and Never to you Brian?"

[DanteE] (What did I miss?)
[rabbitTisk] (Hi Knock!!)
[Theresa] (You've been replaced?  :) )
[rabbitTisk] (Nothing Ftisk is starting to flirt with Brian! :-) )
[Kite] "Maybe he can take classes for a visit later."
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "Hmm. But the Spear's the one who needs more work on understanding Assembly, anyway."
[Theresa] (And Jon needs the people practice.)
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "Okay, so, tell the Spear to get ready to come home with us, and Jonathan can spend some time in an intensive earth-prep class."
[Random_Nerd] Sam winces.
[DanteE] (Wait, they're going to Earth?)
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "That's not fun, even for folks stronger than him."

  • Kite glances at Sam.

[Random_Nerd] (Kite wants them both able to function in Locus Vulcan.)

  • rabbitTisk too look at Sam

[Brian] "Earth and Dionyl /are/ rather quite different"
[Kite] (A sort of pilgrimage...or something)
[Theresa] (Sam is the Dionyl equivalent of a human-otaku and thus took it easier.)
[rabbitTisk] "Not really!"
[rabbitTisk] "The basic rules are the same"
[Brian] "well, not really to us. But consider that Dionyl doesn't /have/ a mythic or prosaic worldview."
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "Sure, if you're a Noble."
[Brian] "Causality doesn't work the same way here."
[DanteE] (did I sense any apprehension about dealing with us fleshy types when I did the div-Courage on the candidates?)
[rabbitTisk] "well... uhm... ok no noble have it different..."
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "But for a dionyl moving to Earth, it's switching to a world where there are only two ways to see it, and both are impressed on you with absolute unresistable force."
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "And for a human coming here, they have to be ready for the /lack/ of a steady bedrock reality, and the various forces of push and pull."
[Theresa] "Which for someone who isn't used to working for a Noble or Imperator...that can be brain breaking."
[Brian] "There is a strong consensual reality on Earth."
[Brian] "There isn't much of the same here. Or pretty well anywhere that /isn't/ Earth."
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "No, there isn't, on Earth. A strong consensual reality is what we have in a city like this."

  • rabbitTisk roll on the back letting the tummy be at scratch range

[Random_Nerd] Sam: "Earth is... it's just /reality/. If you try to see it a different way, it doesn't /care/."
[Brian] "Worldview, perhaps, then?"
[DanteE] "Something else just occurred to me... what about Kudzu?"
[Brian] *tosses the rabbit in the air, for fun*
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "Unless you can manage to switch to the Mythic, but that's hard, and it's still just an either-or."
[Random_Nerd] William: "What about him?"
[Theresa] (Rabbit juggling, Brian?)
[DanteE] "Well, the cultists might wind up meeting him.
[DanteE] "How are they going to react to that?"
[Brian] (for that, I would need more than one. And I daren't use a mumble of Numbers to change the number of Ftisks.)
[rabbitTisk] "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "We have Magisters of the Wild here on Dionyl, too."
[Theresa] (Why would Kite's cultists meet Kudzu?)
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "Is there something unusual about him?"
[Theresa] (Oh and Dante, did you want to talk to the Voice?)
[Kite] "I don't forsee them meeting Kudzu in Locus Vulcan."
[Kite] "He's never visited before."
[Kite] "To my knowledge, anyway."
[Theresa] "We don't really know where all he goes when we don't see him. Just that he plays tennis sometimes with the Angel of the Moon."
[Random_Nerd] (So, should we cut ahead to Kite having done the miracle for the local Aides, and all of you having gone to see Caesar?)

  • rabbitTisk stop in midair floating "Right Kite" then continue with Brian's throw

[Kite] "I've heard that 'tennis' is sometimes a metaphor."
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "What... kind of rackets do they use?"
[Kite] (Yup!)
[DanteE] (T: yes, at some point.)
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "Given that he's generally a giant made of whatever's handy, and she's a mechanical hovering sphere of clockwork, blades, and fire."
[Brian] (sure, let's cut)
[rabbitTisk] "Really K.? Interesting!!!!"
[Theresa] "I have no idea. We haven't been invited to watch yet."
[Theresa] (Sounds good.)
[rabbitTisk] "We _must_ ask then!"
[Random_Nerd] -----Scene------
[Theresa] (Don't mention that tennis is a metaphor. Ftisk might think Kudzu and his Angel are...comingling.)
[Random_Nerd] Caesar sits on a chair made of polished wood and worked bronze.
[Kite] (Oh my!)
[Brian] (hee)
[rabbitTisk] (he just think now! ^_^ )
[Random_Nerd] He looks like a tall Dionyl, an invisible man about seven or eight feet tall, in a suit of armor of a vaguely roman style.
[rabbitTisk] "HI! Caesar! Morituri te salutant! :-) "
[Random_Nerd] As you're shown in, he turns to look at you, and some of his soldiers move to bring in similar but smaller chairs for those of you with humanoid bodies.
[Random_Nerd] (Let's see, Kite and Brian have not met him... has Ftisk?)

  • Theresa thanks Caesar quietly for the chairs and sits down gracefully.

[rabbitTisk] (yep Ftisk has meet him!)
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
[DanteE] "Ah, can you not introduce us as 'those about to die', Ftisk?"
[Ftisk] "ahahahahah was a joke Dante!" *pout*
[Random_Nerd] Caesar's audience room is made of dark wood, but without obvious joints between planks, as if it was cut out of the center of an immense tree.
[Brian] (oh right, that's what that means)

  • Kite does something that looks like it may have been a bow.

[Random_Nerd] Most of the decorations are in dark reds and various shades of brown, grey, and bronze.
[Ftisk] *whispered* "I’ll die for a night with you even now!"
[Ftisk] you= Dante
[Kite] (Forgot something...)
=-= Kite is now known as Dionyl-Kite
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "Hello, friends. I understand that another friend of yours, who I had not met prior to today, is planning to start a new religion."
[Ftisk] (brb)
[Theresa] "Yes! Kite, who is the Noble of Assembly on Earth is planning on starting a religion to bring knowledge of his Imperator to Dionyl."
[Dionyl-Kite] "That would be me, sir. It is a pleasure to be in your presence."
[Random_Nerd] C: "Chytosideron son of Vulcan, I welcome you to my domain. Whenenver you are on Dionyl, feel free to visit as an honored guest, as long as you bear no ill intent."
[Random_Nerd] C: "Do any of you require anything for your comfort that I can provide?"
[Theresa] "I would like to hear of how you are progessing!"
[Ftisk] (back!)

  • Ftisk create a sign "This is my son" with an arrow pointing to Kite

[Random_Nerd] C: "I've managed to attract a rather better class of citizen. Some of the bored seekers of the new have developed into reliable and disciplined people, and some of those who were already so have been drawn by our reputation."
[Brian] "A cheeseburger would be nice"

  • Dionyl-Kite scribbles out "son" and writes "brother"

[Ftisk] ""Doh! Sorry Kite!"
[Random_Nerd] One of the armored dionyl who brought the chairs nods at Brian, and walks out of one of the doors with a brisk stride.
[DanteE] (I should have my own sign: "The Fabulous Goofball Brothers -] ")
[Brian] (I should have a Bond or Affliction or something about cheeseburgers)
[Ftisk] (pointing to you and Brian? :-P )
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "We do, actually, have several humans in residence now, and I've been told that our cook is rather good."
[Theresa] "That sounds great! I'm happy to see you prospering so soon!"
[Theresa] "I didn't realize that there were humans on Dionyl as well. Interesting."
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "Before anything else... Chytosideron, I've been told that you've accepted Brother Jonathan into your service?"
[Theresa] (I have a question...does Caesar appear to notice the stars in Ftisk's eye?)
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "Not many. About as many as there are Dionyl on earth."
[Random_Nerd] (He has not made any mention of them.)
[Dionyl-Kite] "Yes, I have."
[Ftisk] (I want to talk to him later on these)
[Random_Nerd] C: "I hope things work out well between you and him. I liked him, but it... would not have worked out well, long-term, so I encouraged him to look elsewhere."
[Ftisk] "Oh enlightned on your side!"
[Dionyl-Kite] "Ah."
[Dionyl-Kite] "He seems earnest. Just insecure."
[Brian] "also not warlike"
[DanteE] "I think the plan was to build his people skills. Er, Dionyl skills."
[Random_Nerd] C: "He had a good singing voice, and he learned quickly, but he didn't have the respect of the people, and didn't seem to have much prospect of getting it."
[Random_Nerd] C: "And a leader must be respected by those below him."
[Dionyl-Kite] "It does help."
[DanteE] (Tell that to Dilbert)
[Theresa] (Maybe his eagerness for puzzles will give him confidence.)
[Random_Nerd] C: "I find it entirely necessary. A leader who does not have that respect... either he will do foolish things, or those below him will. Neither way ends well."
[Theresa] (Oh, great, I think I was just thinking 'be yourself'! And feeling a little dirty about it...)
[Brian] (an _effective_ leader)
[Random_Nerd] (He's saying "must" in a normative way, not in a definative way.)
[Dionyl-Kite] "It does make for poor productivity."
[Brian] (true)
[Brian] (but less effective wording)
[Random_Nerd] C: "So, while the degree of respect I have from the local powers is tempered with nervousness about my origins, it has developed to be reasonably strong. Your priest was hoping that I could use some of it to open a place for you to build at least a small city without interference."
[Dionyl-Kite] (Which, maybe, says something about how Caesar uses words.)
[DanteE] "Speaking of which, how are your troops coming together?"
[Random_Nerd] C: "They are learning."
[Ftisk] "good to hear!"
[Dionyl-Kite] "I hope that I am not imposing too much."
[DanteE] (Did any of the other candidates go though Caesar?)
[Random_Nerd] C: "I owe a debt to your friends, for aiding in the formation of my current identity. If you are willing to accept whatever stigma still clings to association with me, I will help you."
[Ftisk] "Caesar, I had an interesting, uhm, adventure and that opened some questions... can you try to help me with the answers?"
[Random_Nerd] (Only Jonathan, who'd been through the most previous cults.)
[Dionyl-Kite] "I am willing, sir, and I thank you."
[Random_Nerd] (The Spear's previous history had been all Splinter-oriented, Krenn has only been in a few, and the Voice had never been actively involved in religion.)
[DanteE] (assuming everybody's typing... BTW, don't forget I have 'Help Ftisk with his explorations' on my ... um ... Destiny thingy. :) )
[Random_Nerd] C: "There is something you may wish to be aware of. There is, in recent weeks, a force acting upon the world that seems to act to undermine faithfulness and reliability. This may make your task in starting out your religion more difficult."
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "That said... Ftisk, what questions did you have?"
[Ftisk] "Some time agooooo I tempered with a Warmain's shard, fun story btw! Then recently A gate to outside was open with the High Summoning art. While that connection was active Conrad takes over my thought and my body!"
[DanteE] ("Oh, that's called an Election. It'll pass. :) ")
[Brian] (I've forgotten a bunch of the new terms in Nob3 :p They all turned into "redacted" in my head!)

  • Theresa uses a Latin curseword, rather startling herself.

[Dionyl-Kite] "A force? What sort of force?"
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "I don't know. I don't recognize it, and my efforts have been more oriented around counteracting it than in researching it."
[DanteE] "... can you show us?"
[Random_Nerd] Caesar, to Ftisk: "Oh, that /is/ something I know about. Tempering, and overriding of one's personality in connection with it are... issues that I have spent a great deal of time considering and examining."
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "Show you?"
[DanteE] "This force you're talking about."
[Dionyl-Kite] "I may have to look into it, then..."
[Ftisk] "And I _don't like_ to have anyone inside commanding me! I seek advice on how to eradicate him or... yes thank show me please!"
[Random_Nerd] A dionyl lifts the red cloth hanging over a doorway aside with his cloth-gloved hand, and walks in carrying a wooden tray with a hamburger on it.
[Theresa] (May I just say that, although I like Jan Ben Jan, I hate this prophecy.)
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "It does not have a visible manifestation that I have seen. It merely... acts on people. The faithful often become less so."
[Brian] (which prophecy?)
[Ftisk] (brb)
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "The most important thing to do in such circumstances, Ftisk, is to decide who you are. Who you're going to be. Are you Ftisk? Are you Corad? Or are you some new creature that has ties to both?"
[DanteE] "Hm... what does it do, exactly?"
[Dionyl-Kite] to Dante, "Perhaps the same force that was messing with Dogs?
[Dionyl-Kite] "
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "People have sudden changes of priority. Those who have been reliable for some time suddenly just... go away, or stop caring."
[Theresa] (We got some big references to the prophecy of the bartender that Ftisk drove nuts in Amyra. Mentioning the kings coming and mentioning the name of someone that we were then told not to think about/name by name.)
[DanteE] to Kite: "Damn, it does sound like that."
[Brian] (ah)
[Theresa] "The prophecy..."
[DanteE] (he has a nickname, remember, Shirk.)
[Theresa] "We have heard a prophecy recently that talked of those who are reliable losing their way..."
[Brian] (how long away is the changing of the age?)
[Random_Nerd] (These are the signs of the coming of the First King. Duty turns to affection and pride. Dedication turns to the seeking after pleasure. The will to live becomes the fear of death.)
[Random_Nerd] (Something like eight months.)

  • Ftisk think on C. words

[Brian] (close enough for some ... harbingers of the apocalypse?)
[Ftisk] (back)
[Random_Nerd] (Or the equivalent in celestial time, which doens't always match up with Earth time.)
[Random_Nerd] (for instance, the lost centuries.)
[Theresa] "Duty and dedication falling by the wayside and that sort of thing.:"
[Theresa] (will to live vs fear of death is hard to work out...)
[Dionyl-Kite] (Knowing that we're working on celestial time is a relief!)
[Random_Nerd] Caesar, to Ftisk: "But the most important thing is clarity of purpose. /Decide/ who you are. Any inner tendencies that would make you into someone else, suppress them. Tendencies that make you more as you would be, develop them by practice."
[DanteE] (Makes sense, this is a Domination talking.)
[Ftisk] "Interesting suggestion. I definitely I'm not Conrad I feel like Ftisk or a mix with sleeping memories of Conrad or something that is more o less like that"
[DanteE] (Kite: don't forget, the events will _start_ sooner than that. So sayeth Attaris.)
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "Of the codes of the Dominations and the Splinters, which disagree on all else, there is one principle in common. Remain Yourself. Nobody and nothing can change you into someone else without your consent."
[Dionyl-Kite] (*worry!* *fret!*)
[Ftisk] "So I must cut all Conradness I feeling if I want to remain Ftisk..."
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "If you've decided that you're Ftisk with some of Conrad's memories, that's who you are. Your opinion on who you are trumps everyone else's."
[Ftisk] "Cool!"
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "Me, I have decided that I am neither Suebi nor Sakaroth, but someone else, and view those two as my parents."
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "Others may disagree about this, but what do they matter? They aren't me, so they don't get a vote."
[DanteE] "Do you remember any more of your, um, 'birth'?"
[Ftisk] "This is cooler too!"
[Theresa] (I like that clarification of the two. They agree at least on one thing. Kind of like how Light and Dark both need humanity.)
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "As far as I can tell, I came from the Outside. From those few Wildlords who were willing to talk to me about it, the process seems very similar to their experiences."
[Brian] (what was the Suebi and Sakaroth story, again?)
[DanteE] to the others: "Think he should talk to our Wildlord?"
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "I have no memories of the Outside. I do have memories of two people who were in Creation centuries ago. I have decided that I am neither of them."
[Ftisk] "SO I can be a new being If I wish to be that. Just like you know that you are not one of the being that give birth to you... right?"
[Random_Nerd] (Suebi was a Warmain. Sakaroth was a Domination. Suebi killed Sakaroth, although it was a near thing, and tempered in his image.)
[Random_Nerd] (Then he returned to the Outside, and his full self was not seen in Creation again prior to Caesar's appearance.)
[Brian] "You decide who you are every moment, Ftisk. I don't just mean physical form, but in thoughts, decisions. Every action, every /in/action alters you, and they're all your choices"
[Brian] (ah, ok)
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "If you wish to be nether Ftisk nor Conrad, you can do that, too. Decide on the law of your nature, and uphold it."
[Ftisk] "well shape is easy Brian"
[Brian] (how is Caesar viewed?)
[DanteE] (Aha... one of Sakharoth's Estates.)
[Random_Nerd] (Depends who you ask.)
[Brian] "Your mental state is just another shape."
[Brian] (generally, I mean. Are people afraid he's a Mimic of some variety?)
[Brian] (aft)
[Random_Nerd] (Some are. Or an uncharacteristically sneaky Warmain.)
[DanteE] (In your case a fairly twisted one...)
[Ftisk] "I... I feel weird with strange feeling at times"
[Random_Nerd] (Or Something Weird That I Don't Want To Be Anywhere Near.)
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "These are strange times."
[Ftisk] "Indeed!"
[Dionyl-Kite] (Awww...he's from the Island of Misfit Toys.)
[Theresa] (It would be very weird to have a sneaky Warmain.)

  • Ftisk pat him on the shoulder

[Random_Nerd] (That's why people are nervous!)
[Theresa] (Although, trying to shorten the one of so many capital letters would be a pain...)
[Random_Nerd] (Speaking of The Law of One's Nature being an estate now... that fits in /so very well/ with the change to third edition that I couldn't have planned it better.)
[Random_Nerd] (That was just a freebie from fate, as far as I'm concerned.)
[Ftisk] "Also and most important in know what I'm I ... are Warmain horny? I mean not _always_ but in the right times?"
[DanteE] (either that or one of us is a spy for JKM)
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "I don't know. Most of the ones that show up here are busy, and don't have much spare time."
[Random_Nerd] (Well, I mean, it's based on some stuff from Hitherby Dragons. It's just funny that it ended up being a much bigger concept in Nobilis 3rd.)
[Ftisk] "uhm... well I need to discover that"
[Random_Nerd] (Ah, Borgstromancy.)
[Theresa] (Why are we discussing Warmain sexuality?)
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "Don't discover. /Decide/."
[DanteE] (Ftisk.)
[Ftisk] (why Ftisk is Ftisk!)
[Ftisk] "right!"
[Theresa] (With the "Decide', Theresa has an urge to throw herself _away_ from the boys.)
[Ftisk] "I Decide that Warmanis are horny!"
[Random_Nerd] Caesar turns to Kite. "Now, tell me about these dogs you mentioned."
[Random_Nerd] Gil, to Ftisk: "Plausible enough. Soldiers often are."
[DanteE] "Are you familiar with dogs?"

  • Ftisk emit a march music to celebrate the decision!

[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "I even own a few."
[Brian] (b)

  • Ftisk wink at Gil.

[Random_Nerd] (Oh, and Brian's hamburger is decent, but not as good as his favorite place in Kaerkoven. Too many spices, and unfamiliar ones.)
[Dionyl-Kite] "Apparently, dogs are supposed to protect a Mike Cook. Some have been forgetting and it has caused a small stir."
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "Interesting. And there was no obvious cause, they just suddenly stopped caring about something that had previously been a driving duty?"
[Theresa] (*facepalm*)
[Dionyl-Kite] "None was discovered, but [Jeremiah?] has someone checking it out."
[Theresa] (I don't think I had put that one together with the prophecy.)
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "That /does/ sound like the force I've been contending with."
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "And this took place on Earth?"
[DanteE] (When we checked on that, what was the pattern in physical space of the ones forgetting?)
[Brian] (to the soldier that brought it) "interesting burger. Better with being plain beef, though." (comment: what's beef? :p)
[Random_Nerd] (Hmm, let me check...)
[Theresa] "Yes. The members of a pack of dogs were slowly giving their individual lives to keep the soul of this Mike Cook alive."
[Theresa] (No, we had determined earlier that Dionyl have animals for furs and leather. They might have cows.)
[Brian] "But interestingly, all dogs knew it, and were afraid of being Bad Dogs when they found out that they had forgotten."
[DanteE] "Walter remembered when we were there..."
[Brian] "We had assumed that this was an act of memory: that when the dogs heard they hadn't, they suddenly developed the memories"
[Brian] "and the Dog Code thing."
[Theresa] (It could have been that being near Nobles negated the forgetting.)
[Theresa] (Or being near Imperators.)
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "Dogs are good at that. Some of my better lecturers on duty are dogs."
[Theresa] "Do they also speak on loyalty?"
[DanteE] to William: "Remind me to check on the new Hounds."
[Dionyl-Kite] "New Hounds?"
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "Yes, that too."
[Random_Nerd] William nods.
[DanteE] to Kite: "I'm assuming we saw the birth of a new Power of Hounds."
[Brian] (back to the soldier) "do you guys have anything resembling cheese here? How about garlic? I haven't visited much in the past."
[Dionyl-Kite] "Oh, right!"
[Random_Nerd] (Technically, he isn't a Power.)
[Dionyl-Kite] ("Oh, wrong!")
[Random_Nerd] (But he's got pretty much the same job description.)
[Random_Nerd] (So, functionally speaking, yeah.)
[Dionyl-Kite] ("Oh!")
[Random_Nerd] (It's just that he's the child of an Imperator who got given the job, rather than a human who was given a shard of an Imperator through the Chancel Rite.)
[DanteE] ("Oh, half right!")
[Random_Nerd] (So, in the sense of "a guy with miraculous powers who's working to make sure that the Estate is safe", he is. But for technical metaphysical purposes, he isn't.)
[Theresa] (Kind of like how the Giant from earlier in the game could have gotten something similar, due to being the child of an Imperator (Angel, I think.))
[Dionyl-Kite] ("Oh, nepotism!")
[Random_Nerd] Soldier: "Cheese?"
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "Something made from the milk of some animals. Solid, kinda waxy in texture."
[Brian] "Um. Sigh." (aloud) "anyone got a phone to Earth?..."
[Random_Nerd] Soldier: "I'll check with the cook."
[Dionyl-Kite] to Soldier: "It's also old and smelly."

  • Ftisk create a tv set and show cheese on it

[Random_Nerd] The soldier lifts the cloth aside again, and starts to step out.
[Brian] (could Kite or Ftisk make a cheese factory?)
[Ftisk] (I can make a cheese machine)
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "Hold on. Different kinds of cheese are not exactly the same. Brian, what kind of cheese do you want?"
[Dionyl-Kite] (Yes, actually!)
[Brian] "Um. A cheese plate with crackers would be great. Absolutely wonderful for parties."
[Dionyl-Kite] (Gil is awesome at this!)
[Brian] "Gouda, Brie, Camembert, Cheddar, Swiss ..."

  • Ftisk create a cheese maker

[Random_Nerd] Gil: "If the cook has more than one kind, tell him to go with a somewhat sharp cow cheese. He'll know what I mean."
[Random_Nerd] The soldier nods, and steps all the way out.
[Ftisk] with an interactive instruction manual on lcd too!
[Ftisk] (I just purchase a sewing machine with instruction manual on the lcd)
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "These weakenings of faithfulness in dogs... did they take place in a Chancel?"
[Brian] "What does it take as ingredients, Ftisk?"
[Brian] "Um. Everywhere but a locality."
[Ftisk] "milk, salt, spices stuffs..."
[DanteE] "No, it was in London."
[Brian] "it would be more fantastic to take anything and make cheese. I don't know if you can ... wait, it's magic. Of course it can be done!"
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "When you go, may my cook have that machine? I imagine he would find it useful."
[Brian] "Dante: that's where they remembered it. Everywhere else forgot."
[Ftisk] "Sure Ceasar"
[DanteE] "Well, wait... Walter forgot, and he was in Locus Ophaniel."
[Ftisk] "Ops Caesar I mean"
[Dionyl-Kite] "It was spotty."
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "But that dog, the Walter, he remembered part of it without prompting?"
[Ftisk] "was question triggered. The felling of guilty and the addiction to the code"
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "Okay, in the absence of further evidence, I'm going to assume that a chancel is not an absolute barrier to this effect, but that it may weaken it to some degree."
[Brian] "Few things are absolute barriers. Even the Wall isn't."
[Ftisk] "True!"
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "Friends, I believe we are under some form of attack."
[Brian] [shit, no direct miracle immunity = "turn one Dante into three Dantes" ... not so great on the attack, since Warmains would go "ok!"]
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "Do you have any information on either the source or the methodology of this duty-eroding force?"
[Dionyl-Kite] "I do not believe so, no."
[DanteE] "It was very specific... dogs forgot their duty to Mike. Not that I really know where it came from in the first place..."
[Brian] (afk again)
[Ftisk] (A gift that grant an affliction?)
[Random_Nerd] Caesar, to one of his soldiers: "You! Tell my primary clerk that he is to begin drafting a letter to the Power of Duty, telling him that he may be under attack. Tell him to ask my strategists for the notes on the Eroding Force, and append them."
[Random_Nerd] The dionyl nods and runs off.
[Theresa] "It is possible. A prophecy we have heard predicts the coming of...someone. This lose of duty is a sign of their coming...the problem is that naming this person gives them power."
[Theresa] "Eroding Force?"
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "So, it's been noticed most strongly in, let me see. Religious faithful, soldiers, dogs. I would imagine that they would be protected due to their strong loyalties, but perhaps that makes them more of a target..."
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "Just the label I gave this phenomenon."
[Dionyl-Kite] "Perhaps we should pay Duty a visit as well?"
[Random_Nerd] Gil, to Kite: "Sorry that this has gotten derailed."
[Ftisk] "Yep! Road trip!"
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "True! He's one of Barakiel's, yes? Don't you know him?"
[DanteE] "Wait, we know Duty. It's Kant, from...
[Theresa] "He was once a famous philospher of our world, before he was a Noble."
[DanteE] "Right, Barakiel's family."
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "I never met him. Neither of my... forebears did, either."
[Dionyl-Kite] to Gil: "Don't fret. This appears to be the way of things, when traveling in large non-migratory groups."
[Random_Nerd] Gil: "Still... this was supposed to be about /you/... but on the other hand, this helps you connect with Caesar."
[Ftisk] "And me too!"
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "You know Barakiel better than I do. How likely is he to view my personal presence at the gate of his Chancel as an act of aggression?"
[Ftisk] "We can go forward and announce your coming"
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "Yes, that would be best."
[Theresa] "we can send word ahead."

  • Ftisk smile!

[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "You go first, I will prepare some gifts and so forth so that my presence will seem less hostile.."
[Random_Nerd] The soldier comes back in, with a tray of crackers and a cheese that none of you recognize.

  • Ftisk taste the cheese

[DanteE] "Have you had a chance to create Nobles yet, by the way?"
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "I have begun an Enchanceling rite, but it will be only a short time before the ending of the Age that it will be complete."
[Theresa] (True, takes 100 days.)
[Ftisk] "Kite, what do you thing? we can lend him some peoples to quicken the rite?"
[Ftisk] (no take 100 souls)
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "All the reliable methods would require either such a period of time, would cripple me in a way that would last for some time, or would require things that I do not have or are unwilling to sacrifice."
[Dionyl-Kite] "If he would accept them."
[Random_Nerd] (100 days /and/ 100 deaths.)
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "I have volunteers."
[Ftisk] (oh, sorry scrap my line then was missremembering)
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "I explained the importance to the War effort, and enough people were willing to sign up. Each day, I draw a name from the bowl."
[Ftisk] "Fascinating!"
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "It is unforunate, but it must be done, and there are simply not enough criminals worthy of death to rely on executions, unless I pervert my justice system."
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "Unfortunately, in this manner I am losing many of my best citizens..."
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "But on the other hand, my Nobles when I choose them will be drawn from the same list of names."
[Theresa] "Fair."
[Ftisk] and a pact with neighborhood to take their criminals? would work?"
[Dionyl-Kite] "If you wish for us to scout for more citizens for you, we could try."
[DanteE] (May I suggest: )
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "Do you require transportation to Locus Barakiel?"
[Ftisk] "nope! We have Dante Mobile!"
[Brian] "We can normally get there on our own, but we're not used to coming from here"

  • Dionyl-Kite glances at Sam.

[Random_Nerd] (Let's assume that the Dantemobile is parked outside Caesar's tower.)
[DanteE] "We have a pathway. And we should go well before you, so that we can explain what's going on.
[DanteE] "Been a while since we talked to Consequences, as well."
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "Hmm. This probably /is/ a city, but I don't have calculations for it, just for Shelter."
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "Sorry."
[Random_Nerd] Caesar: "Well, that gives me more time to prepare."
[Theresa] "We can head to Shelter and then go from there. No problem."
[Dionyl-Kite] "What is Shelter?"
[Brian] "How long to work out calculations for here, by the way, Sam?" (and can I do a Miracle of Treasure to help him do it faster?)
[Random_Nerd] (The city that you were in earlier.)
[Random_Nerd] (Where the interviews took place.)
[Dionyl-Kite] (Ah)
[Random_Nerd] (Is Sam one of your bonds?)
[Brian] (1 point Bond: Sam the Dionyl. Let me double check that, though)
[Random_Nerd] (Then there are a number of miracles you could do to help him do it faster.)
[Brian] (yep! 1 point Bond!) (I can't remember the miracle list for Treasure)
[Random_Nerd] (What's your Treasure rating?)
[DanteE] (Don't forget he has grad students helping him out)
[Brian] (2. With at least 7 TMPs available)
[Brian] (I know I used three, but I don't know if I recorded regaining any)
[Brian] (those were on Auctoritas raising, the TMPs)
[Random_Nerd] (If you take him as an Anchor, then he'll be able to do his thing without so much need for facilities and books.)
[Brian] (that's a trivial Miracle, right?)
[Random_Nerd] (And if you additionally use a level 2 miracle after doing so, he'll get a bonus to his efforts.)
[Random_Nerd] (Yes, a level 0 one.)
[Brian] (it's worth doing.)
[Ftisk] (is like with the Commodore 64 turbo!)
[Random_Nerd] (And for higher levels of miracle, you can of course enhance his ability to help you in more dramatic ways.)
[Brian] (of course, but I don't think we need the full on Exaltation yet.)
[Ftisk] (we don't need him as a Saint?)
[DanteE] (Hold it. You don't need a direct pathway from Caesar's desk to Jupiter.)
[Brian] (we want a path from here to home, not to Jupiter)
[Brian] (I don't think we can get a direct path to Jupiter from here.)
[Random_Nerd] (Yeah.)
[Random_Nerd] (As a side note, you could find a path with a divination of Things Of Amyra.)
[Brian] (oh!)
[Random_Nerd] (But independently of that, anchoring Sam still may be a good idea.)
[Dionyl-Kite] (Kite also wants to tell the Voice the bad news before he goes off-world, but not in Caesar's town, just in case.)
[Ftisk] (brb Andrè's calling)
[Brian] "Sam, would you have any objections to becoming an Anchor?"
[DanteE] (Do you love or hate him?)
[Brian] (–REDACTED- Miracle is –REDACTED-, I believe?)
[Dionyl-Kite] (It's now –REDACTED-, yes?)
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "Brian, working to help Nobles out is what I /do/. And you and I get along pretty well. So I'm fine with it."
[Random_Nerd] (Well, you have to have him as a Bond.)
[Random_Nerd] (That's enough to show a sufficiently strong emotional connection of one type or another.)
[Dionyl-Kite] (True)
[Brian] "Then so be it." (T0) "Want to see how fast you can find a path to the clock tower from here?" (T2)
[Random_Nerd] Sam stands there thinking.
[Theresa] (Poor Will.)
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "I can do this."
[Brian] (Why poor Will?)
[Random_Nerd] William: "Sam, do you want to send the email to the guys we studied with, or can I?"
[DanteE] (What's this do to the contract, though?)
[Brian] (would /you/ want to be Brian's Anchor?)
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "Gimme a moment, William."
[DanteE] (Brian: supposedly most Aides want to be Anchors because it could be the first step to Nobility.)
[Brian] "By the way, William, after this action, who owes whom how much?"
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "Yeah, I got this."
[DanteE] (And it could be worse, think about Ftisk's anchors. :) )
[Brian] (_LUC_ turned the job down, due to hazardous concerns! :p)
[Random_Nerd] William: "After this, your arrangement with Sam is whatever the two of you work out between you."
[Brian] "Nono, on the betting table."
[Theresa] (Poor Will because they probably had at least some competition over who would become an Anchor first.)
[Random_Nerd] William: "I don't know who had one on this. I bet that Theresa would pick him, not you."
[Theresa] (Hah!  :) )

  • Theresa grins. "I snoozed, I losed."

[Theresa] (I just get the feeling that Theresa doesn't make deep connections with people. Maybe due to being a teacher and having to see kids pass in and out of her life yearly.)
[DanteE] "What can you tell us about bets concerning Ftisk?"
[Brian] (does T have any Bonds to people at the moment?)
[Random_Nerd] Sam: "Okay, let's go to the car."
[Random_Nerd] (And I think we stop here, because it's time for a scene transition and it's getting late.)
[Ftisk] (back!)
[Ftisk] (huzza! a new anchor! :-) )
[Dionyl-Kite] (Sounds good.)
[Brian] (sure)
[DanteE] (OK.)
[Ftisk] (ok)
[Random_Nerd] ______STOP_______
=-= Brian is now known as lazarus
=-= YOU are now known as Angelo
[DanteE] heh.
=-= Dionyl-Kite is now known as Verithe
=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood
[Random_Nerd] Okay, now, about Ftisk's situation.
=-= Theresa is now known as BethE

  • Angelo look aall ?_?

[Random_Nerd] Angelo, would you say that Ftisk has struggled with a problem of personal identity, and found a functional coping mechanism?
[Angelo] yes he had struggled but I'm not sure the coping m. is enough.
[Angelo] I don't see any inner transformation on him
[Random_Nerd] Okay.
[Angelo] (or maybe I'm not understanding the rule)
[Random_Nerd] Then we'll say he's still struggling.
[Angelo] ok!
[Random_Nerd] Tell me when you think he's reached a decision on how to deal with it.
[Random_Nerd] Hmm...
[Knockwood] And I was trying to help him with his thing, and figure out more about what's going on, and bring Nobles together. :)
[Random_Nerd] While I'm thinking of it, anyone want to call dibs on William?
[Angelo] ok. But is a decision enough? Don't he need to find a new way?
[Angelo] also I definitely don't want dibs on will
[Random_Nerd] Well, you need to find a solution that works for Ftisk.
[Random_Nerd] It's your call on what that is.
[Angelo] uhm. ok :-)
[Angelo] well I have a least a week to came with something.
[Knockwood] Dante is way too responsible for an Anchor. After all you have to feed it, clean it, take it out for walks...
[Angelo] lol
[Random_Nerd] Knock, which projects, if any, do you think Dante got a victory or a failure on?
[Angelo] and Dollp.? she is completely trained to be self sufficient
[lazarus] kwd: you don't have to do anything at all with an Anchor :p
[Angelo] I can lend her for a bit so you can try.
[Random_Nerd] And –REDACTED- takes care of the feeding, cleaning, and walks!
[Random_Nerd] Hmm. Does Dante have any material possessions he wants to Anchor?
[Knockwood] Not Anchoring the Dantemobile yet.

  • Random_Nerd checks peoples Bonds.

[Verithe] Does Dante still have his cane?
[lazarus] Oh yeah. You can now Anchor the Dantemobile!
[Knockwood] V: yep. In fact I was going to say the cane was his grandfather's
[Random_Nerd] Oh, and a question. How consistent with previous portrayal did Caesar seem?
[Random_Nerd] I wanted him to be a bit different, because he's had more time to think about who he is, but I'm curious how it came across.
[Angelo] "I think Caesar have a good consistency"
[Verithe] From what I've read, he seems consistent, but more confident in himself.
[BethE] I agree. I like the confidence.
[Knockwood] OK, let's see... made some progress on 'Help Ftisk with his explorations' and 'Figure out what's going to happen and get through it'. Stumbled into 'Bring Nobles together/Encourage Cooperation'
[Random_Nerd] Well, this wasn't really about Ftisk's explorations, so I'm vetoing that one. But I'll give you a –REDACTED- on the Figure Out part and Bring Nobles together.
[Random_Nerd] –REDACTED- for each project.
[Random_Nerd] And everyone gets 2 MPs.
[Knockwood] Kewl.
[Random_Nerd] Their choice of which kind.
[Angelo] wow
[Angelo] I want raspberry and banana!
[lazarus] I'm partial to vanilla.
[Verithe] Butterscotch and raspberry!
[Knockwood] heh... 10 points total on that branch
[Angelo] butters.? I need to investigate this flavour
[Random_Nerd] Which branch?
[Knockwood] "Deal with the Age end"
[Verithe] Would finding out that religious faithful being tampered with count as a revelation toward Kite's "Build a Cult"?
[Verithe] ^are
[Random_Nerd] Okay! Obviously, dealing with the end of the Age is going to be a multi-stage thing to finish.
[Random_Nerd] No, –REDACTED- are bigger than that.
[BethE] Butterscotch is an interesting flavor. Hard to describe.
[Verithe] Okay. Just checking.
[Random_Nerd] But securing Caesar's aid in establishing territory is a Victory.
[Random_Nerd] –REDACTED- destiny.
[Random_Nerd] Oh, wait, it takes –REDACTED- it forward.
[Random_Nerd] But Dante's close.
[Verithe] Butterscotch is...huh.
[Random_Nerd] Start thinking about what thing he wants to accomplish first.
[Random_Nerd] Anyone else have any Project stuff?
[Knockwood] Well, if I fold in –REDACTED- on 'Help Ftisk...' ...
[Angelo] none. I always forgot my possession one :-(
[Verithe] I think that was all for Kite.
[Random_Nerd] No, except –REDACTED- destiny, all –REDACTED- that produced it.
|[-- lazarus has left (Ping timeout)
--]| Lazarus ( has joined #Nobilis
[Lazarus] huh. I got tossed.
[Random_Nerd] But still, you're close to being able to do what's basically the equivalent of an –REDACTED-.
|[-- BethE has left (Ping timeout)
[Angelo] that is basically way cool
--]| BethE ( has joined #Nobilis
[BethE] I am back?
[Random_Nerd] No, you aren't, dear.
[Angelo] yep
[Knockwood] hm... if the thing with the dogs was an attack, that's a revelation right there...
[BethE] Oh, darn. I shall have to try again...
[BethE] ;)
[Knockwood] well, it's not like any of us are really here, Beth
[Angelo] are we all ghost? ]_] [_[ !_!
[Random_Nerd] Hmm.
[Random_Nerd] Do you guys really think that the connection between the dogs and the prophecies was a Holy Shit Moment?
[Angelo] I don't know
[Verithe] I, for example, am actually visiting Pluto to remind it that we all still love it, even after astronomers revealed its true ethnicity.
[Lazarus] RN: Not particularly. Something we should've caught.
[BethE] It was for me, but I have had a bad day and my brain may not even be in this apartment any more at the moment.
[Knockwood] well, if there is a connection... it's a way to more points via investigating it.
[Verithe] Discovering it felt like a "Holy Shit" Moment, but we did miss it before.
[Lazarus] well, it was in that it was "oh HELL, I should've seen THAT!" like a good mystery, but it's not like it was out of the blue surprise.
[Random_Nerd] Hmm.
[Knockwood] the connection to the prophecy... that was an "oh, DUH!" moment
[Random_Nerd] Okay, I'll buy it. It's a –REDACTED-.
[Random_Nerd] That's –REDACTED- the next one.
[Verithe] Woo!
[Angelo] yay!!! wooo!
[Random_Nerd] Now, Knock, tell me. What have you guys accomplished in your dealing with the end of the Age?
[Angelo] and these –REDACTED-
[Angelo] ah, ok
[Knockwood] Absolutely nothing, because that's the kind of goofball PCs we are! :)
[Random_Nerd] Sure. But now you get to say something that you've got done.
[Lazarus] we've got some information on the whole business?
[Random_Nerd] Like, "Ha'Qadosh Berakha is impressed by our efforts, and is throwing his political weight behind us in earnest now."
[Knockwood] Hm. OK, major plot point, so I'm open to suggestions.
[Random_Nerd] Or "We understand the ways that Shirk's destruction of loyalty works now, so when he arrives, we have ways to deal with it."
[Lazarus] oh right. Not only a summary of what happened, but also a "This is now REAL!"
[Random_Nerd] That kind of thing.
[Random_Nerd] Yeah.
[Random_Nerd] It's "Okay, with all that groundwork we've been going, we've gotten something done. X is now true."
[Angelo] wow he shape reality
[Knockwood] How about: "We're 'famous', so Dante's efforts to bring Nobles together and prepare them are starting to bear fruit"?
[Random_Nerd] That works.
[Lazarus] has to be related to the project node, though, no?
[Random_Nerd] True.
[Random_Nerd] This is for the "Age" node, not the "get Nobles together" node.
[Lazarus] (and bastards, ending season 4 of Bones on a HUGE cliffhanger, and I don't have the season 5 dvds ... GRR!)
[Angelo] we are famous agent of Ha Q.
[Knockwood] You guys like that one?
[Angelo] ?
[Random_Nerd] But this could work for that, with the right spin.
[Lazarus] "Entropy trusts us!"
[Lazarus] ...
[Knockwood] I've got the Bring Nobles Together thing as a branch of Deal with the Age end
[Random_Nerd] Oh? Let me check –REDACTED-.
[Random_Nerd] Strategy, right?
[Knockwood] ayep.
[Knockwood] And I've been assuming the Age end will be announced with a choir of trumpeters saying "INCOMING!"
[Lazarus] anyway, 1AM, class later today, so I should be off. (btw, my marks for last term were all As of some flavour or other. A- in accounting, A in music history, A+ in stats and conducting)
[Knockwood] Congrats Laz
[Random_Nerd] Okay. You guys are now famous.
[Random_Nerd] What do you want them to know about you?
[Angelo] wow Laz!
[Knockwood] Hold on. Everyone like that?
[Verithe] Yay!
[Random_Nerd] Congrats, Laz.
[Angelo] Yep Ftisk like to be famous!
[BethE] Congrats, Laz!
[Lazarus] Famousness is good.
[Angelo] He can find more sex partners! :-P
[Knockwood] heh. Beth?
[Verithe] Sounds good to me.
[BethE] And I too must be going. Midnight, work tomorrow...and I'm going to be taking a while to get that out of my head before sleep...
[Knockwood] This would be something like 2e's 'Favored Familia', wouldn't it?
[Knockwood] Or whatever the heck that was...
[Random_Nerd] Okay. So, Nobles and Imperators from Earth and nearby places will now probably have heard of the stuff you've been doing in relation to that project. Even ones not from around here cosmically speaking will still have a "Hey, you're that one guy!" sort of thing.
[Random_Nerd] I honestly don't even remember that, unless it was the chancel property thing.
[Knockwood] OK, let me add that to the thing...
|[-- BethE has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)
[Knockwood] What are they calling this –REDACTED- thing? I can never remember...
[Random_Nerd] Hmm?
[Lazarus] –REDACTED-
[Random_Nerd] Calling what part of it?
|[-- Lazarus has left (Disintegrated: Lazarus)
[Knockwood] That sounds right.
[Random_Nerd] Okay. See you all next week.
[Random_Nerd] Because it's midnight here.
[Knockwood] Cya RN.
[Verithe] Take care!
[Angelo] night RN!
|[-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )
[Angelo] well I head out too. Night/Evening guys.
[Verithe] Take care, angelo!
[Verithe] You too, Knock!
[Knockwood] cya Angelo.
[--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis

Chapter 26