Tears of Entrophy Shinobu

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Nagaki Shinobu[edit]

Fate comes for us all. You should grab what happiness you can while you can... I should get back to work.


Strength 0 (3)

Stamina 1 (4)

Dexterity 1

Agility 2

Fighting 2

Intelligence 3

Awareness 5

Presence 0



Strength based Damage 3, Improved Critical +5 to hit\3 damage (+8 to hit\6 damage)

Howling of the Wolves[edit]

Ranged Damage 5 (Dark,) Multiattack, Accurate 4, Homing (+9 to hit\5 damage base)

Odin's Third Rune[edit]

Weaken Damage 7, Ranged, Accurate 3, Incurable, Split, Precise


Parry 6 (9)

Dodge 6 (9)

Toughness 1/2 (4/5)

Fortitude 2 (5)

Will 6 (9)


Acrobatics -

Athletics 4 (7)

Close Combat {Spear} 5 (8)

Deception 2

Expertise {Philosophy/Religion} 7

Insight 11 (14)

Intimidation 0

Investigation 7

Perception 10

Persuasion 2

Ranged Combat 1

Sleight of Hand -

Stealth 2

Technology 5

Treatment 5

Vehicle -


Accurate Attack Defensive Attack Power Attack All-out Attack Improved Defense Improved Trip Equipment 2 Luck Fearless


Naginata(4) - Str based Damage 3, Improved Critical Training armor (1) - Protection 1 Smart Phone (2) Digital Camcorder (1) First aid kit (1) Leather Jacket (1) - Protection 1 (casual wear, not to be combined with the training armor)


Odin's War Lore Enhanced Parry 3, Enhanced Dodge 3, Enhanced Will 3, Enhanced Skill: close combat 3, Enhanced Skill: insight 3

Odin's Might Enhanced Strength 3, Enhanced Stamina 3

Summon Vegtam[edit]

A Standard Action

Odin's Seventh Rune: Immunity (Fire,) Affects Others, Area (Burst,) Selective, Sustained

-Alternate Effect: Odin's Third Rune: Weaken Damage 7, Ranged, Accurate 3, Incurable, Split, Precise

-Alternate Effect: Howling of the Wolves: Ranged Damage 5 (Dark,) Multiattack, Accurate 4, Homing

-Alternate Effect: Odin's Fourth Rune: Immunity (Entrapment effects,) Affects Others, Area (Burst,) Selective, Sustained

Personal Info[edit]

Shinobu is a somewhat reserved, but not anti-social, boy from a middle class family. His father works for a historical preservation society as middle management and his mother used to teach their old family naginata style before health complications from a car crash forced her to stop teaching. Shinobu has decided to finish mastering and then pass on the family style despite it traditionally being a women's style (and despite the insults of classmates) so that it doesn't go extinct. He is a member of the naginata (the name of the sport based around wielding the titular weapon) club at school but he usually doesn’t go to tournaments since his health is unreliable.

He also spends several hours a week on average in a nearby research hospital being studied due to his unusual medical condition. He reads a lot of philosophy and world religion books to round out his world view. He’s developed a fairly solid opinion of where his place in the world is. While he doesn’t particularly believe in any kind of afterlife he has been known to comment, “If nothing we do matters after death, all that matters is what we’ve done.”

Persona: Initial Persona: Vegtam the Wanderer (one of Odin's identities)

Ultimate Persona: Odin, Father of Victory

Vegtam/Odin represents Shinobu’s questing for knowledge and refusal to give up.

People In Your Life[edit]

- Nagaki Hanako: Shinobu’s mother, they regularly send video letters to each other about his training since she can’t train him properly in person.

- Takeda Noriko: The tomboyish Vice captain of the naginata club, she started learning the sport as a compromise with her mother who wants her to be more ‘womanly.’

- Justin Taylor: An exchange student from the UK, he sits next to Shinobu in class and they often eat lunch together. Often enjoys playing devil’s advocate to any issues Shinobu is working through.

- Mizuhara Ichiro: an old classmate of Shinobu from elementary school. They’ve never gotten along and Ichiro is the most vocal of all those who ostracize Shinobu for his size, practice of a feminine martial art, and his preference for words over fighting.