Tears of Entrophy Tsukune

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Tsukune Saika

Age:16 Gender: Male Nationality: Japanese Height: 5'4" Build: Stocky Arcana: Moon

Tsukune was brought up in small mountain village which is steeped in traditons and superstition as he grew older he began to rebel against that by becoming more scientifc and refusing to believe in 'nonsesne' he takes a studious and serious view of the world believing that everything can be explained rationally.

Barghest represents his more wild, imagintive side raw and uncontrolled.

30 STR: 2 STA: 3 AGL: 0 DEX: 0 FGT: 4 INT: 3 AWE: 3 PRE: 0

Defences 6 4 Dodge 4 Parry 3 Toughness 3 Fortitude 3 Will

Combat Close 4 Range 0 Init 0

Skills: 16 Athletics 4 (+8) Intimidate 2 (+6) Insight 4 (+6) Investigation 4 (+6) Expertise (Science) 4 (+6) Expertise (Folklore) 4 (+6) Perception 4 (+6) Technology 4 (+6)

Feats: 12 Accurate Attack Die Hard Edicit memory Equipment 2 Great endurance Improved Disarm Improved Grab Improved Hold Improved Infinitive Improved Trip Well Informed

Equipment: Iphone (PDA, Moblie, Camera, Dojo Armor Practice Yari)

45 (47-2 for activation) Call the Wild Hunt – Darkness Damage 7, Area: Burst, Secondary Effect, Selective, Tiring Alt:Hound Howls Affliction 7 (Dazed, Stunned, Paralysed) Area: Burst, Selective, Limited: Hearing Alt: Claws of the hound -strike Damage 7, Penetration 7 Alt:Darkest Night Concealment 10*

Strength of the hound Str 3 Close combat 3 Hide of the hound Protection 4 Instinct of the hound Dodge 3 Parry 3

Senses of the hound Ultra-hearing Tracking Smell: Acute