Magic-User (Sorcerer) Spell Effects

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(Note that "inches" refers to movement on a map with miniatures. 1 inch= 10 feet in the subterranean Underworlds but 10 yards outdoors)

433. Skills for Magic Users.[edit]

Control of self: the user can control his own body: e.g . hold his breath indefinitely, stop his heartbeat, hold some object with an iron grip for a long period, enter into a trance, have total memory recall, seal his ears, etc. He cannot perform actions impossible for a body, of course (e .g . extend his arms twenty feet) . This spell can indeed be broken, but only by very powerful magic or strength: a person or being of nine or more hit dice can break the grip of a person using this spell, for instance. Usable twice a day .

Illusion : limited illusions can be created . These have a 60 percent chance of being believed by nonintelligent creatures and a 40 percent chance of acceptance by intelligent and semi-intelligent ones . Automatons, androids, etc. do not believe them at all . Damage taken from an illusion which is believed is treated as actual damage . Note that the illusion is limited to the user only, he cannot create the illusion that his whole party is invisible, for example, although he can create this illusion about himself . Usable once a day, this spell has a duration of three turns .

Clairaudience: the user can hear what is happening in an adjoining room . Range : 2 inches. Duration : 2 turns . Usable three times a day .

Clairvoyance : this picks up a picture of an adjoining room or space. Distance : 2 inches, fading out quickly beyond this range. Duration : 2 turns . Usable 3 times a day.

Telekinesis : the user can move solid objects through air or water (but not through walls, etc .) The weight of the object and the distance depend upon the user's experience level : a first level user can move an ounce about 10 feet ; a 3rd level person can move 3 ounces 30 feet ; a 5th level character can move 5 ounces 50 feet, etc . Objects telekinesed can be moved fast enough to stun an unarmoured man, but not so fast as to penetrate his skull . One may thus stun an opponent (if a hit is made; cf . the combat tables below), but not kill him . Edged weapons or missiles cannot be transported by this spell . Telekinesis is usable twice a day.

Astrology: this is not really "magic" at all but rather a means of discovering the character, motives, etc . of a being through the positions and influences of the sun, four planets, and two moons of Tekumel . Such a horoscope takes one full turn to construct, and the user must have the proper instruments (an astrolabe), and reference books (ephermerides, a table of houses, etc .) with him . This horoscope is infallible . It may also predict short distances into the future: one turn, seventy percent accuracy; 2 turns, 50 percent; 3 turns, 30 percent, etc. This is usable repeatedly .

Medium : the user can speak to the dead, to spirits, and to distant living beings (over five miles away) to gain information and guidance . Usable 3 times a day.

Nature Control : the actions of 1-12 (roll a 12- sided die) animals or plants can be controlled for 3 turns . Nonhuman races, creatures of the Underworld, and the undead are excluded . Usable once a day, this spell has a range of 50 feet . Animals may make a saving throw against this spell.

Necromancy: 1-12 undead beings can be controlled for 6 turns, although a saving throw is permitted for any undead creature with more than 3 hit dice. Usable once a day at a maximum range of 30 feet . It is also possible to create a "zombie" from a dead being : this creature obeys its maker's orders for six turns and then returns to its inanimate, dead condition.

Control Underworld Creatures: 1-6 creatures of the Underworld can be brought under control for 6 turns . This spell does not work upon humans, intelligent nonhumans, and the undead, and a saving throw is permitted for any creature with over 3 hit dice. Usable once a day, this spell has a maximum range of 30 feet .

The Grey Hand: this is the power of instant death, no saving throw being possible . If a hit is made (cf . the combat tables below), the victim is reduced to a heap of greyish dust, but the user must actually touch the victim (or his arms or armour), risking the chance of a dying blow . It is possible to revive a person slain by the Grey Hand, but 10 percent is subtracted from his constitutional possibilities, and he is unable to fight or partake in strenuous action for one week! Usable once a day.