ROTE:Maki Tatsu

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Revision as of 09:01, 29 January 2011 by (talk) (Powers)
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Abilities: 32[edit]

  • Str 10
  • Dex 16
  • Con 16
  • Int 16
  • Wis 16
  • Cha 18

Attack/Defence: 0[edit]

  • Attack Bonus: +0 (+6 melee, +8 thrown kunai, +10 with chi sword)
  • Defence: +0 (+10 Dodge Focus)

Saves: 4[edit]

  • Toughness +3
  • Fortitude +4
  • Reflex +4
  • Will +6

Skills: 36[edit]

  • Acrobatics +15/+18
  • Bluff +12/+16
  • Disable Device +4/+7
  • Climb +12/+12
  • Concentration +8/+11
  • Diplomacy +4/+7
  • Disguise +8/+12
  • Escape Artist +8/+11
  • Knowledge: Popular Culture +4/+7
  • Knowledge: Martial Arts +4/+7
  • Medicine +4 /+7
  • Notice +8/+7
  • Perform (dance) +4/+7
  • Search +8/+7
  • Sense Motive +12/+15
  • Stealth +15/+18
  • Survival +4//+7
  • Swim +8/+8

Feats: 46[edit]

  • Ambidexterity
  • Attack Focus (melee) 6
  • Attack Specialization 2 (Chi sword +4)
  • Attack Specialization 4 (Thrown Kunai +8)
  • Attractive 1
  • Assessment
  • Dodge Focus 10
  • Elusive Target
  • Equipment 2
  • Evasion
  • Instant Up
  • Improved Block
  • Improved Throw
  • Improved Trip
  • Improved Critical (Chi sword)
  • Interpose
  • Ninja Run
  • Passing Attack
  • Quick Change 2
  • Second Chance (Stealth)
  • Throwing Mastery 2
  • Uncanny Dodge (hearing)
  • Up the Wall
  • Weapon Break
  • Zen Strike

Powers 32[edit]

  • Ninja digging - Burrowing 1
  • Basic Chi Sense
  • Shunpo - Flash Step 1
  • Seduction Jutsu- Emotion Control 4 (Love Only, Visual)
  • Ninja Leap - Leaping 3 (x10 distance)
  • Art of Transformation - Morph 1 (any humanoid)
  • Ninja Running - Speed 2 (25 MPH)
  • Chakra Balancing - Super Movement – Perfect Balance

Chi-sword creation art: 15 points[edit]

  • Chi Sword Creation Art - Strike 10 – Extended Reach 2 Split Attack 2 Alternate Power 2 Power Loss (must have some weapon to enhance, usually a kunai -1)
  • Alternate Power * Chi Sword River-cutting Blade - Strike 7 Area Effect Line (5 feet x 175 feet)
  • Alternate Power * Chi Sword Tsunami Blow - Trip 10 Knockback – Range Touch Extended Reach 2, Split Attack 2


  • Kunai (5) - Damage +1 Critical 19-20, Piercing, 10 foot range increment, Tiny, Autofire without strength
  • Smoke Bomb (4) - Obscure 2 (visual), 10 foot radius) (4)
  • Cellphone (1)


  • Secret – Ninja!
  • Busybody mother – Always trying to get her to do things the “proper” kunoichi way
  • Missing father No one knows where he is or what he's doing, but few people give him any credit for whatever it is.
  • Secret –Doesn't like girls. After strongly rebuffing a few aggressive suitors (with her fists), the general word around campus is that Maki must not like boys. She hasn't discouraged this, as it gives her some peace and quiet, and any boy who was really interested in her wouldn't be taken in by rumors... right?

Ninja Way[edit]

Live and fight directly and honestly!


Maki Tatsu is a 16 year old girl with attractive features subdued by a tomboyish demeanor and look. She's lean and athletic, possessed of a leggy swimmer's build, with a healthy bust she tries to minimize. She has blue-black hair in a spiky cut, jade-green eyes and stands a few inches taller than average. Despite her mother's best efforts, she dresses informally and a little boyishly, favoring athletic wear such as sweats, jerseys, tank tops and stretch pants. She has a fanny pack containing her ninja tools instead of a purse.


Maki's fun-loving mother Mako was trained as a kunoichi, in seduction and infiltration and tried to raise Maki the same way. Maki, being more of an athletic bent, didn't take well to it, and it was kind of weird having her mom tell her how to seduce boys all the time... which she still hasn't stopped! Mako thinks it's a criminal waste.

Maki's bloodline powers favor her father (who her mother never speaks of)... direct, powerful chi applications. She can transform a simple kunai or pocketknife into a gigantic sword and still swing it as if it were a knife. A hit from it can cleave a car in two or send a person flying away. Her ultimate use of it is the “River Cutting Strike” in which the blade grows to nearly 200 feet long. Applications for this have proven rather limited, but she's still proud of it. She does have some of her mother's talents, able stimulate loving feelings in other people, a technique she thinks is “kind of dirty” and has not developed very much.

Her father vanished when she was young. (He was a dreamer, seeking a way to end the conflict without more fighting). She is mostly self-trained in the use of her chi sword, drawing on a mix of kendo, kung-fu weapon styles and sentai shows on TV.

She's on the swim team at school and pitches in when the other athletic clubs need it. She's always up for testing her skills in a fight, which she so rarely gets the chance to do... With a history for beating up guys get too forward in asking her out based on her mother's bloodline and no actual boyfriend, some people whisper that she must like girls. She doesn't, but she doesn't discourage this talk, since it gives her some peace and quiet. Besides, any boy who was really determined would see through the rumors, right?

She's generally cheerful and forthright... she knows a lot more about manipulating people that she'd like and tries to avoid doing such things whenever possible.