Inner and outer magic based on spirits

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What do we lump under spirit at the moment and how do we restructure?

Current RQ spirits.

  • Animism style spirits. Everything has a spirit, there are flower spirits, rock spirits, insect spirits. (Animal, Vegetable and mineral spirits)
  • Elemental spirits. Each element has elemental spirits. These can Manifest physically.
  • Spirits of the dead. These are the spiritform of a once living entity.
  • Manifest spirits. these are various being that can manifest physically, like elementals.
  • Divine spirits. These are spirits that serve a god [often former worshippers or spirits created/manifested by the god].

I propose as this time that spirits need a pow rating similar to the int rating idea introduced in RQIII. A sentient with free int now rolls their pow on 2d6+6, so you get a scale similar to the 'fixed int'scale introduced when RQ went to rolling 2d6+6 for Size and Int.

You could work out a rough ranking of spirits, using these two attributes (int and pow) to map out sentience for the setting.

A flower spirit has a fixed pow [low], as does a rock spirit. Little spirits like this are not alone, however, they are part of Spirit of Place (see Spirit of Place when I get around to writing it). Spirits of place are the ones who uphold the rights of their subjects, much in the same way as gods do their worshippers. If this is anthropological, then part of harvesting and gathering materials in any form would have to had involved some form of mystical agreement, deal, domination, alliance or submission. all the folklore is true because it tells these stories. when it is forgotten or transformed by time, it becomes Arcane (the original meaning of arcane is hidden) magic.