Turning of the Seventh Moon Jeffrey

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Jeffrey Cordwain


Strength 3

Stamina 1

Dexterity 0

Agility 2

Fighting 4

Intelligence 2

Awareness 0

Presence 2


Attack 1

“Sword” Close, +6 attack, +6 damage, 19-20 Crit

Attack 2

“Fist” Close, +6 attack, +3 damage


Parry 6

Dodge 4

Toughness 4 (6)

Fortitude 5

Will 2


Acrobatics 2 (+4)

Athletics 6 (+9)

Deception +(2)

Expertise: Iron Magic 6 (+8)

Expertise: Riding 2 (+4)

Insight 2 (+2)

Intimidation (+2)

Investigation (+2)

Perception 0

Persuasion 6 (+8)

Sleight of Hand +0

Stealth (+2)

Technology 6 (+8)

Treatment (+2)


All-Out Attack Animal Empathy Close Attack 2 Defensive Attack Fast Grab Defensive Roll 2 Equipment 2 (Chain armor, sword) Improved Defense Improvised Tools (can turn gauntlets into many mundane tools) Luck 2


"Ironclad Gauntlets"

Alternate Form (move action to switch forms-1 pt, DC 12 Check Required -2pts) Cost: 6 pts + 5 alternate powers -1 Move action -2 Check Required = 8 pts.

  • “Shield” Deflect 6 (Extras: Reflect +1/rank, Flaws: Diminshed Range (Close) -1/rank, Sustained +0) 6 points.

Alternate powers:

  • “Bear Trap” Affliction 6 (1st Hindered, 2nd Immobile) [Extras: Cumulative +1/rank, Flaws: Limited degree –1/rank] 6 points
  • “Handcuffs”: Affliction 6 (1st Impaired, 2nd Disabled) [Extras: Cumulative +1/rank, Flaws: Limited degree –1/rank] 6 points
  • “Extensible-Graspers” Extra Limbs 2 (Extras: Projection +1/rank, Sustained +0) linked with Elongation 2 (30ft), 6 points
  • “Spring-heels” Leap 4 linked to Speed 2(Flaws: Sustained +0) 6 points
  • “Climbing Claws” Movement (Wall Crawling) 2 linked with Movement (Safe Fall) 1 [Flaws: Sustained +0], 6 points.


Naïve, Motivated by Thrills


Jeffrey is a young, energetic boy of about fifteen from a small town near Lugoj. He left his tiny village a few years ago when it was discovered that he had a knack for Ironmagic, the school of magic devoted to working metals. Since then, he's been apprenticed to the master armorer in Lugo.

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