A PC sheet

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A Future Imperfect


Character Details

  • Name: Here
  • Nationality/Ethnicity: Here
  • Age: X. Age Group (X).
  • Age at Change: X
  • Social Conditions (Current): here
  • Sex: Male/Female/Neuter/Hermaphrodite/other
  • Height: X. Mod: x
  • Weight: X. Mod: x
  • Looks: X. Mod: x
    • Recognition total: x

Character Story

Character Mechanics

Attributes and Talents

Attribute Description Scale Effect Effect Die Talents Description Scale
Strength Av X Damage Rate 1dx Athletic Av X
Health Av X Healing Rate 1dx Charismatic Av X
Deftness Av X Action Rate 1dx Combative Av X
Speed Av X Initiative 1dx Communicative Av X
Wit Av X Learning Rate 1dx Esthetic Av X
Will Av X Resistance Rate 1dx Mechanical Av X
Psi Av X Effect Rate 1dx Natural Av X
-- -- -- -- -- Scientific Av X

Derived characteristics

  • Damage Resistance
    • Light Wound: "Bulk + 1/2 Hlh+ 1/2(Str or Will)
    • Serious Wound: x 2
    • Major wound: x 3
  • Load
    • Unencumbered: Bulk + Str + Hlh + Dft (kg).
    • Light : x 2
    • Medium : x 4
    • Heavy : x 6
  • Movement
    • Walk : 1 + (Spd + Height mod)/10 + Athletic/10. in m/sec.
    • Jog/Trot : x 2
    • Run : x 3
    • Sprint : x 6

Skill Groups

  • Physical skills
    • Climbing:
    • Notice:
      • [Urban]
      • [Rural]
    • Survival
      • [Urban]
      • [Rural]
      • [Other]
      • [Other]

  • Physical Knowledges

  • Tech Physical Skills

  • Technical Knowledge

  • Hi Tech Physical

  • Hi Tech Knowledge
  • Interpersonal Skills
    • Carousing/converse

  • Social Knowledges
    • Culture
      • [Pre Ruin]
      • [Post Ruin]
    • Language
      • Australian English (default)
      • Other
      • Other
      • Other
      • Other
  • Civic Skills
  • Combat, hth
    • Brawling
    • Evade
    • Single Weapon
  • Cbt, Missile
    • Throwing
  • Support,Field wpns

Clothing and armour

Coverage Type/description Hardness Armour Value. Enc. Material
Where What x x equiv types
Where What x x equiv types
Where What x x equiv types
Where What x x equiv types
where What x x equiv types
where What x x equiv types
where What x x equiv types
  • Average Armour Value: 'x

Weapons and Combat

  • Base combat Stats:
    • Initiative : x
    • Action rate : x/2

Weapon Name Skill (x) Damage base Damage mod Damage type Defence Range PB/Sht/Med/Long/Ext. Enc.
Body Brawling (x) Str 1+ Brawl/10 Crush Brawl/4 close/short --


  • Personal Load
  • Major Load
  • Cached
  • Personal Load - Encumberance
  • Major Load - Container
  • Cached - Location

  • Load - Current
    • Unencumbered:
    • Light : x 2
    • Medium : x 4
    • Heavy : x 6