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I am a servant of the Dark Lady, Sylvanas Windrunner. All else is secondary. I fell into sleep, but it was not simply sleep from which I awoke. My awakening revealed a new world. The gift of the Dark Lady illuminated the true workings of all things. Through my eyes the world is as an ice sculpture, delicate and intricate. I do not miss the senses now lost, for they only helped substantiate the lies my eyes once told. I no longer have need for lies.

By the grace of the Banshee Queen my chains are broken and I live free.


Ainu is a solemn woman. She was once one an assistant to the royal librarian of Lordaeron and was always known for her quiet demeanor. After the Plague and her “awakening” she has lost much of her original disposition.

She was once highly sophisticated and prided herself on her excellent education. Now, she clings to what small amounts of refinement remain and is sensitive to her current condition. She tries not to look in the mirror at her sagging skin and visible injuries. Her awakening heightened the acuity of many of her senses but it also damaged her ability to detect anything but extremes from the senses of taste and smell.

Also, the change awakened within her a predator’s instinct that sometimes causes her to act in a fashion that destroys the façade of sophistication she values so greatly. When she is alone she does not try to stop the compulsion to feed on living flesh or stalk through the night like a beast. However, in polite company these traits are an embarrassment that she reacts to by flaunting her knowledge and using the most erudite speech she can muster.

World View[edit]

While the battle between her two natures is a source of unending complication for Ainu, she truly believes her rebirth to be a great awakening. She was once concerned with the temporal matters of the living, such as love, anger, and the acquisition of money. Now, she feels she is free of these meaningless trifles. The Gift has left her with a new paradigm.

Ainu shows an almost religious reverence for Sylvanas Windrunner. While she may openly scoff at fanatics and zealots such as the hated Scarlet Crusade, Ainu lives for the glory of the Forsaken and their dreadful Queen. To her, the Dark Lady gave her life and showed her the meaning behind all things. This passion eclipses any devotion she might have had in life to her kingdom or her long-forgotten husband.

Deep down, Ainu has a hatred of all things living. To her, they have yet to receive the Gift, the miracle that would open their eyes to the truth. At the command of her Queen, she supports the Horde in its struggle against the Alliance. Truthfully however, she feels a great sorrow for her allies that have yet to experience the gift of death.

None of this clouds her ability to operate with the living, but she sees her allies as a new convert sees old friends. She has looked into the void and returned changed.


Ainu, once Sarah Danforth of Lordaeron is a member of the Blacksky Company and a fierce supporter of Sylvanas Windrunner and the Forsaken.

Ainu, Undead female Warlock (level 28)


  • First Aid 150 / 150
  • Tailoring 150 / 225


  • Primarily Affliction.

Equipment Focus: After considering a Spirit heavy stat set, I ended up deciding to go with the classic Stamina / Intellect set.

Strategy: The idea is for a sort of "low-mana offense." Based on my experiences with a Demonology Warlock, I believe I will be able to maintain three damage-over-time effects on an opponent and fight with a wand or melee weapon until they need to be restored. This tactic would reduce the need for a large mana pool while a high Spirit stat would allow the pool to regenerate quicker.

Server: Kirin-Tor (Roleplaying) Created: January 6, 2006

Missions with the Blacksky Company[edit]

From the journal of Soldier Ainu.

The Cleansing of the Ragefire Chasm[edit]

There were many clients interested in this, my first mission. Employers from Thunder Bluff, the Undercity, and Orgrimmar were interested in seeing what was beneath the Shadow Cleft destroyed. I cannot find fault in this reasoning, for Warchief Thrall insists that the Orcs are no longer the mortal agents of things that lurk beyond our world. Having such a prominent group of cults hiding below his own capital could not have looked good. Furthermore, there was probably pressure from Thunder Bluff to remedy the situation.

The Forsaken of course, wanted to know Ragefire's secrets.

When the Blacksky Company mobilized to attack Ragefire I was placed in a squad with two Tauren and two Trolls. Thundersong, our capable leader, was a Tauren Shaman of some experience. The other Tauren was a young male Druid named Asurac who served to heal our injuries during the fighting. Both of the Trolls were mages. Rastifari was a woman and the more experienced of the two. Our squad was rounded out with Zulakiyani, a male Troll.

The entire operation was one of intense combat. Unlike the sporatic clashes with the zealots of the thrice-damned Scarlet Crusade, the battle beneath Orgrimmar was a constant conflict from beginning to end. Early on we were nearly over-run by Trogs, but Kraggrave, my Voidwalker servant manage to hold the line long enough to give Asurac time to revitalize us for the second wave.

For most of the operation Thundersong would dive into the enemy ranks to hold them back while Rastifari and Zulakiyani used their magic to slay specific targets and immobilize others. Asurac stayed behind the lines and kept Thundersong in fighting shape. During the fighting I kept the enemy weak and disoriented and Kraggrave stood by my side to strike any foes that pushed past Thundersong to get at me.

The operation was a success. We managed to kill two lieutenants of the Searing Blade and were handsomly rewarded by our employers, including Warchief Thrall himself. My companions were capable warriors and served the interests of the Horde and the Blacksky Company during the mission.

P.S. >> Rastafari seemed rather impressed with my abilit to conjure magic using the souls of our fallen foes. She called this process "powerful voodoo" though I could tell she and the others were a bit warry of using the health-restoring trinkets I provided for them.

The Guns of Northwatch[edit]

Today I participated in a lightning raid on Northwatch, an Alliance fort in the south-eastern Barrens. The Steamwheedle Cartel had contacted Blacksky through its emissary in Ratchet. Apparently the marines in Northwatch had been shooting at any ship in range, including several Steamwheedle vessels. The Cartel wanted the gunnery officers of Northwatch taught a lesson, but it had to be done discreetly, due to the supposed Goblin neutrality.

To this end Blacksky dispatched only myself and a Forsaken mage named Acasta. She had already arranged for a small group to raid the fort so we attacked with a full squad of five. We were guided by an experienced Orc female huntress and an Orc male warrior named Greatjon. A Tauren Shaman rounded out the group. Though he was rather inexperienced he held his own during the fighting.

There were many human defenders of Northwatch, but we fought through them and killed the three gunnery officers. This was a relatively minor engagement, but it was none-the-less violent. I still have a musketball lodged in my hip. On the way out we discovered a Blood Elf prisoner and escorted him back to Ratchet. It was a bit more trouble than I would have gone through for someone not of the Horde or the Company, but it seemed the others wished to rescue him.

As an aside, during a lull in the fighting both Acasta and I ate some fish I had acquired from a Druid in the Lushwater Oasis. The fish seemed to induce halucinations in both of us. As a note for future reference I must remember not to eat any more of these "Savory Deviate Delights" as they were called.

The Horrors of the Wailing Caverns[edit]

Reports from Horde scouts and a Tauren named Tonga Runetotem had revealed the evil that lurked in the Wailing Caverns. Apparently all of the Barrens was once heavily vegitated before influence from the dreams of a powerful sleeping druid damaged the environment. This might indicate that druids have more power than I previously thought. Interesting.

At any rate, the Blacksky Company was hired to delve into the Caverns to see what was beneath. For this mission I was asked to use Kraggrave, my Voidwalker to hold back the denizens of the Wailing Caverns and defend our lighter-armored combatants. This was a new level of responsibility for me and I am glad I was successful. My squad consisted of Thundersong (a Tauren male Shaman), Acasta (a Forsaken female Mage), Jhest (a Forsaken female Rogue), and Murglor (a Orc male Rogue).

We were all rather experienced and took the coming battle to be no different than the last several. Unfortunately, the sleeping druid dreamed fearful nightmares that few non-Forsaken can comprehend. The horrors of the Awakening have steeled the Forsaken from such things, but I do pitty the mortals that accompanied us into that terrible cave.

At the entrance we met a Tauren disciple who was studying the evil of the cave. He warned us of what was to come and blessed each of us with his magic. I for one wish I had taken his warnings more seriously. We fought through all manner of hideous beasts and evil druids that wished the Dreamer to remain asleep. The Company lost more people on this mission than the previous ones put together. Only in the depradations of the thrice-damned Scarlet Crusade have I witnessed such attrocities. May the Dark Lady watch over those who perished in that acursed cave.

Eventually we fought our way to each of the druids and all were slain. By the time we returned to the Disciple we had cleared the Caverns inch-by-inch and eradicated each monster we found. The only exception was a horror called "Verdun the Everliving" which defeated us handily and drove us from its lair. We returned to the Disciple and he asked us to escort him to the cave where the Dreamer slept. He suggested that waking the Dreamer would end the corrupt magic that infested the cave. I was opposed to this as it was not part of the original contract and secretly I had no desire to meet The Everliving again.

The consensus among our leaders was that the spirit of the contract required that we end the corruption of the Wailing Caverns. At this, we accompanied the Disciple once more into the Caverns.

We were ambushed many times during the escort and we witnessed exactly how quickly the horrors within the cave could return if not stopped at the source. Finally we reached the chamber where the Dreamer slept. The Disciple began his ritual and we stood guard. As expected, the fitful stirrings of the waking Dreamer conjured all maner of creatures from the ether. We fought hard and were bloodied but victorious when the last enemy fell.

It was then, as we stood victorious over the corpses of the defeated that we encountered the most terrible thing we had yet seen. An immense Murloc called "The Devourer" sloughed up from the waters and set upon us. The battle was terrible. The thing, conjured of the essence of the Twisting Nether, was immune to much of my magic. I smote it with flames while the others attacked in their own fashion. The battle was intense, but in the end The Devourer fell.

The Dreamer awoke and departed without any mention of a reward or even a bit of lore I might have used. Quite unappreciative, those Elves can be. We left the cave battered and bloody but victorious. I however, was unable to gather any useful secrets or power from the place. It is possible that the druidic understanding of the natural world might prove useful to the Dark Lady, but I can only offer observations at this point - no actual experimentation. This will be soon remedied.

P.S. >> I did find a magical ring in the muck of the cave after the battle with The Devourer. The inscription on the band reads "Deep Fathoms" in the language of the old kingdoms. Interesting.

Exploration of the Blackfathom Deep[edit]

Horde scouts at Zoram'Gar led us to this site, which in ancient times was a temple to the Night Elf goddess Elune. The mission was fairly simple: investigate the cult rumored to be in the temple, disrupt their activities, and investigate rumors of a beast, called Aku'mai. The rewards were lucrative. A client in Thunder Bluff offered to create a set of powerful wands for some of us. I could not pass on a mission like this.

My squad was led by Acasta, a Forsaken female mage. She had apparently been to the temple before and would guide us through. The squad leader was Venilin, a male Troll warrior of exceptional skill. Windshear, a male orc shaman and Windtotem, a male Tauren druid rounded out the team with their healing magics and combat skills. I cannot forget to mention Vilna, my bound Succubus who was with us throughout.

The mission began easily enough. My mentor suggested I learn a spell to grant unending breath to those who travel beneath the waters of Azeroth. At the time I only reluctantly agreed (having little need for breath as I do) but during the mission into the Blackfathom Deeps I found ample use for the spell as we swam through the Naga infested waters. During these battles my curses proved useful (particularly Recklessness and Weakness). We fought a great many Naga as well as several large sea creatures and a powerful Naga sorceress named Sarevess. They were deadly foes, but their uncoordinated attacks meant little to the disciplined Blacksky Company. On the way in, we encountered an injured operative of the Argent Dawn who gave us directions and advice on the things that lay beyond.

Once we breached the temple grounds we faced a new type of opponent: waves of humanoid cultists and their summoned water spirits. Though I had established relations with Tsunaman and the Tribunal of the Tides, these water elementals were bound to the Twilight Hammer cult and would pay me no respect. They were slaughtered along with their masters. During these battles Acasta and I made good use of our spells that wrought destruction over a large area. With some concentration, we were able to leave our allies unharmed while striking our enemies with fire from the earth and sky and the chill of the polar north.

The battled raged into the main altar room of the temple. There we fought the leader of the Twilight Hammer, Kelris, a male Orc. We deafeated him and I acquired his staff, a well made weapon of great power. The true object of the Hammer's worship was still to come, however.

Deep within a cave filled with agressive turtles we encountered a great three-headed sea-beast: the legendary Aku'mai. The creature was ferocious, a match even for the dreaded Verdun the Everliving. Its three powerful jaws and deadly magic threw us back at first, but we regrouped and attacked again. Venilin, Windshear, and Vilna engaged the beast in close combat while Acasta smote it with her spells. Windtotem used his magic to heal serious injuries and I cursed the beast with weakness and set its body to rotting. The combined assault eventually brought Aku'mai down and we were once again victorious.

P.S. >> I must remember to mention to any who venture into the now-cleared temple: beware of the dreadful Murlocs that lurk within. They are as mean a thing as ever walked, swam, or flew through Azeroth. Their battle cry is fierce and they smell terribly, even to such aged and withered senses as mine.

Journey into Razorfen Kraul[edit]

Having had extensive problems with the Razorfen in the past, there was no shortage of Tauren clients that wanted Blacksky to attack Razorfen Kraul, one of the two main bases of the Razorfen. There was also the matter of the rumored alliance between the Razorfen and the Scourge. This of course made the matter personal. Even the possibility of an alliance with the Scourge made the mission one of high priority for me...and the Forsaken.

For this mission Captain Blackbraid, the commander of the Company, led my squad. He is a Tauren warrior of exceptional strength. Venilin, my comrade from the Blackfathom Deep guarded Acasta and I while we worked our powerful magics on the enemy. Finally, Hral, a Tauren male Druid was with us to heal our injuries and provide extra power, both magical and physical.

We caught the Razorfen during a mid-day rest period. Apparently they thought their fortress was invincible. Such overconfidence! Their outer defenses were smashed in short order and before their forces could even be mobilized we had penetrated deep into the Kraul and killed Overlord Ramtusk (one of their military commanders) and Deathspeaker Jargba (a powerful Razorfen Shaman).

After this, the attack became more difficult. Our squad was defeated in heavy fighting on the bridges over the Kraul and we were forced to fall back and get reinforcements. Apparently, we were not the only ones having trouble for Captain Blackbraid had to leave us to bolster the assault elsewhere on the battlefront. Shaaresh, a female Troll mage, filled his position in the squad.

Eventually, we regained the momentum and fought our way to one of their sorcerers, identified by Forsaken intelligence as Earthcaller Halmgar. He was a tough opponent but fell like the rest. At one point we met a pair of magicians creating a force field of sorts. Several Razorfen guarded them. After a short battle, all were killed and the force field fell. We stepped into the area to explore only to be attacked by a massive boar. The beast was easily as long as the entire throneroom of old Lordaeron. It was vicious but Venilin fought it while the rest of us struck it with spells. The beast died but we sustained some serious injuries in the process. How could the spies that gave us the information on the Kraul have missed this thing?

Our final target was the witch Charlga Razorflank. She was a powerful spellcaster and a deadly combatant. She was unaffected by my shadow spells, no doubt due to some dark pact with the Scourge. Furthermore, she could dispel any curses I placed on her and had a seemingly limitless pool of magical power. A difficult foe, no doubt but she was defeated.

We emerged victorious from Razorfen Kraul. The Company needs time to rest and rearm before we attack the Razorfen Downs, but we should hurry, as they have no doubt been alerted to our designs against them.

P.S. >> On the way out we met a desperate goblin named Willix who was trapped within the Kraul. Sometimes I wonder at the generosity of my companions, for we escorted him out for only a minor reward.