Session 196.5
Chapter 26
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«Angelo» Hi boys and Beth!
«BethE» Hi Angelo! *HUG*
«Angelo» Hi Beth! *hug* question: what am I eating now?
«BethE» Banana bread?
«Angelo» Yep! ^_^
«Verithe» Mmmm!
«BethE» How did it turn out?
«Angelo» first attempt .... near success!
«Angelo» the part just under the top crust was not baked properly and was fluid :-(
«Angelo» ah, I made 2 changes: 1) no fake vanilla essence around -» I put true Rum instead
«Angelo» 2) I made it with my bread machine instead of the oven
«BethE» Nifty!
«Angelo» eh eh
«Random_Nerd» Well, bread machines are more useful for yeast bread.
«Random_Nerd» The kind that needs kneading and two risings.
«Angelo» Yes Rn, and that do the full 3hours cycle
«Angelo» but the banabaB taste good. Aurora want it instead of her morning milk+cereals!
«Verithe» Aww
«Angelo» Destiny... –REDACTED-, right?
«Random_Nerd» Let me check.
«BethE» Well, it's pretty healthy...
«Random_Nerd» And, yes it does.
«Angelo» super! ^_^
«BethE» I think may be a friend of Ftisk.
«Angelo» lol! Truly caan be!
«Angelo» mesmerizing attack!
«Angelo» more o less what Ftisk want to do with his projection gift :-P
«Random_Nerd» If Knock isn't here in 7 minutes, I'll invoke the Two Player Rule, I think.
«Angelo» ok.
«BethE» So, V, are you going to have your name splashed all over the new book? :)
«Angelo» Sad thing is that Laz is on Facebook but don't hear me
«Verithe» I...I've never watched wrestling before. Is it always that fake?
«Verithe» Just a tad, Beth. :)
«BethE» Laz is studying for a midterm exam.
«Random_Nerd» Yeah, we knew he'd be out.
«Angelo» riiigh? I don't remember :-(
«Angelo» And that explain why he don't answer me.
«Random_Nerd» Let's see.
«Random_Nerd» Is there anything you guys had wanted to do pre-meeting that we didn't cover last week?
«Random_Nerd» Because I want Knock and ideally Laz to be there for the actual meeting with the Council.
«Angelo» Ftisk will want to raid Dante's underwear closet to be ready for the meeting
«BethE» Can't think of anything.
«Verithe» Nothing specific for Kite.
«Random_Nerd» Okay, I guess I'm calling it.
«Random_Nerd» Game will resume as usual next week.
«Verithe» Alright then.
«Random_Nerd» Later, guys.
«Angelo» ok, then
«Angelo» One question RN
«Verithe» Take care!
«BethE» Night, guys! *HUGS* I'm glad the bread turned out well!
«Random_Nerd» Oh?
«Angelo» In my "Gain outside knowledge" node the incident with Duty defense that send Ftisk outside and lead to discover squidDragon form what is? A –REDACTED-? A –REDACTED-?
«Random_Nerd» What, Angelo?
«Angelo» thank Beth! ^_^
«Random_Nerd» Hmm.
«Random_Nerd» You tell me. It was probably one or the other, depending on exactly what you want to accomplish.
«Random_Nerd» But I could see an argument for either.
«Angelo» uhmmm from my view is a –REDACTED- because Ftisk wasn't in control
«Angelo» and is a Ftisk –REDACTED- not Conrad one.
«Angelo» BTW Is possible to have Conrad –REDACTED-?
«Random_Nerd» They'd be on your sheet, but yes.
«Angelo» Cool! ^_^
«Angelo» Ok, thank you for the answering :-)
«Random_Nerd» See you next week, guys.
«Angelo» take care RN!
|«-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )
«Verithe» See you next week!
«Angelo» Night Boys I return to my bed!
«Angelo» *Hug* Beth!
«BethE» *HUG*
|«-- BethE has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)
«--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis
Chapter 26