Inquisitor Mikos Flemick

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Inquisitor Mikos Flemick -Ordo Hereticus, Monodominant Puritan (Guardsman/Inquisitor)

A well-renowned inquisitor of roughly the same age and experience as Gwen... and one of her main rivals for promotion within the Conclave. However, they couldn't be more opposite. They started off as friends, back when they were both newly-minted and both shared the same ideals. But while Gwen fell onto the radical path, Mikos remained firm to his puritan beliefs only becoming more fanatical and devoted to the eradication of everything that was corrupt and tainted within the Imperium. He became known for shooting psykers on sight, even if they had been sanctioned, and he become known for his eagerness to push the Exterminatus button a little to keenly.

His interest in Gwen's current affairs is for two main reasons. First, he honestly believes she is a heretic who crossed the line a long time ago and needs to be put down for the safety of all. Whilst he will acknowledge her effectiveness, in his mind the ends absolutely do no justify the means. Secondly, he wants to be a Lord Inquisitor himself, so having Gwen declared hereticus will not only look good in the eyes of the superiors, but also removes the main competition.

Mikos is a handsome and sturdy-built dark-skinned man from a tropical climate. He is a proficient warrior and likes to lead from the front. He doesn't believe in sending acolytes to do anything that he wouldn't do himself and prides himself on his charismatic and commanding presence. He is a natural leader who could have ended up as a general or commissar if he had not entered into the Inquisition instead. He tends to dress brazenly in Inquisition-marked armour and cloaks.