Unrepentant Fury

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Unrepentant Fury

Salvation-Class Light Cruiser

  • Dimensions : 4.7 km Long, 0.8km abeam at fins approx.
  • Mass : 22 megatonnes approx.
  • Accel : 4.1 gravities max sustainable acceleration

The Unrepentant Fury has a surprisingly well detailed history, if aside from a few massive (but understandable) gaping holes in its timeline. A plaque near the Navigator pit dedicates the ships construction completing on 824 391 M34 on the Forge World Ayekiya[1] blessing the vessel in its mission to strike terror into the hearts of the Emperor's enemies. This is accomplished with no little renown until the Battle of Jurasion against Chaos in M36 sent the Fury into an uncontrolled spin into the planet's gravity well. While all hands aboard were killed in either the crash or afterward in the toxic atmosphere of Jurasion III when their air supplies ran out, the Fury was re-discovered mostly intact nearly two millennium later by an Administratum scout fleet. Between a join effort of the Adeptus Mechanicus and Imperial Navy, the light cruiser was raised from the planet's surface to once again travel through the void.

The Fury once again served with distinction for a millennium, until the entire 53rd BattleFleet it was assigned too was mobilized to defend against an incursion of [REDACTED] on [REDACTED] M39 at [REDACTED]. The remains of the Imperial vessels from that engagement, spared from the gravity well of a planetary system, fell into each others gravity forming a Hulk designated [REDACTED]. Said hulk was discovered in accident as a pilgrimage merchantman was forced to transition out of the Immaterium in the deep void due to unstable Geller field readings on 117 306 M40. The merchantman sent an Astropathic message consisting of location, speed and direction of the hulk but remained distant in fear of what might inhabit the vessel. The message was intercepted by [REDACTED] and once the history of the hulk had been discovered, [REDACTED] issued a full mission to analyze and exterminate anything aboard with an entire platoon of [REDACTED] from the [REDACTED] by direct request of [REDACTED]. The mission was considered a complete success as all members of the Chapter returned and the Hulk scheduled for salvage operations, then destruction before it could threaten any occupied worlds.

The Fury was one of three vessels recovered from the Hulk and returned to the Forge World Immuria on 921 399 M40 for extensive repairs, which it was considered by the High Magos of the world to be unworthy of repair and scheduled for decommission and recovery. However, currently visiting the world was Rogue Trader Gustov Von Wulfenbach[2] who, over a few games of Regicide won the rights to the vessel and personally financed the repair, finishing in 400 402 M41. Currently, the Fury is the only vessel to the Von Wulfenbach Dynasty. The current Rogue Trader and captain is Severus Haakon the Second, who has departed for Port Wander to explore the Koronus Expanse.

Prepared on this date for [REDACTED]

[1] - No such Forge World on records. The three leading theories are as follows: World Destroyed by Exterminautus and stricken from record. World lost due to Administratum misfiling. World name misspelled. [2] - See Restricted File - Von Wulfenbach Dynasty Activities

  • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Unrepentant Fury

Salvation-Class Light Cruiser

Machine Spirit Oddity - Wrathful (+1 Speed, +7 Maneuverability in Combat. -1 Speed, -5 Maneuverability and Detection out of combat)

Past Histories - Wrested from a Space Hulk (+1 Speed, +1 Armour, +3 Maneuverability. Roll twice, take worst for Misfortunes)

Planet Bound for Millennia - -3 Hull Integrity, Modified Drive (No extra SP cost), 1 Archeotech Component, +10 Maneuverability within 5 VU of a planet

  • Speed : 7 (8 in Combat)
  • Maneuverability : +18 (+25 in combat) [+10 within 5 VU of a Planet]
  • Detection : +15 (+20 in Combat)
  • Hull Integrity : 57
  • Armour : 20
  • Turret Rating : 1
  • Weapon Capacity : 1 Dorsal, 1 Port, 1 Starboard.
  • Power : 49 of 60 used.
  • Space : 43 of 60 used.
  • Crew Population : 100
  • Crew Morale : 115

Essential Components :

  • Plasma Drive : Modified Ayekiya Gamma Class Drive
  • Warp Drive : Ayekiya Beta Class Warp Drive
  • Geller Field : Standard Geller Field
  • Void Shields : Single Void Shield Array
  • Bridge : Combat Bridge [Destroyed]
  • Life Sustainer : Mark 1.R Life Sustainer
  • Crew Quarters : Voidsmen Quarters
  • Auger Array : Mark-201.b Auger Array

Weapons Systems :

  • Dorsal : Star-Flare Lance
  • Port : Mars Pattern Macrocannons
  • Starboard : Mars Pattern Macrocannons [Destroyed] [1]

Supplemental Systems :

  • Fighter Bay [2]
  • Augmented Retro Thrusters
  • Cathedral to the God-Emperor [3]
  • Trophy Room [4]
  • Vaulted Ceilings (Best Quality) [5]

Bonuses to Objectives:

  • Blessed by the God-Emperor (Cathedral) - 150 Creed.
  • Trophy Room - 50 to Exploration, Trade, Criminal

[1] - The Starboard battery was destroyed nearly 4 years prior during a battle with Eldar raiders. Severus Haakon the Second was never satisfied with the quality of macrocannons he could acquire so he left them in their damaged and worthless state. (Ship rumors claim that Severus has a 'thing' for Lance weaponry and specifically left the cannons destroyed until he could replace them with a second set of Star-Flare Lances. While unlikely, members of the bridge crew with a propensity to gossip have admitted that Severus would rarely order all hands off the bridge and watch the Archeotech weapon fire repeatedly by himself.)

[2] - Unwilling to 'defile' his ship with the 'low class' activity of carrying cargo, Sturvus Von Wulfenbach (The fourth previous holder of the Warrant) converted the Cargo portion to hold more shuttlecraft. Current Inventory consists of 12 Calixis-Pattern Fury Interceptors, 18 Aquila class shuttles, and 4 Gun-Cutters.

[3] - Oddly, this Light Cruiser seems to have a significant portion of the eighth through thirteenth deck dedicated to a massive place of worship to Him on Earth. Previous investigations have shown that this holy temple was an original fitting in the design as there is no signs of it being added to at any later time. Able to fit nearly 1/10th of the total crew at a single service, shipwide vox channels allow anywhere from the bridge to lower sump levels to hear services. Several artifacts of faith remain within stasis chambers, with the commonly accepted greatest is a Bolt Pistol donated by Prioress Julianna Tu'all from the Order of the Sacred Rose in M38. Reportedly, she was impressed by such dedication to the God-Emperor.

[4] - The last addition to the Unrepentant Fury was a room designed by Anastasia Dogmatus Prudentia von Wulfenbach (Current Matriarch of the von Wulfenbach Dynasty) upon naming Severus Haakon the Second to hold the Warrant of Trade 38 years ago. Rather than a location crammed with bits of history since the Fury joined the von Wulfenbach Dynasty, it was designed as a massive dining room. Of course, decorating the walls are trophies from several campaigns and experiences, the refinement and decor of the room is comparable to the heights of the elite designers from the greatest noble families in Imperial space. Massive armorcrys windows face the void while meal service for the Rogue Trader and guests are held, and several trophies state (Or at least claim) to be from Holy Terra itself. Two interesting bits of note make the rumor mill of the ship spin happily. First, a new addition to ship's law makes this room forbidden to any member of the Adeptus Mechanicus under penalty of immediate execution. Second, while a large staff of waiters and servers keep diners in a near state of relaxed joy, the kitchen is said to be manned by a single individual hand picked by Anastasia herself. No one believes it though as over a thousand diners have been served at once with no interruption or long delays.

In game terms, this is the only room on the ship with an Ostentatious Display of Wealth (Best Quality)

[5] - Much like the Cathedral, the ceilings extend to massive heights, lifting the crew's spirits to their lofty reaches as well as provide plenty of room for maneuvering shuttles in the Fighter Bay. Decorated by hand-painted murals of scenes of Imperial glory, the crew has taken to offering directions more by scene above than actual hallway designations. Veteran crew members take great joy in watching new members staring agape at the scenes above, desperately trying to find their way with instructions from amateur art critics. Some sections are re-painted constantly, as new Rogue Traders have their previous rival's works sent to the depths of the ship and their own victories emblazoned in well-traveled sections. The Cathedral, however, has never been altered since the ship was initially commissioned, as well as a single cross section known as 'Aquila On Terra'. Strangely, any requests to repaint that section always fails. Either miscommunications place new art in other sections, or accidents damaging servitors or killing the ratlings assigned to the task.