War Without End Silent Requiem
Shadow Class Cruiser Silent Requiem[edit]
Speed: 14
Maneuver: +40
Detection: +25
HI: 65
Armour: 15
Turrets: 2
Space: 60
SP: 95
Weapon Capacity: 3 Prow, 1 Keel
Morale: 104
Crew Population: 102
Crew Rating: 60
- +15 to BS tests (+25 with Starcannons)
- +5 to Piloting and Navigation tests
Essential Components[edit]
- Solar Sails
- Warp-Plotter
- Holo-fields
- Wraithbone Hull
- Ship's Masters
- Eldar Ancient
- Eldar Clan Kin
- Auto-logis
- 2x Pulsar Batterry
- Starcannon Battery (4)
- Eldar Torpedo Tubes (4)
Supplemental Components[edit]
- Observation Dome (+1 Morale, +50 to Exploration)
- Empyrean Mantle
- Cargo/lighter Bay
- Arboretum
- Infinity Circuit (+5 Crew Rating)
- Eldar Thrusters
- Barracks
- Expert Raider Detachment
- Veteran Crew
- Crew improvements
Special Rules[edit]
- Master Starfarers (re-roll Pilot tests for Maneuver actions)
- Starcannon Accuracy (+10 to hit with Starcannon batteries)
- Doom of the Eldar (Double all Crew Population loss)