War Without End Fury of Russ
Mars Class Battlecruiser Fury of Russ
Speed: 4
Maneuver: +5
Detection: +15
HI: 85
Armour: 26/22
Turrets: 2
Space: 100
SP: 104
Weapon Capacity: 1 Prow, 1 Dorsal, 2 Port, 2 Starboard
Morale: 117
Crew Population: 102
Machine Spirit Oddity: Stoic
History: Turbulent Past (-20 with IN, +20 with IG)
Essential Components
Jovian Pattern Class 5 Drive
Strelov 2 Warp Engine
Ship Master's Bridge
Castellan Shield Array
Emergency Gellar Field
Ancient Life Sustainer
Clan-Kin Quarters
M-201b Augur Array
Double Launch Bay
Sunsear Laser Broadside
Double Launch Bay
Sunsear Laser Broadside
Nova Cannon
Star-flare lance
Supplemental Components
Armored Prow
Shaped in the form of a snarling wolf, the armored prow hides the mighty Nova Cannon. As a safety measure, the Nova Cannon is physically incapable of firing unless the jaws are fully opened.
The mechanarium contains the countless vehicles and support craft that the Sea Wolf Company uses to support its assaults on the enemies of Mankind. It also contains the stores and supplies needed to refuel, rearm and repair them over an extended campaign.
Trophy Room
Murder Servitors
Observation Dome
Drop Pod Bay
Shrine to Russ
Vaulted Ceilings
Stormtrooper Detachment
Veteran Crew
Crew improvements