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Sorcerer is the flagship roleplaying game of Adept Press, owned and oeprated by the game's designer, Ron Edwards. Although the setting is fairly flexible, the game is geared toward producing intense gaming sessions.

Each player character is a sorcerer, by deafult one of the few people in existence who have some skill in the only "magical" power that exists - the power to summon demons, beings that do not belong in our reality, and bind them to the sorcerer's will. Demons are the only source of supernatural power in the game, and each has not only a Desire of its own but a Need that the sorcerer must fulfil if the demon is to remain in our reality.

The actions of the sorcerers - how they use their demons' powers, what they're willing to do to hang onto those powers, and what they want to accomplish - serve to provide answers to a central thematic question:

"How far will you go to get what you want?"