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Pretty Pretty Princess Squad GO!!!


Derived from a cracked-out in-joke based on a throwaway reference, Pretty Pretty Princess Squad GO!!! is what happens when you take an epic Modern Exalted/old World of Darkness game and make it into a Saturday morning cartoon.

In-game, it's what John Palmer would come up with to make money (read: justify his Resources rating) while traveling the world, after hearing the joking idea from Cassidy. How the rest of the Ellipse would feel about it has yet to be determined (check back in a few chapters).


The Pretty Pretty Princesses are all sophomores at Alfred I. Neuman (always abbreviated A.I.N.) High School, a typical high school in Southern California (because most sentai shows seem to be set there in the US!). It's too bad plenty of atypical things happen there!


The Pretty Pretty Princess Squad[edit]


-Charity used to just be a quiet girl, excelling in her classes by stubborn studying, and only standing out in A.I.N. High School's chorus program. But as the first Princess chosen, she stands for Love and Fairness, leading others to do the same. She is Pretty Pretty Princess Inspiration! Her Shield of Comfort protects her friends from the forces of Evil, and her Light of Power heals the good, but smites the wicked!!


-Erika was a track and martial arts star at A.I.N. High School, but now she puts her athletics skills to a higher cause as part of the PPPS. Loud, brash, and often the leader of the group, Pretty Pretty Princess Dynamo fights for Justice wherever she goes! With her Sword of Truth, she cleaves her enemies' lies apart, so that JUSTICE may prevail!


-An exchange student from Asia, Maya seemed standoffish at first, but her intellect and unbreakable will led her to awaken as Pretty Pretty Princess Valkyrie! Now, her Flames of Vengeance burn those who with no honor, who would attack the innocent!!

The Karmic Warriors[edit]

Allies to the Pretty Pretty Princess Squad, they fight for Righteousness and Truth! (The fact that they're there primarily as support? That's something they don't talk about.)


-A senior at A.I.N. High and commander of the school's JROTC program, David serves as Crimson Warrior Militas to help protect the rest of the student body! He has the ability to pull weapons out of stuffspace, and has been known to brandish a rocket launcher from time to time.


-Brian was the first Karmic Warrior to appear, striking in a blaze of silver to defend Pretty Pretty Princess Inspiration. Perhaps they share a connection in a past life? Who knows. But he invariably appears in a blast of silver light, attacking his enemies with glittering claws, whenever his Princess is in danger.


-Jack is a freshman at A.I.N., and is one of the quietest students in the school. But when he transforms into Azure Warrior Zephyros, he makes up for it -- appearing on a howling wind, he fights his foes with razor-sharp icy gusts! Inside, though, he is torn; he swore to serve Princess Dynamo after she helped smite his foes (something which vaguely embarasses her), but he feels a deep connection with Princess Valkyrie. Only time will tell which loyalty will prevail....

Supporting Characters[edit]

  • Dr. Gabriel

-Dr. Gabriel is the librarian at A.I.N. High, and serves as an advisor to the PPPS. Oddly, no one questions why a high school librarian has so much information on fiends of the netherworld. He also is the coach of the martial arts team, and beneath his smiling exterior, is eminently capable of defending himself and his students.

  • Alex

-Charity's best friend since childhood, Alex is actually descended from the legendary tribe of warriors known only as....the G'roo. As he's defended Charity from bullies for their whole lives, he takes the job seriously -- which has led to something of a rivalry whenever Silver Warrior Lunas appears on the scene. It's ironic, considering that he and Brian are best friends and fellow linemen on the football team.

  • Mr. Destin, aka "Mal"

-The principal of A.I.N. High is a mystery to the whole school, with a talent for turning up at the worst possible time for students -- normally when they are getting into trouble. He is fond of telling students to call him "Mal", but no one is really brave enough to take him up on it. He seems to know more than he lets on, but good luck getting him to admit to anything he doesn't want you to know.

  • The Power of Light

-That which gives the Pretty Pretty Princesses their power. Not much else is known about it, though one aspect is apparently the 'Pillar of Virtue.'

Dark Forces[edit]

  • The Dark Lady, Tralia

-Once, in a long ago age, Tralia was a Pretty Pretty Princess, and guardian of all that was right and beautiful in the world. But she grew corrupt, and fell into darkness. The Power of Light that empowers all the Pretty Pretty Princesses stripped her of her powers and beauty, leaving her alone...and angry. Now, an age later, she has mastered the powers of darkness, and plans on conquering the world! Too bad for her the Pretty Pretty Princesses stand in her way.

  • Dark Knight Sines

-Sines is Tralia's chief minion, tasked with destroying her enemies wherever they are. The PPPS manages to thwart him every time, though. His true identity is Bob Toddson, guidance counselor at A.I.N. High.

  • The Shadow Knight

-No one knows exactly who the Shadow Knight is; only that he appears and disappears mysteriously, and hinders the Princesses as much as he helps them. He claims to be on his own side, but he's enough of a mysterious jackass that no one can confirm it (or wants to.) Still, although he's allowed Sines to get away on several occasions, his intervention has saved the PPPS more than once. And when the Princesses get flashbacks of the previous age, they seem to remember a fourth Karmic Warrior....

Story Arcs[edit]

Rough audio idea for Season 1's Opening Theme.

Season 1[edit]

  • Arc 1: The PPPS awaken to their powers, meet their allies, and face off against the Dark Knight Sines and his Lady's minions: the Bruah.
  • Arc 2: The Dark Lady plans to unleash eternal darkness over the land, and the PPPS must stand in her way.
  • Arc 3: One of the Princesses and one of the Karmic Warriors have fallen to Tralia's darkness! Will the Princesses' new allies be enough to turn the tide and stop the Dark Lady once and for all?!

Season 2[edit]

  • (Um....we have to survive "Season 1" in-game, first!!)


Where the REAL money from the (property) is made!

Action Figures[edit]

The Princesses[edit] Charity Inspiration Erika Dynamo Maya Valkyrie

The Karmic Warriors[edit] David Militas Brian Lunas Jack Zephyros

The Supporting Cast[edit] Dr. Gabriel Alex "Mal" The Power of Light

The Dark Forces[edit] Tralia Sines The Shadow Knight


(Because someone will end up doing it, and you know it)

Oh, and all the girls have Glitter Ponies. Because Glitter Ponies make everything better.

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