Project Valkyrie Lifebringer

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Allison Van Huizenga/Lifebringer


Initiative: +10

Attack: Trees And Stones: +8 Attack, Damage 12, Ranged, Indirect 4, Precise

Attack: Which Swallows Them: +8 Attack, Snare 8, Ranged, Indirect 4, Precise

Defenses: Defense 6, Toughness 14, Fort 10, Will 6


Str -1

Sta 1 (10)

Agl 2

Dex 2

Fgt 1

Int 1

Awe 4

Pre 0


Dodge 6

Parry 6

Toughness 14

Fortitude 10

Will 6


Acrobatics 4

Athletics 3

Deception 4

Insight 12

Perception 12

Persuasion 6

Stealth 6



Accurate Attack

All-Out Attack

Defensive Attack

Power Attack

Precise Attack 2 (Ranged Cover/Concealment)

Improved Initiative 2


Ranged Attack 6

Uncanny Dodge


Life Permeates Her Very Being

Immortality 3, Enhanced Stamina 9

The Very Rocks Defend Her

Protection 4, Sustained

The Land Speaks To Her

Sense 5: Tremorsense (Ranged Touch, Penetrates Concealment)

The Earth Parts Before Her

Burrowing 5

--Alt Power: The Land Itself Is Her Mount: Speed 5

The Walls And Stones Will Not Hinder Her

Movement 6 : Permeate 2, Safe Fall, Sure-Footed, Wall-Crawling 2

That Which She Touches Is Her Hand

Move Object 12, Indirect 4, Precise

--The Very Trees And Stones Strike Her Foes: Ranged Damage 12, Indirect 4, Precise

--That Which They Stand On Will Swallow Them: Snare 8, Indirect 4, Precise

--That Which She Touches Conforms To Her Will: Transformation 5 (Inanimate objects into differently-shaped inanimate objects), Continuous

--And She Will Bring Life To The Lifeless: Healing 7, Affects Objects, Resurrection, Stabilize


Motivation: Doing Good. Since the Lifeforce came into her, Allison knows that she needs to use her powers to help people.

Power Loss: When Allison cannot touch a solid object, she can't animate anything, and so all of her powers except for Enhanced Stamina and Immortality stop working.

Relationship!?: Allison's father, Nighthand, is a wanted supervillain, and at large. This can introduce all kinds of problems into Allison's life, of course.

Enemy: Allison's half-brother, Nightblade, is incredibly jealous that their father went to so much trouble to help her, and even unintentionally gave her powers. He has sworn revenge, and will stop at little to get it.


Allison's childhood would probably have been difficult, no matter what. Single mothers generally have a difficult time... and when the absent father is a supervillain like master thief Nighthand, getting help and support is even harder. But Allison's mother did her best, and with the help of her family, began raising a happy, beautiful daughter...

...and then Allison began getting sicker and sicker. Medical exams revealed the terrible news: Allison, at the young age of 11, had contracted leukemia. It didn't take long for her to be hospitalized, and despite heroic efforts from the doctors, her health did not improve for long, even after bone-marrow transplants.

It was when Allison was 15 that her father heard the news of her sickness. He'd never been around for her before, and now she was dying-- and she was, after all, his daughter. He couldn't pretend that he didn't know. But what could he do? Money wasn't the problem-- Allison simply wasn't responding to treatment. He had to do something, though... and he was, after all, a master thief. There were legends of the Chalice of Light-- an ancient artifact that was supposed to bring life, and heal injuries, stored in the Smithsonian. It was worth a try...

Stealing the Chalice wasn't too hard, even evading superheroes. Breaking into the hospital afterwards was a bit more complicated, but he managed to get into his daughter's room, and give her a drink from the Chalice... and Allison was reborn, glowing with an incredible life-energy. The heroes drove Nighthand off, recovering the Chalice, although its light was gone, but his true goal had been accomplished. Allison lived... but now she was changed.

Now the Light of Life was hers.


Allison is a living fountain of lifeforce-- she is incredibly tough and healthy, and, even if killed, she would eventually return to life. This lifeforce spills out of her constantly-- she can heal injuries, or even return life to the recently slain, sometimes... but the power has another application.

Nonliving matter that Allison touches surges briefly into animate life. This effect can be conducted along matter in contact with other matter, so Allison can touch the ground and bring life to a distant wall-- and the wall can then extend long limbs to strike at a foe, or ensnare them. She can use this power to bring sections of ground to life for her to ride, or to scale up buildings by having the buildings grab her-- or walk through walls by having the walls move out of the way. When she falls, the ground itself catches her. Walls emerge from the ground to protect her from attacks, and she can permanently reshape matter she touches, although she can't change its mass or composition.


Allison is overjoyed to be healthy again, and is very active and outgoing. She's not so sure how she feels now that she's learned the truth about her father, but tries to not think about that too much.