Cuddlesaurus and the Jellybean of Destiny Archane
- Vampiric: Charisma; Psi; +2 to psi overcharge; +4 bonus to Interaction checks; +1 bonus to all defenses.
- Felinoid: Dexterity; Bio; +2 to bio overcharge; +4 bonus to Stealth checks; +2 bonus to Reflex; +1 bonus to speed while wearing light armor or no armor. You take no damage from falls of 50 feet or less, and you always land on your feet when you fall.
Ability Scores
STR: 10(+0)
DEX: 16(+3)
WIS: 7(-2)
CON: 11(+0)
INT: 16(+3)
CHA: 18(+4)
Acrobatics +4 Athletics +1 Conspiracy +4 Insight -1 Interaction +9 Mechanics +4 Nature +3 Perception 2-1 Science +4 Stealth +8
- Light Hand Melee (+3 Accuracy, and 1d8 base damage) (Sharpen Metal shard Knife)
- Shield +1 AC
- Light Ranged Weapon (+3 Accuracy, and 1d8 base damage) Sharpened Hubcap discus)
- A First Aid kit
- a Winter Outfit
- Chem-stick
HP/Blooded: 23/11
Speed: 7
AC: 17
Fortitude: 12
Reflex: 27
Will: 16
Initiative: +4