Session 199

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Chapter 26

[INFO] Now logging to «file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Angelo/Dati%20applicazioni/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/demuhaee.default/chatzilla/logs/».
[INFO] Channel view for ``#Nobilis opened.
=-= User mode for Angelo is now +ix
--»| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis

  • Angelo weave hi guys!!

«Knockwood» Hiya Angelo
«Random_Nerd» Hey.
«BethE» Hi Angelo! *HUG*
«Lazarus» hi Angelo
«Angelo» read of the 333 hand signed copies Dr. Moran will sell day 6?
«Lazarus» yep
«Lazarus» disappointing that it wasn't today :p
«Angelo» doesn't anyone know if one can take more than one copy?
«BethE» That's a lot of signing.
«Lazarus» Angelo: yep. Though limit it to a couple.
«Knockwood» I did see that
«Angelo» I mean spediction cost to Italy will be high...
«BethE» Bah, the Invisible Clergy will get there before me...
«Angelo» ohkey 2 copies then.
«BethE» (I saw and thought of Ftisk. )
«Angelo» on Entropy: I was thinking on the strange behaviors when put before Gnomely's locusts. He call Ftisk snail. A think only the true entropy do. And then assert that locusts where a fake. Knowing that he put them in Gnomely. ... I believe he wants that us know that something is wrong
«Lazarus» That's an interesting thought.
«Lazarus» ... that's a thing RN would normally say, I think.
«Knockwood» Hm...
«Lazarus» (the "that's an interesting thought" thing)
«Knockwood» Iiiiiiiiinteresting idea.
«BethE» Nah, RN: "...Interesting..."

  • Random_Nerd steeples his fingers.

«Lazarus» *points* see?
«BethE» (He doesn't even have to do it, he's got all of us doing it...)
«Angelo» Beth: I see a site with plush bacteria, but these are cute
«Random_Nerd» Shall we go in-character?
«BethE» (Some are slugs. But I thought the was very very cute.)
«Lazarus» I missed last week: did anything happen?
«Verithe» ...
«Verithe» Yes
«BethE» Just a little.
«Random_Nerd» If I recall correctly, you'd compared the existent copies of the Book of Spite.
«Angelo» yep
«BethE» I quoted some in the thread we had in Open about RN's deviousness.
«Verithe» Mostly talking to our Imperators
«Random_Nerd» Oh, and Kudzu ordered Brian to figure out a way to kill Entropy and Ananda.
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa
«Angelo» Beth: is strange.
=-= Lazarus is now known as Brian
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
=-= Verithe is now known as Kite
«Brian» Beth: I remember seeing your quote there now. RN: I'm glad we're still OOC ;)
«Random_Nerd» That's, uh, not a joke. That's a thing that happened.
«Brian» I'm going to need to see logs on that, then ...
«Theresa» (Angelo - yep! I also like I can't knit or I would so completely make a moon.)
«Random_Nerd» �01[21:13] «@Random_Nerd» Kudzu: "And when you see Numbers, tell him that I want a purely theoretical plan for how we might, hypothetically, go about killing Entropy, Ananda, and Shirk."
«Random_Nerd» Dante and Theresa have assignments too.
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
«Brian» (but, actually, would jive with what Brian's doing /anyway/ ... it's just disconcerting)
«Theresa» I get to find us a place to go hide!
«DanteE» And I need to ... uh ...
«Random_Nerd» �01[21:11] «@Random_Nerd» Kudzu: "Courage, your estate was one of those the most directly affected by Shirk's approach. I want a report on how his actual presence is affecting it."
«Theresa» Ftisk was getting sassed by an AI.
«Ftisk» sassed?
«DanteE» ah yes
«Theresa» Talked-back-to.
«Theresa» Insulted.
«Ftisk» ohhh, yep indeed Ftisk was sadded
«DanteE» you were saddened by being sassed?
«DanteE» didn't realize your ego was so fragile... :)
«DanteE» Oh, we forgot to –REDACTED- for Destiny last time
«Ftisk» no I misswrote was sassed
«Random_Nerd» What projects do you think you did something about?
«Kite» I feel like we gained new projects, if anything.
«Ftisk» run around like panicked chickens?
«Random_Nerd» That one's implicit...
«Brian» I'm gonna need a new Project. "Kill Hypothetical Entropy."
«Brian» which might sublimate into "Kill Actual Entropy"
«Ftisk» or change age
«Random_Nerd» Heh.
«Brian» (The title of the episode of the show I am writing now is oddly apropos to this game: "Signs and Portents")
«Theresa» That is an important project. I'm sure many Nobles have that project.
«Random_Nerd» Everyone ready?
«DanteE» (you're writing a show?)
«Brian» (watching, not writing. Bloody hell.)
«Theresa» (Ready.)
«Ftisk» yep ready now as ever.
«Brian» (Brian will be in his office in the watchtower, drawing blueprints. Am now ready.)
«DanteE» hang on...
«Kite» Ready!
«DanteE» maybe we should talk about what we're going to do first
«Random_Nerd» Oh?
«Theresa» I thought we were still in the process of figuring that out IC.
«Ftisk» me too
«Random_Nerd» Yeah.
«Theresa» Figured we'd just start back up where we left off, which was about 2 minutes into panic.
«DanteE» I figure it might be less awkward if we did it OOC
«DanteE» fr'ex: would it still help to look into, say, our prior incarnations?
«Ftisk» Courage ones?
«DanteE» Theresa also has priors IIRC
«Ftisk» can be a valid lead, Ftisk and Kite ones maybe not
«Kite» Kite's vote will be to talk to Jeris. There are likely better ideas that are not Kite-related.
«Theresa» I didn't think I had prior Plants. I think I just picked up something from when Kudzu was on the other side of the Wall. I am but a Shard of his.  :)
«Ftisk» Also James have 2 or 3 previous self
«DanteE» also, at some point, I was thinking of combining the Ex's two swords I have (with Treasure) to create an ultra sword that can slice through reality only when I want it to.
«Theresa» Huh.
«DanteE» In fact, don't we have a few points floating around?
«Random_Nerd» Points of what?
«DanteE» light!
«DanteE» :D
«Kite» Points of nebulous pointiness.
«DanteE» Kite especially, he's got sharp bits all over
«Theresa» (I don't think we –REDACTED-.)
«Ftisk» (me too)

  • Kite "fluffs" his pointy feathers.

«Random_Nerd» Okay, I think we should go IC.
«Ftisk» (look at Ftisk projection is a project now)
«DanteE» (Well, I had a few Treasure points unallocated. Am I the only one?)
«DanteE» Oh yeah, I wanted to closely examine that video record.
«Kite» (I sent my leftover Bond points to Gil)
«Ftisk» (ahhhh, I used all mine)
«Random_Nerd» _____________START____________
«Random_Nerd» (The video record is just a video version of Ftisk's memories.)
«Random_Nerd» (It's no more accurate than Dante's own recollections.)
«Random_Nerd» (He was there too.)
«Theresa» (He was just there for longer.)
«Random_Nerd» (Oh, true.)
«DanteE» (Also, everybody check your -REDACTED-s to figure what you're going to -REDACTED-.)
«DanteE» (Mainly, I want to see if HQB was really as scared as he seemed.)

  • Theresa is making notes about where we can take Amyra. "Okay, Heaven and Hell are out. The higher we get up the Ash, the harder it will probably be to set Amyra down without having it coming crashing through the branches."

«DanteE» "Ftisk, let's see that tail end again..."

  • Ftisk bite a sharpie while think of points for how kill entropy list

«DanteE» "Oh, almost forgot...
«Ftisk» "oh, sure Dante"
«DanteE» "William, go ahead and do your literary thing.
«DanteE» to AI: "You cooperate with William."
«Theresa» "Too far down, we may get corruption taint from Hell, but I'm not sure first off, whether that affects everything in the region or just those with an allegiance to Hell. Then again, the closer we get, we may have to deal with property disputes."
«DanteE» to William: "We need to figure out at what point that bit about Desecration was added or removed."
«Theresa» "Need to find places that allow for transdimensional property movement."
«Random_Nerd» William: "Okay. This would take years to do properly, but I assume you want what I can come up with in a day or two?"
«DanteE» (Oh yeah...)
«Brian» *is in his office*
«DanteE» (Brian: turns out some texts talk about _Five_ kings. The fifth being Desecration.)
«Theresa» (Laz - oh, yeah, we may have found out that Entropy might be a 5th king. Really big on the maybe.)
«Theresa» (For all we know, Entropy set it up so that the other 4 would be nice to him.)
«Random_Nerd» Samuel, to Brian: "What do you want me to work on, boss?"
«DanteE» "Yeah. All Creation is at stake... no pressure. :) "
«Random_Nerd» William: "Well, this is something I can actually /do/."
«Random_Nerd» William: "Do I have permission to draft as many grad students as I need?"
«Brian» (Has Theresa thought about Dionyl, btw?)
«DanteE» "Yes."
«DanteE» "Oh, wait...
«Random_Nerd» William: "Oh?"
«DanteE» "what effect would these texts have on mere mortals?"
«Random_Nerd» William: "I'll use the redacted ones you fed the AI the second time."
«Brian» "Um. Sam, can your active writing be used as a kind of instant messaging system across worlds and chancels on the Ash?"
«DanteE» "This is an entire cosmology they don't know."
«Theresa» (Yes, in fact, Kudzu suggested it, but Theresa wants to have multiple places to choose from as Dionyl is nearby, Entropy might have reach there to us and also it's kinda obvious we would go there.)

  • Kite looks over Theresa's shoulder.

«Brian» (ok!)
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "If an Imperator or a particularly impressive Noble were the one reading it, maybe. Not with me doing it."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "It's not a gun, it's, like, a sling. It's a tool that shapes the mental force you put into it, but it doesn't just generate that stuff out of nowhere."
«Ftisk» "uhm... maybe JbJ can be on our side..." *scribble a short note on the list
«Theresa» "This probably won't be a feasible thing for your Chancel, Kite. Your Imperator is of Earth. Although if your church got strong enough, that could change.
«Brian» "What's the constraints without miraculous interjection, then?"
«DanteE» to Theresa: "Should set up on Dionyl anyway. In a pinch it can be a decoy."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Let's see, using me as a basemark..."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Miles. More than one, less than ten."
«Kite» "I hope to make it strong enough soon."
«Kite» "Are there any notes on the other worlds?"
«Theresa» "I don't think it's right to set up a place on Dionyl just to have Entropy and friends crash it. That would hurt the Dionyl and what if they used it as a base to go hit Caesar?"
«DanteE» (Can I put a Cr-Courage into a Red Edelweiss?)
«Random_Nerd» (With a Motion.)
«Ftisk» (you can use the red E flower to hide your miraculous signature free)
«Random_Nerd» (Quick check: Who all has Domain: Things of Amyra?)
«Theresa» "And Jan Ben Jan...I can see him as not being on anyone's side. He To get him on a 'side' would probably take a massive sacrifice."
«Brian» "What's needed to increase the range? I'd like to use something to communicate with others on our side that Entropy and company wouldn't be able to use."
«Theresa» (I do. At 2.)
«Brian» (I do. Well, more Domain: Amyra, at rank 2.)
«DanteE» (blast from the past: Kudzu said JbJ knows things about the Wild that even the Wild doesn't know)
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Well, more efficient code would help. But better is to have the writing being read by someone metaphysically impressive. An Imperator, a Noble, maybe a really big spirit."
«Theresa» (Which makes sense, given it's his Age.)
«Random_Nerd» Theresa, Brian, you hear/feel a deep knocking sound. Like a giant rapping on the door, if they were trying to be quiet but they were still a giant.
«Brian» "Good enough, I suppose. Um. The only thing that you ... wait a second. This isn't good."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Or... with miracles, I imagine..."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "What?"
«Kite» "What?"
«DanteE» "Sam, I assume you've been putting together communication sheets, right?"
«Ftisk» "what?"
«Theresa» *to knock* "Yes?"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Yeah, for your outside-diving plan."
«DanteE» "Something _else_ isn't good?"
«Brian» "Guys, something's knocking on Our Door."
«Kite» "That's bad?"
«Random_Nerd» Deep but slightly odd voice: "Uh, can I come in? I want to talk to you, clear the air."
«Kite» "It sounds...polite."
=-= YOU are now known as squidTisk
«Theresa» (Do we recognize the voice?)
«Brian» "It's not necessarily /bad/ but at least /drop everything now/, at least for a short while"
«Random_Nerd» (It sounds like a Serpent's voice, but you don't recognize it specifically.)
«DanteE» (Any problems making that sword I mentioned?)
«Theresa» *to voice* "One moment, please. Do you need a specific environment?"
«Random_Nerd» (Hmm. How are you going about it, and what exactly do you want it to do?)
«Random_Nerd» Voice: "A fair bit of space. Grass, if possible."

  • Theresa describes the dimensions of the Grove. "Is that good for you?"

«squidTisk» "The clearing with the oak and acorn can be used?"
«Random_Nerd» Voice: "That should do nicely."
«Brian» "Sam, when this is dealt with ... research Entropy and the Camorra, as much as you can."
«Random_Nerd» Voice: "So, I'm coming in."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Got it."
«DanteE» (We've got 2 swords from Shards, one mundane, one reality-cutting. I'd like to combine them into one so that I can switch between them at will)
«Brian» "We might need you for this"
«Theresa» "Going there, guys." *Move myself to the Grove?*
«Random_Nerd» (Hmm...)
«DanteE» (I've got 3 Treasure points unallocated IIRC)
«Kite» "Where?"
«Random_Nerd» (Most obvious way to do that is to use –REDACTED- to swap them.)
«Random_Nerd» (But you could also do something with Treasure, or a Gift.)
«Brian» "The Grove."
«Random_Nerd» (Cut to the Grove?)
«Brian» (sounds good to me)
«DanteE» (Sure. I'm tagging along...)
«Kite» (Sure!)
«Theresa» (Sounds good. But if this is Shirk, I'm going to blow myself up.)
«squidTisk» (yep cut)
«Brian» (If this is Shirk, I will stab him in the face. With Dante.)

  • Kite lands in Maple.

«Random_Nerd» Above the meadow near the Grove, the air shimmers, and a huge serpentine shape flows out and coils on the ground.

  • squidTisk wave

«Random_Nerd» Your first reaction is the same as everyone gets when they see a Serpent suddenly, shock at seeing a living creature that /big/.
«Random_Nerd» But the second reaction is in the opposite direction.
«Random_Nerd» For a Serpent, this is /small/.
«Theresa» "Greetings."
«DanteE» (Jaris?)
«Brian» "Who are you?"
«squidTisk» ".... HI!"
«Random_Nerd» It's hardly a kilometer long, and the scales seem soft and underdeveloped.
«Theresa» (It's a baaaaaby! Imperator, but still...)
«Random_Nerd» Further on, the eyes are big and... well... /cute/.

  • Kite peeks through Maple's leaves.

«Theresa» (Oh holy crap, we have the chibiSerpent. It's the Imperator of Chibis...)
«DanteE» (My Little Serpent? :) )
«Kite» (Serendipity!)
«Random_Nerd» Serpent: "I'm Ymera Jerren, and I felt that you were planning about one of my Estates, so I just wanted to... uh, come talk about it."
«Theresa» (Moving? Can't be murder because that's Ananda...)
«Brian» (And the Council are all Imperators themselves)
«Theresa» (Is this the Imperator of Treason? Civil War? WTF-ery?)
«squidTisk» "What estate?"
«Random_Nerd» Serpent: "So, uh, there's no easy way to say this... I'm the Ymera of Sudden Losses of Courage and Loyalty and of Impending doom."
«Random_Nerd» Jerren: "I'm new."
«Brian» "I've never met you before. I'm pleased to meet your acquaintance. And ... oh."

  • Theresa blinks.

«Brian» "Shirk is one of yours, then?"
«DanteE» "Huh."
«Theresa» "Pleased to meet you. You are...quite specific."
«Random_Nerd» Serpent: "Shirk?"
«Random_Nerd» He stares off into space.
«Brian» "Sueridius?" (sp?)
«Random_Nerd» Jerren the Cute Dragon-God: "Oh. Yeah."
«Theresa» "And I have the sudden wonder whether you're the 'real' Fourth Age." *smile*
«Random_Nerd» J: "I... didn't make him. I just crawled out of the Ash about an hour ago."
«Theresa» "Wow, you got here fast!"
«Brian» "oh."
«DanteE» "You've been an Imperator for an hour?"
«Brian» "Sam, you getting all this?"
«squidTisk» ""Wow!"
«Random_Nerd» (Did you bring Sam with you?)
«Brian» (unless he objected to meeting a Serpent)
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "I think so. You're talking to the God of Sudden Yet Inevitable Betrayal."
«Brian» "T-Rexes now have a new boss."
«Random_Nerd» Jerren looks sheepish.
«Brian» "Jerren ... do you have any feeling of ownership or whatever about Shirk?"
«Random_Nerd» Jerren: "Not really. I mean, I think him being here might have something to do with me hatching."
«DanteE» "Do you even know who we're talking about?"
«Random_Nerd» Jerren: "Kinda? I can kinda feel him affecting my Estate."
«DanteE» "... where?"
«Brian» "Speaking of ... how much knowledge do you have about everything, for being so new?"
«Random_Nerd» Jerren waves his tail in the air.
«Theresa» (In the left elbow...)
«Theresa» (Can I keeeep him? Pleeeeease?)
«Kite» "Perhaps the birth of an Imperator embodying Shirk's effects is a self-defense mechanism for the Ash?"
«Random_Nerd» Jerren: "Maybe!"
«Random_Nerd» Jerren: "I just wanted you guys to know that I'm not, like, evil or anything."
«Random_Nerd» Jerren: "Uh, as far as I know."
«DanteE» "Heh.
«Theresa» *nods* "No, you just...are."
«DanteE» "You know I'm Courage, then?"
«Brian» "Wait a second. Sam: is this a new Estate altogether? If so ... what does that mean for the scrunchies? ... that last is a thing for later."
«squidTisk» "well don't look at me for a judgment."
«Random_Nerd» Jerren: "Yeah. And, uh, sorry about the whole estate conflict thing."
«Random_Nerd» Jerren: "Nothing personal, y'know?"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "This is weird, boss."
«DanteE» "Considering what I've been doing with my Estate, I couldn't object if I wanted to."
«Brian» "It's a thing that hasn't happened before?"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "I don't think I can think of an example of something an Excrucian did creating a new Estate."
«DanteE» "Welcome."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "If it's happened before, it hasn't been often."
«Brian» "What about new Estates altogether?"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Well, they show up sometimes."
«Theresa» "Oh, that's probably normal. True Gods and whatnot."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Sometimes Angels invent them, sometimes planetary gods have kids, sometimes new things humanity does creates Light or Dark Magisters..."
«Theresa» *to Jerren* "Would you like something to eat?"
«Random_Nerd» Jerren: "I... what have you got?"
«Kite» "If it is a defense mechanism, I wonder if we can force-replicate it. Were there any witnesses?"
«Random_Nerd» Jerren: "The Ash!"
«Kite» "How does one interview the Ash?"
«Random_Nerd» Jerren: "And maybe some of the other Serpents that aren't quite done hatching yet."
«Theresa» "I'm Plants, by the way. So I can make you anything plant-related that can be grown on earth."
«Random_Nerd» Jerren: "Dunno."
«DanteE» "Hm... how long does it take for a Serpent to grow?"
«Kite» "There are more hatching?"
«Theresa» (Dude, you want to ask a baby how long a pregnancy is?)
«squidTisk» "You know the estates of these?"
«Random_Nerd» Jerren: "Long enough?"
«DanteE» (or Sam. Or, for that matter, Kudzu)
«Random_Nerd» Jerren: "No, but they're bound to hatch sooner or later."
«Brian» "How many more are there?"
«Random_Nerd» Jerren: "You should have a chance to talk to them in a year or two or... oh. Yeah. Impending Doom."
«Random_Nerd» Jerren: "Dunno. Lots?"
«DanteE» "It's possible the egg's initial creation coincided with Shirk's entry."
«squidTisk» "yes, there is a way to speed up hatching?"
«Theresa» (Oh, yes, speed up the Hatching of Certain Doom.  :) )
«DanteE» (And I would point out: if you can create Imperators instantly you don't _need_ to.)
«Random_Nerd» Jerren shrugs with two wing-tendrils on his back.
«squidTisk» "Kite how do you fell about sit on them for a bit?"
«Theresa» (Well, given that it's the _Ash_, it can pretty much do whatever it wants.)
«Theresa» "It's probably a long journey for us to wherever the hatching is."
«Random_Nerd» Jerren: "Oh, yeah. You guys are /tiny/."
«DanteE» "Not necessarily."
«Random_Nerd» Jerren: "It's so cute!"
«Kite» "I imagine my sitting on an egg as massive as a Serpents won't change much, but I'd like to inspect them."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Don't try to crawl into the interior of the Ash, Kite. It wouldn't be a good idea."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "I don't know what would happen, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be a good idea."
«DanteE» (and omelets are a worse one.)
«Kite» (Throws an apostrophe at the previous sentence.)
«Theresa» (It is of such things that Falls are begun...)
«Brian» "Suddden loss of Courage and Duty, and Impending Doom? Two different Estates?"
«squidTisk» (giant omelettes?)
«Kite» "Eggs are in the interior of the Ash?"
«Random_Nerd» Jerren: "Anyway, I've got places to go, people to meet, sap to drink, that kind of thing. I just wanted to say that if maybe I tear holes in your estate or end the world or something... nothing personal, you know?"
«DanteE» "There are 4 other Kings. If we see what the Ash is doing it may warn us who's coming."
«Brian» "And how can we get back in contact with you, Jerren?"
«Theresa» "Thank you for visiting us, Jerren. Good luck on your journey."
«Random_Nerd» Jerren: "I... uh..."
«Random_Nerd» Jerren: "I don't really have a forwarding address set up yet."
«squidTisk» "Do you have a flower?"
«DanteE» "Ah, maybe we can agree not to directly oppose each other unless absolutely necessary?
«Random_Nerd» Jerren: "Oh, man, flowers. I totally should have come up with some before I showed."
«DanteE» "We are both on the same side, after all."
«Theresa» *to Kite* "The Ash hatches Serpents from deep within itself."

  • Kite makes a face.

«Brian» "Let us know as soon as you do? I think you're on our side, and things are a bit rocky right now ... or will be quite soon."
«Random_Nerd» Jerren: "But it's, like, Predators and Prey. They kinda conflict, but it's not because they hate each other."
«squidTisk» "Theresa, can you give him our flowers?"
«DanteE» "I'd also suggest talking with the Aides, they have people who do just that sort of thing for N00b Nobles."
«DanteE» (was that to me?)
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Hey! We've never even had a shot at a noob Imperator!"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Man. You should have come a week ago. Luc was free!"

  • Theresa Creates a wreath that contains each of their flowers. "Here, these can help you to get in touch with us, if you want to.

«Random_Nerd» Jerren looks at the wreath, looks at his wing-stalks, and then opens his mouth and tries to hook the wreath on one of his teeth.
«Theresa» (And watch, even the unhatched Serpents know of Luc...)
«Brian» "Sam, how quickly can someone get here for this?"
«DanteE» (They know of us.)

  • Theresa shrinks it down so it fits snugly but not too tight on a tooth.

«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Uh... okay. This is a 'don't spare the horses' kind of situation, I guess..."
«Theresa» (Well this one does because we're actively working against his estates. It's probably like being born with a headache.)
«Random_Nerd» Jerren: "I'll see about that later!"
«Random_Nerd» Jerren: "I've gotta go meet some Caesar guy now. Later!"
«Brian» (because one option I'm thinking of is sending Sam with him for a time ...)
«DanteE» (I am, you're not, though)
«Brian» "Can Sam go with you, Jerren? At least until you get someone else?"
«Theresa» (True, you are, but it's not like he knows our names. Just where we are.)
«Random_Nerd» (Yeah, the reason he's here is that he could feel you planning against his Estates, so he wanted to come and say hi.)
«squidTisk» "Ho, say hi to him by Ftisk, please!"
«Random_Nerd» Jerren: "Which one's Sam?"
«Brian» "The clothes."
«Random_Nerd» Sam waves.
«Random_Nerd» Jerren: "Sure! I guess! Nice to meet you, Sam!"
«DanteE» (Only trouble is, William was the Heraldry expert, wasn't he?)
«Brian» (Yeah, but Sam's an Anchor. That's got benefits that expertise doesn't)
«Random_Nerd» Sam tries to crawl up Jerren's scaly side.
«squidTisk» (details, don't let them slow you down)
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Boss, could you toss me up there over by his ear?"
«Brian» *does so*
«Brian» "Record everything you can, Sam. Check up with me, especially when you need some help. And get someone from the Aides to help him as quickly as possible!"
«Random_Nerd» Sam catches the edge of Jerren's scaly ear (Yes, he has external ears. Not all Serpents do, but this one does) and nestles himself between it and his head.
«DanteE» to Jerren: "Don't break him."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Sure, boss."
«Random_Nerd» Jerren: "Don't worry. I'll be careful."
«Theresa» "Thank you again for visiting us, Jerren. I hope that you will visit again."
«Random_Nerd» Jerren: "Sure!"
«Brian» "Indeed. I am pleased to meet you, and wish you safe journeys."
«Brian» "Oh and Sam? Make sure Caesar doesn't do anything rash."
«Random_Nerd» Jerren coils up, and leaps into the air.
«DanteE» "I... will try to avoid interfering with your direct actions.
«Random_Nerd» As Jerren flies into a shimmering in the air, you can see Sam clinging tightly and staying behind the ear, out of the wind.
«Random_Nerd» William: "That was different."
«Brian» "Well, that was a different experience."
«DanteE» (This time, it _is_ his first time at the rodeo... :) )
«squidTisk» "Man, what narrow estate"
«Theresa» "That was..._So COOL_!
«DanteE» "That's one way to put it."
«Brian» "Impending Doom does not sound fortuitous. It almost sounds ominous."
«DanteE» "Too narrow... and too close to me, which makes me wonder.
«Kite» "Can we trust something with that Estate? I mean...I imagine so, but I'm all paranoid lately."
«Brian» "What's the word for 'possessing ominousness'?"
«Theresa» "It's just...a little tiny Imperator! Born of the Ash! Came to visit us especially!" *big smile*
«Brian» "Kite: it's odd. Powers of Honesty tend to betray. Powers of Beauty are often ugly. It's like Creation loves irony."
«Random_Nerd» William: "Portentious. Eleven letters."
«DanteE» "Sam, what does... whoops. William. What does the Society know about the creation of Serpents?"
«Kite» (William does crosswords.)
«Random_Nerd» William: "Doesn't happen often. They come out of the Tree."
«Brian» (or plays Scrabble, though 11 letters is very rare)
«Random_Nerd» William: "I didn't think they'd be so... cute."
«DanteE» "This makes it look like an immune reaction, almost."
«DanteE» (Oh, crap. It's Lupus.)
«squidTisk» (Is _never_ lupus)
«Random_Nerd» (Don't worry, I'm sure the Noble of It's Never Lupus will take care of that.)
«Brian» (and this makes me SO wish there to be a chibi Aaron's Serpent in the new book! Verithe, please make it so ;) ... and Sara predicts that House's series finale will be Lupus)
«Theresa» (Ehh, they've had lupus on there before. A couple of seasons back.)
«Brian» (aw. We've only got S1-2, you see.)
«Kite» (I...retroactively....rrrrrnnnnngggg! We'll see if that works.)
«squidTisk» (please stop I watched only to season 3 or 4)
«Theresa» (That's okay, I haven't watched it for years; probably couldn't spoil if I thought long and hard.)
«DanteE» "Creation itself is reacting to Shirk.
«Random_Nerd» William: "So, uh..."
«Random_Nerd» William: " 'Impending Doom'. No pressure."
«squidTisk» "But Impeding doom is not Shirk estate"
«Kite» "Or Jerren is a Mimic, but I like Creation reacting better."
«DanteE» "Yeah. Get as many grad students as you need."
«Brian» "Just because there's an estate of it, doesn't mean that it is a comment on our current state."
«Brian» "Quite surprised that there /wasn't/ an Estate of it beforehand!"
«Theresa» "Just that it's a Pillar of the Universe."
«DanteE» "Exactly. This would be one hell of a coincidence."
«Brian» (what are the odds of this being a coincidence? Or is that more than a LDiv of Numbers? :p)
«Random_Nerd» (Pretty damn low.)
«Brian» (but non-0?)
«Random_Nerd» (New serpents only show up every few dozen years.)
«Random_Nerd» (For one to show up the day after Shirk came to Creation would be...)
«DanteE» (Ridiculous.)
«Random_Nerd» (Yeah, probably non-zero. But approaching zero.)
«Brian» "It's not the most improbable thing that I've heard of. Lotteries are that."
«DanteE» "We need a strategy."
«Random_Nerd» Brian, you feel an anchor-tickle at the back of your brain.
«Kite» "Ftisk and I have to rally allies."
«Random_Nerd» William: "You know, if there has to be an Estate of Impending Doom around, I'm glad it's on our side."
«squidTisk» "Yup"
«Random_Nerd» William: "I mean, imagine what he could do to the Excrucians with Estates like that?"
«DanteE» "William, does the Society have policies in place for Major Existential Crises?"
«Random_Nerd» William: "Not really. It'd hard to have a policy in place for an Outside Context Problem."
«DanteE» "And you call yourselves Aides! :) "
«Random_Nerd» William shrugs.
«Brian» (sorry was AFK) (Anchor) "Yes?"
«Random_Nerd» Sam, thinking at Brian: "Boss, I was wondering something."
«DanteE» "William, while you're at it, try and get the most authentic versions of those Kings prophecies."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "If we do manage to get rid of Shirk, what happens to Jerren?"
«Theresa» (How is he going to get home?)
«Random_Nerd» William: "Which is a higher priority, that, or determining the likely source of the Desecration references?"
«Kite» (Treasure miracle?)
«Brian» (S) "He sticks around, I assume. I don't think he is tied to Shirk in any way, but we can look at that... I'll call you back in a bit."
«Theresa» (Theresa will adopt Jerren and keep him in the Grove.)
«DanteE» "They should dovetail. In fact, priority one is finding a Desecration prophecy."
«Brian» (pray to Shadows) "Shadows, what would happen if an Imperator had a Fetch, and that Fetch then came into Creation?"
«squidTisk» (and when he outgrow the grove?)
«Random_Nerd» Shadows: "...I have no idea. If you find out, let me know, okay?"
«Theresa» (We can let Jerren eat Monty?)
«Brian» (to S) "We just met Ymrae (sp?) Jerren ... of the Estates of Impending Doom .... and Sudden Loss of Courage And Duty."
«Random_Nerd» Shadows: "That... you..."
«Random_Nerd» Shadows: "Huh."
«Brian» (to S) "He's new. An hour old, at the outside."
«DanteE» "Ftisk, can you make another video log of that meeting?"
«squidTisk» "Sure"

  • squidTisk does so

«Random_Nerd» Shadows: "And you think he's a fetch? Or he has a fetch?"
«squidTisk» (You can ask pigeon to came and take the video)
«Random_Nerd» Shadows: "He can't be a summoner. It takes at least, like, /four/ hours to learn."
«DanteE» (Imperator, remember)
«Brian» (to S) "Well, thinking he might be a Fetch of Shirk. Sorta. Or that Shirk always was-to-be his Fetch, but since causality doesn't exist Out There ..."
«Theresa» (I think Shadows is already accounting for that.  :) )
«Random_Nerd» Shadows: "Huh. I wonder if there's a way to tell if an Imperator is a Fetch."
«Brian» (I still wanna say it ;))
«Brian» (to S) "So, we come back to: if a Fetch is in Creation, how would you know?"
«Random_Nerd» Shadows: "Hey, that gives me an idea. IF he is a fetch of Shirk... is this new guy a decent sort?"
«Random_Nerd» Shadows: "I don't know."
«Brian» (to S) "Seemed to be. But, being the Imperator of what amounts to Sudden But Inevitable Betrayal ..."
«Random_Nerd» Shadows: "Maybe try killing Shirk, then, see if the new guy absorbs him."
«Random_Nerd» Shadows: "If he does, he was probably a fetch."
«Brian» (to S) "And what happens if a Fetch and its ... ... link? ... are both in Creation, and one dies?"
«Random_Nerd» Shadows: "I have no idea."
«Random_Nerd» S: "If you find out, let me know."
«Brian» (to S) "you may actually be around when that happens. But if not, I'll try not to die, and then inform you."
«Random_Nerd» Shadows: "Anyway, I need to go back to preparing to summon a hole in the fabric of law and morality."
«Brian» (to S) "enjoy."
«DanteE» (We can't hear any of this, right?)
«Random_Nerd» Shadow: "You know what binding to your service a creature that is a walking destruction of the very concept of social compacts is like? Not easy."
«Random_Nerd» (No, unless Brian uses ghost miracles or something to broadcast it.)
«Brian» (If they didn't hear, Brian will relay.)
«Random_Nerd» Shadows: "If I turn into a mad soul-eaten husk of a Noble, you'll help hunt me down, right?"
«Kite» "He's talking about the Lawbreaker?"
«Brian» (to S) "Of course."
«DanteE» (You mean you haven't yet? :) )
«squidTisk» "I like to try to fix you before the hunt"
«Random_Nerd» Shadows: "Cool."
«Random_Nerd» Shadows: "See you later."
«Brian» (To Sam) "If they are linked how they might be linked ... we don't know what happens when either one dies."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Fair enough, boss. But I like this guy. I hope nothing happens to him."
«Brian» (Anchor speak to Jim) "Hey Jim. It's me. Just letting you know that there may be a civil war of the Gods on Earth in the near future. You may want to move to Amyra, along with anyone and anything you hold dear, until it's clear."
«DanteE» (Hope he wasn't doing anything important)
«Theresa» (True.)
«Random_Nerd» Jim: "Uh, okay."
«Random_Nerd» Jim: "War of the Gods. Huh."
«Brian» (J) "It hasn't happened in a long, long, long time."
«Theresa» (Civil war, no. But just regular war, it's been happening for quite a while.)
«Brian» (J) "Let me know if you need anything. Oh, and do you know anyone good with logistics and communications and stuff? We may need some help in that regard. And other areas, too, come to think of it."
«Random_Nerd» J: "Good at logistics and communications? If there's anyone like that around here, they don't hang out in the Physics department, that's for sure."
«Brian» (J) "Well, like I said. Let me know if you need anything, and if any ideas come to mind."
«Random_Nerd» Jim: "Sure."
«Random_Nerd» William goes off to start on his work.

  • DanteE does an extended Div-Courage to determine where Shirk's effect is

«DanteE» (Did we get a decent 3-D map?)
«Brian» "Ok. So now I guess I go research Entropy?"
«squidTisk» (feed the result to Ftisk for the 3dmap)
«Random_Nerd» (On Earth, it looks like once every five, ten minutes, someone previously brave suddenly decides that it doesn't matter any more, and goes and acts according to their own self-interest and fear of death.)
«Brian» *goes to the whispering library to listen for Entropy, Desecration, Destruction, etc, etc, etc*
«Random_Nerd» (These shirkings don't seem to be more common in some geographies than they are in others, except to the degree that human population isn't evenly distributed.
«Random_Nerd» (It isn't just happening to humans, either. Just about everything from mammal on up seems to be susceptible.)
«DanteE» "You'd think a 'visiting ambassador' King would be able to turn his effect OFF..."
«Random_Nerd» Whispering Library: "Lord Entropy is the Ymera of Destruction, Desecration, and Spite. He basically rules the Earth. He's a dick. But surely you knew this already, right?"
«Kite» ("Mammal on up" Insects? Birds?)
«Random_Nerd» (Yeah.)
«Random_Nerd» (Maybe some birds are affected to.)
«Brian» (trees?)
«Random_Nerd» (Too, even.)
«Random_Nerd» (But no trees, no fish, no insects.)
«Theresa» (Trees aren't mammals. I've checked.)
«DanteE» (Yeah, if they were you could milk 'em. :) )
«Random_Nerd» (Where did /you/ think maple syrup came from?)
«Kite» (So, maybe coconut palms are mammals.)
«Brian» (I just had an amusing image of a tree shirking its duty to hold aloft birds)
«Theresa» (I get a better thought of trees playing catch with upset squirrels.)
«Kite» (Haha!)
«Random_Nerd» (Egyptian plovers going "Screw it, let someone /else/ clean the crocodile's teeth, I don't want the scraps of meat /that/ much.)
«Brian» (So the Whispering Library doesn't have much more than an encyclopedic stub entry for Entropy?)
«Theresa» "I'm going to go to the Library and check Kudzu's knowledge of other worlds on the Ash."
«Theresa» (I'm sure that Entropy keeps track of anyone who changes his Wiki page as well.)
«DanteE» "William, got any more maps?"
«Random_Nerd» (William left.)
«DanteE» (Oh, where's that dog?)
«Brian» "I think we need more Aides."
«Random_Nerd» (The Whispering Library was Kudzu's way of ensuring that you guys knew what most Nobles knew.)
«Random_Nerd» (He pretty much figured that you already knew who Entropy was.)
«Brian» (yeah. But just hoping there would be more :p)
«Theresa» "Well, you anchored one, Brian, so he's not technically one anymore."
«Random_Nerd» (I mean, there's not really a Big Book of Lord Entropy. Or, rather, there's a lot of them, but most of them are just rants, insults and drawings of Entropy being set on fire by bears.)
«DanteE» "We have William and Gil, and whoever helps our friends"
«Theresa» (Bears? Doesn't that mean Outside conspiracy?)
«Brian» (Brian will then go to his office, and compile and read some of these Big Books)
«DanteE» (Dante will try and put together a map of Creation, for both his and Theresa's assignments)

  • Kite assembles layered-paper duplicate Creation maps for everyone.
  • Theresa will pester the Lirbary with what kinds of worlds Kudzu likes and dislikes.
  • squidTisk Ftisk will try to come with some possible allies list

«DanteE» (He'll also feed the map and various video logs to the AI)
«Random_Nerd» Kite, on the ground below you, a little creature like a squirrel made of rocks tries to get your attention

  • Kite blinks at the rock squirrel.

«Kite» "Yes?"

  • squidTisk cross index know locust court cases with existing nobles to have a list of the ones with a grudge to Entropy

«Random_Nerd» Kudzusquirrel: "So, your boss is really good at making things. What kind of favor would I have to do him to get him to make me a very large saddle and lance?"
«Brian» (Kudzu wants to ride the Serpent of Impending Doom?!)
«squidTisk» (K00l!)
«Kite» "I'm not entirely certain. Should I ask him for you?"
«Random_Nerd» Kudzu: "Would you?"
«Kite» "Of course!"
«Theresa» (Or maybe he wants to ride Monty against the chibiserpent.)
«squidTisk» (for Thresa despair)
«Brian» (but, man, what an Epic Mount! "Nice horse. My Serpent can cause Impending Doom!")
«Kite» prays to Vulcan: "Lord Vulcan, it's me, Chytosideron. Lord Kudzu would like to ask what favor you might ask in exchange for making a very large saddle and lance for him."
«Random_Nerd» Vulcan: "If I make him these things, will it help prevent the coming catastrophes?"
«DanteE» "We need to figure out what happened on Breach Day, and why."
«DanteE» (No, but it'll make them more entertaining.)
«Kite» to Kudzusquirrel: "He wants to know if it will help prevent the coming catastrophes."
«Random_Nerd» Vulcan: "Wait. This is the one who ran off and left his friends covering his shifts on the Wall?"
«Kite» to Vulcan: "Yes. He seems apologetic about that."
«Random_Nerd» Kudzu: "Not really. Might come in handy if the catastrophes actually show up, though."
«Random_Nerd» Vulcan: "I have higher priorities right now. Tell him that."
«Theresa» (Ooo, burn...)
«Kite» to Kudzusquirrel: "He says he has higher priorities right now."
«Theresa» (Crap, we really messed up the boss' social life.)
«Random_Nerd» Kudzu: "Aww. Okay. Thanks for checking."
«Random_Nerd» The squirrel crumbles.

  • Kite sighs.

«DanteE» (No, the boss messed up his own social life)
«squidTisk» (right)
«Kite» "We may need to improve Kudzu's reputation. It appears to be mildly damaged."
«Random_Nerd» (So, we seem to be slowing tonight.)
«Random_Nerd» (Should we call it a night, or do a scene change, or what?)
«squidTisk» (yeah, I'm sleeepish... a lot)
«Brian» (call it a night, have info gathering offscreen, and have next session after all that?)
«Random_Nerd» (Works for me.)
«Theresa» (Sounds good to me.)
«Kite» (Sounds good)
«squidTisk» (can work for Ftisk, -» now he is gathering)
«Random_Nerd» (Okay, at the start of the next one, tell me what you've been doing offscreen.)
«Random_Nerd» ____________________STOP________________
=-= Brian is now known as lazarus
«Random_Nerd» So, was Jerren a bit too much?
«lazarus» love that guy.
=-= YOU are now known as Ag Angelo elo
« Angelo » me too .
=-= Theresa is now known as BethE
«DanteE» I like him. :)
=-= Kite is now known as Verithe
«BethE» Squee!!!
« Angelo » Can I anchor him?
=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood
«BethE» And plus, he fits in just fine with the new book!
«lazarus» yeah!
«lazarus» Show of hands: who's buying the package on Sunday?
«Angelo» MEEEE!
«Verithe» I am going to give it an attempt!
«Angelo» but can be monday here...
«lazarus» *raises hand!* One of the FEW things I am "allowed" to get.
«Knockwood» Hm...
«Verithe» Probably Monday here, too...unless it's earlier.
«Random_Nerd» Hmm. Maybe.
«Knockwood» How much is it?
«Angelo» near 60$
«Verithe» Yeah.
«Angelo» boo0k+pdf+ /maybe/ epub
«Angelo» hand signed by Jenna Dr Moran
«lazarus» final PDF immediate, too :)
«Knockwood» Hm. So, how long before all 333 get bought?
«Angelo» no word on spediction cost... to Ita or Jap I hope will not cost more that the book
«lazarus» I actually give it a few weeks.
«Random_Nerd» Not sure.
«Angelo» All burn at day 1
«Random_Nerd» Well, wouldn't they be shipping from China?
«Random_Nerd» You're probably closer to it than we are.
«Angelo» isn't eos in Seattle?
«Verithe» Eos moved to China
«BethE» But the printer is in China.
«lazarus» Dr. Moran is in China.
«Random_Nerd» And besides, if they're signed... yeah.
«Angelo» oh. my wrong I believed Dr Moran lived in china not all eos
«lazarus» (If all 333 go in a couple days, kwd, just send Dr. Moran a note - she said that playtesters and contributors should get a chance to get one)
«lazarus» Angelo: she moved to China to be with the rest of EOS
«Verithe» I thought I read that the Eos headquarters moved, anyway.
«Knockwood» Good to know
«Angelo» btw one copy for Rn and one for Beth? Or you'll share the book?
«Random_Nerd» Probably just one.
«BethE» We'll share. We've shared the White Book.
«Knockwood» Anyway... Destiny?
«BethE» (If we get divorced, we'll have to sure for custody...)
«Random_Nerd» What plans do you guys think you furthered or failed to further?
«Angelo» destiny? our is to suffer under Entropy heel
«Angelo» I failed to remember that I want to progress with projection.
«Knockwood» Well, Bumble around Like Idiots gets points...
«lazarus» Figuring out Outside might have something ... but I'll have to double-check that map. And definitely need to have a new Project for our new stuff.
«Knockwood» a few points toward Deal With Shirk and/or Bring Nobles Together
«Random_Nerd» I don't really see a Victory or Failure there, this session.
«Knockwood» well, how about agreeing not to interfere with Jerren's direct miracles (and asking him not to mess with mine)?
«Verithe» Kite failed to...get Kudzu and Vulcan to work together. I don't know if that counts for assembling an Earth defense force or not.
«Random_Nerd» Hmm... I don't see any Project stuff this time.
«Random_Nerd» Sorry.
«Angelo» nopro.
«Verithe» 'Salright.
«lazarus» next time, Gadget, NEXT TIME!!!
«Random_Nerd» Okay, see you all next week.
«Knockwood» Well, we're setting up ... yeah, next time
«Verithe» Take care!
«Knockwood» g'night RN
«BethE» Night, all! *HUGS*
«lazarus» g'night everyone.
«Angelo» night!!!
«Knockwood» g'night Beth
«lazarus» cuddle your pets and loved ones.
|«-- BethE has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)
|«-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )
|«-- lazarus has left (Disintegrated: lazarus)
«Knockwood» well, still looking for WTF Do We Do Now. Someone should have that on their map...
«Angelo» well, night gentlemen
«Angelo» not me, sorry...
«Verithe» We have Imperator mandates. We do those.
«Knockwood» g'night Angelo
«--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis

Chapter 26