Between the Darkness/Session 11

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Clavis_Morden: "Let's get out of here," Clavis says quietly. "Mercution, since he's unconscious can you carry him?"

Clavis_Morden: She looks around the tightly packed bar uncomfortably.

Clavis_Morden: "I'll call the boss in a minute."

Atella: looks around too

Atella: hauls him up

tylorva: "Sure," says Mercution who bends down and picks up the unconscious heretic, tossing him over his shoulder. "Where are we going?"

Atella: "Away from here."

Clavis_Morden: As soon as they are out the door Clavis presses the 'speak' rune on the vox caster. "Sir, reporting successful capture of Sand." Remembering his anger at her last communication she keeps it short.

tylorva: "Oh. Good, I'll report it to the mistress," says Reinhardt, sounding as sullen as ever.

Atella: pokes Clavis

Atella: "Ask him where he wants him"

Clavis_Morden: "Sir, umm, what should we do with him?"

Clavis_Morden: jumps a little as she is poked but quickly catches herself again

tylorva: There is some imcomprehensible muttering from Reinhardt who finally speaks properly. "Find a save location and tell me what it is, then find out what he knows and wait to see what the mistress wants done next."

Atella: blinks

Atella: "Anyone have an idea?"

Clavis_Morden: ".... yes, sir," Clavis responds after a moment.

tylorva: "Well, get on with it then!"

Clavis_Morden: "Yes, sir. Morden out."

Clavis_Morden: "Umm. Safe location, anyone?"

Atella: shrugs

Atella: "can't really take him back to my place"

Clavis_Morden: "Maybe you can ask your colleagues for a pointer to the local precinct?"

Clavis_Morden: "We don't want to be too visible to the Arbites, though ..."

Clavis_Morden: Clavis grimaces. "Most likely his accusations are baseless, but on the off-chance they aren't ..."

Atella: "Yeah... We don't really want to take him somewhere there's a lot of people..."

Clavis_Morden: ((maybe Mercution or Jonas have an idea?))

tylorva: (( Mercution doesn't know anywhere that's not in the underhive. Jonas just shrugs and says all he knows is barracks and bars. ))

Atella: "I... have an idea."

Atella: thinks for a second

Clavis_Morden: Clavis looks hopeful. This job is all very new to her, she's used to having a superior supervising her work and a secure base to return to.

Atella: "There's the crime scene"

Atella: "shouldn't be anyone there"

Clavis_Morden: "And we can confront him with it."

Atella: nods

Clavis_Morden: "Do you think we can find some manner of transportation that isn't the anbaric train?"

Atella: steps out onto the edge of the street and starts waving her arm

tylorva: A couple of speeders zoom past, but a much larger truck trundles to a halt alongside Atella. The door opens and a confused-looking driver peers out. "You okay ma'am?"

Atella: "Arbites business. I need to requisition your vehicle"

tylorva: "Don't you have your own trucks for that?"

Atella: "I'm sorry, that's need to know"

Atella: turns on the charm and smiles at him

Fatespinner: Atella rolled a 62 on a d100 for 2 degrees of failure.

Atella: "Your cooperation is appreciated, citizen"

Atella: (and of course it bombs horribly)

tylorva: "Let me see that badge..."

Atella: shows him the badge

tylorva: He takes it and peers at it evidentally trying to decide if it's genuine. Meanwhile, Janus Sands starts to wake up and groan.

Clavis_Morden: ((he's still being carried by Mercution or ...?))

tylorva: (( Yup... Mercution looks at you for suggestions. ))

Atella: (I'm kinda busy here, knock him out again or something =p)

Clavis_Morden: Having hidden the small Inquisition pin under her cloak once more Clavis draws her laspistol and gestures for Mercution to set Sand down. The first thing he sees upon awakening are Clavis' eyes, hard and determined behind the glasses. And of course the laspistol pointed at his face.

Clavis_Morden: "I'll know the instant you try anything. So put that thought out of your mind right away."

tylorva: "You wouldn't shoot me on the street," he yelps, tugging at his shackles. The truck driver is look unamused. "Look Mamzel Arbiter, I don't think you can put a prisoner on my truck!"

Atella: sighs

Clavis_Morden: "We have you now, and you ... stop struggling or it's the shock maul again."

Atella: "You don't think, do you, citizen?"

Clavis_Morden: This man being the root of all her troubles and the reason she is in this situation in the first place Clavis has no trouble summoning the anger to make it convincing.

tylorva: "Okay, okay!" says the driver. "But I'm staying with the truck. Where do you need to go?"

Atella: gives him the address

Atella: "2843Q Gravis Street"

tylorva: He still has the badge and meticulously writes down all the details, including the address before going anywhere. "If he causes any trouble, then you get the bill," he growls.

Atella: "Yes, yes. Let's go"

Clavis_Morden: "Also, not one more word," Clavis instructs the prisoner, keeping the gun on him and trying not to let him see that she isn't sure she'd be able to shoot it. Thankfully Mercution is also there and holding a gun on him.

tylorva: Mercution has put him down but is keeping tight hold of him. Everyone is able to board the truck. Once on the move, Sands starts yelling. "Help, I'm being kidnapped by heretics!"

Atella: "Oh for crying out loud..."

Clavis_Morden: "Shut up, prisoner!"

Atella: hits him with her shock maul until he stops trying to talk

tylorva: He passes out again. "Throne... says the driver.

Atella: "Pay no attention to him. He's a dangerous heretic that would say anything to escape"

tylorva: A short while later, you are all dropped off in front of the apartment, and the driver heads off quickly before anyone takes his truck. You are able to haul the unconscious Sand inside and set up inside the apartment, which is srill taped off as a crime scene. nothing seems to have changed since you were here earlier.

Atella: turns to Clavis

Atella: "call it in"

Clavis_Morden: produces the vox caster and is tempted, very tempted, to just let Atella do it. But it's her duty apparently, and now way around it. "Yes, Atella."

tylorva: (( *giggles* ))

tylorva: Reinhardt answers. "Well?"

Atella: (I'm the arbiter here =p)

Clavis_Morden: "Reporting as ordered, sir, secured location is 2843Q Gravis Street. We will now begin questioning the prisoner as ordered, sir."

tylorva: "Good. You'd better have something solid for Mistress Shaeye when she arrives." He hangs up.

Clavis_Morden: gulps. "Alright, you heard that, right? Let's wake him up."

Clavis_Morden: Taking a moment to center herself Clavis once more hardens her mental defenses she'll need to be prepared in case Sand tries anything.

Atella: ties Sand up

Clavis_Morden: .dh 77

Fatespinner: Clavis_Morden rolled a 33 on a d100 for 4 degrees of success.

Clavis_Morden: ((Protective Invocation, success))

Atella: (do I have to roll anything for knots? =p)

tylorva: (( Nah, you have shackles. ))

Clavis_Morden: "Let's not mention what we know about the timeline, right? He'll have to independantly convince us he didn't murder Alcoth." Clavis laughs nervously. "But who am I telling that, you're the professional."

Atella: slapslaps Sands face until he wakes

tylorva: Fully restrained, Sand does awaken and groans again. "Frak," he says, glancing around.

Atella: "You can say that again."

Atella: gives him a 'friendly' smile

Atella: (more intimidation)

Fatespinner: Atella rolled a 71 on a d100 for 4 degrees of failure.

Atella: (of course)

tylorva: "If you're in the Inquisition, I'm a High Lord of Terra."

Atella: "Well, we all know you're definitely not an inquisitor."

Clavis_Morden: Clavis briefly displays the small badge. "You'd better believe it."

Clavis_Morden: "But in the end that's of course entirely beside the point. The Inquisitor herself will likely be here shortly."

tylorva: "Well, perhaps she'll listen then!"

Atella: "listen to what? I'm a good listener"

Clavis_Morden: "I think," a hint of emotion runs across Clavis' face at the memory of Vika Shaeye, fear and awe, "It would be best for you if you cooperated now rather than later."

tylorva: "You people haven't been doing your jobs!" he wails. "I'm not the heretic! The real heretic runs free!"

Clavis_Morden: "Murder of an Inquisition official, falsely assuming the rank and identity of said official, *unsanctioned* use of psychic abilities," Clavis lists. "And this just for starters."

Clavis_Morden: "There are probably two dozen more Imperial Laws you have broken. That makes you look pretty heretical, wouldn't you say?"

tylorva: "I didn't murder anyone! I came here to meet the man, but he was already dead when I arrived!"

Atella: "a likely story. What did you want to meet him about?"

tylorva: "I've been trying to report heretical activity for months," he says with a sigh.

Clavis_Morden: "Why would an important man, a member of the Inquisition, listen to anything you say? A damnable witch, an unsanctioned psyker."

Atella: "what kind of heretical activity?"

Clavis_Morden: ((huh. Is Clavis the bad cop here? Who would have thought :p))

tylorva: He pauses for a moment then looks up wearily. "Using untrained psykers as slaves."

Atella: (gotta work with what I have)

Atella: "You have... proof of this?"

tylorva: "Just... experience." He looks up hopefully. "I tried to take it through the proper channels, do what's right for the Emperor, you know?"

Atella: "what proper channels?"

tylorva: "Well, I sent a letter to the Inquisition asking them to look into it. But they didn't. Then I searched around, found a name. Alcoth. tried to talk to his directly, but he didn't seem interested either. Finally he agreed to meet me. But then he died."

Atella: (you wanna take bad cop, Clavis_Morden?)

Clavis_Morden: "Because you killed him."

Clavis_Morden: "To steal his resources, which you could bend to your own plots. Admit it."

tylorva: "No! He was already dead, I swear! Someone had shot him!"

Clavis_Morden: crosses her arms. "A likely story."

Clavis_Morden: "He just happens to drop dead just when you are with him?"

Atella: "Then why did you steal his seal? You should know it's a capital offense to impersonate a member of the inquisition."

Clavis_Morden: "Yeah, as if."

tylorva: "It's the truth! I don't know why he was shot but.. I... I thought I could do a better job myself. I confess to that much."

Atella: "a better job, huh?"

Clavis_Morden: "If not you - and I still don't see why I should believe you - then who?"

tylorva: "I don't know who shot him, or why," he says miserably.

Atella: "By better job, you mean using witchcraft to seduce people and using the seal to get out of trouble you caused?"

Clavis_Morden: "Do you have any proof, anything at all to support your story then? Is there any reason I should believe a known liar, archcriminal, and witch?"

tylorva: He peers at Atella. "Hey I didn't do anything. You were drunk!"

Atella: snorts

Atella: "Now answer the lady's question"

tylorva: He turns to Clavis. "The Inquisition can look inside my mind if they want," he says. "I'm not lying."

Clavis_Morden: ((mmh, we probably should do scrutiny rolls)

Fatespinner: Atella rolled a 46 on a d100 for 1 degrees of failure.

Fatespinner: Clavis_Morden rolled a 5 on a d100 for 3 degrees of success.

tylorva: (( He doesn't seem to be lying. ))

Clavis_Morden: "Hmmpf. Don't think we won't."

Clavis_Morden: "But you are admitting that there is nothing substantial." She pointedly makes a note on her data-slate.

tylorva: He shivers. "Will you investigate it for me?" he asks, suddenly looking across with the intense and haunted expression of someone who knows he is going to die horribly in the near future.

Atella: "investigate what, exactly? You've been pretty vague"

tylorva: "The... the psyker smuggling! I managed to escape, but there were more there, more people. Just kids..." He trembles again. "There were several of them involved, but I only recognised one. His picture is on the vidcasts all the time. Lord Marshal Ummidia..."

Atella: frowns

Atella: "are you absolutely sure?"

tylorva: He hangs his head again. "Yes ma'am, I'm sure. I'm sorry for taking the badge. But when I came in here and saw the corpse, I panicked. I thought it was a good idea at the time, to use it to get the answers and find justice. Then i realised how stupid and dangerous it was and got drunk. That's when I met you." He peers at Clavis. "I've seen you before as well."

Clavis_Morden: "If you are so desperate as to try and gain sympathy with a story then start from the beginning, and leave nothing out."

Clavis_Morden: Clavis' eyelids twitch slightly but she tries to ignore that comment and not react.

tylorva: He does so, blurting out everything he knows. To summarise, he gew up here in Hive Sibellus and developed psychic powers as a child. His family sought help and he ended up in the custody of someone claiming to be the Inquisition. "I don't think they were though..." he says. For several years he was kept as a slave with other. "We were chained up, tortured, punished," he...

tylorva: says. "They had us doing rituals, scryings, message-sending... and rituals." he shivers. "They weren't no rituals to the God-Emperor." He goes on to explain that many of the slaves were only there temporarily before being sold off and transported off world. He was never chosen for that. A few weeks ago he saw his chance to escape. One of the guard wasn't paying enough attention and he fled. ...

tylorva: Since then he's been trying to survive and find help to find the other slaves and to stop the heretics. He doesn't seem to know where this prison was other than it was somewhere in the underhive.

Clavis_Morden: "And you're saying the Lord Marshal of the Arbites himself is involved?" Clavis makes sure to seem properly doubtful.

tylorva: "Yes. He was one of the leaders. He would visit from time to time."

Atella: is clenching a fist so hard it's bleeding

tylorva: "They... used a name. One that made me sick. I shouldn't say it."

Clavis_Morden: "No, you shouldn't," Clavis says quickly.

Atella: "what name?"

tylorva: He looks between the two of them.

Clavis_Morden: "These things are better not spoken aloud."

Clavis_Morden: ((is writing ok?))

Clavis_Morden: Clavis looks very serious and just a little scared.

tylorva: (( I think it's still madness-inducing but in a different way! ))

tylorva: (( Thus saying, Clavis probably doesn't really know. They don't teach you that kind of stuff in detail! ))

Clavis_Morden: "Does ... the name have a circumlocution?"

tylorva: "A what?"

Clavis_Morden: "Nevermind. That will be for the Inquisitor to decide."

tylorva: He shakes even more. "I know she'll kill me," he says. "Just please, make them stop what they are doing!"

Clavis_Morden: "Who used that name? Everyone who was involved or only some?"

Clavis_Morden: looks over her notes and starts asking further questions to pin down details

tylorva: "The leaders seemed to know it. The rituals we were doing..." He shudders. "There was... lots of... ummm... sex. And stuff."

Clavis_Morden: "Can you describe any of the others others involved in the alleged smuggling of unsanctioned psykers? Did you notice any xenos artifacts or creatures? How were they equipped? How big was the operation?"

Atella: pokes a finger in his chest

Atella: "She?"

tylorva: "The Inquisitor...? You said 'she'." He nods to Clavis and tries to answer. "No xenos that I saw. Just humans. There were four leaders that I saw. One was the Lord Marshal." He thinks for a moment and tries to describe the others. "There was a woman. Long dark hair, scar down her cheek. I think she was a ship captain. Someone called her a rogue trader." ...

Clavis_Morden: ((can we assume Clavis also asks a bunch of less interesting questions just to see if his story holds up to them and if anything further about the location can be put together?))

Clavis_Morden: ((that rogue trader that was mentioned in connection to the Slyth Brotherhood, was that a woman?))

tylorva: (( Yes and yes. ))

Clavis_Morden: "Was the name 'Slyth Brotherhood' or anything like that ever mentioned?"

tylorva: "Then there was another man, I don't know who or what he was supposed to me. Always dressed in a plain coat, never gave his name or any information. He was tall, cropped hair, severe expression." He shrugs. "The last one was some kind of gang leader, I'm sure. Big guy, lots of leather, spoke roughly. Had loads of tattoos."

tylorva: He thinks and nods. "I heard them mentioned before. I think they were involved in the slave trading."

Clavis_Morden: ((and yeah, we are in deep shit here. A bona fide chaos cult would be bad enough ... a number of unsanctioned psykers would be a problem on its own ... a corrupted Lord Marshal is serious shit ... and of course a Rogue Trader means a constant possibility for flight and she'd be near untouchable.))

Clavis_Morden: ((together it's a nightmare))

tylorva: (( Welcome to life in the Inquisition. ))

Clavis_Morden: "Was any of the leaders a psyker? Anyone among the rest of the operation, apart from the enslaved ones?"

tylorva: From the patchy descriptions Sand gives of his flight route, Mercution is able to put his knowledge of the Underhive to use and manages to narrow it down to the Sekaa district. That's still a pretty big area though.

Clavis_Morden: ((at the description of the 'gang leader' guy, does Mercution in any way seem like the description seems familiar?))

tylorva: "The plain man. He... could do some psyker stuff, but it was different. Tainted."

Clavis_Morden: winces, as would anyone trained by the Scholastica Psykana at the mentioning of tainted, unclean warp powers

tylorva: Mercution asks for some additional information on the tattoos, and then thinks about it. "Sounds like the FrakShankers..." he says dubiously after a while. "They operate in Sekaa anyway."

Clavis_Morden: "How many enslaved unsanctioneds have you seen? How big was that smuggling business. Where were they sent, and how?"

tylorva: "There was maybe twenty to fifty psykers on site at any one time," he says. "Mainly kids. I don't know where they were sent, but I guess they went to the captain's ship."

Clavis_Morden: continues to make notes, moving sharply and with feverish speed. "And after you stole the seal, allegedly from Interrogator Alcoth's dead body, did your so-called investigation return any results?"

tylorva: He shakes his head. "I realised I had no idea what I was doing. So I recruited a couple of people in a bar to try and help. Heard Inquisitors have people to do the work for them, you know? But then you guys showed up..."

Clavis_Morden: "Why did you resist your arrest? You had to know that it would be both futile and would damn you further?"

tylorva: "I was scared..."

Atella: (I think we should pause here so indi can add some questions too)

Atella: (and we don't get too far ahead)

tylorva: (( Sounds like a plan. :) ))

Clavis_Morden: ((keep the Inquisitor's appearance for when we're all here? Makes sense))

tylorva: (( *nod nod* ))

Clavis_Morden: ((so yeah, seems like a good point to pause))

tylorva: So, next one in two weeks time?