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The School of Clay[edit]

(Malkut’s Devotion, The Coastal School)

[Picture: The Symbol of Malkut’s Devotion: The shape of a gear with an ouroborous on its face. A bald humanoid form, curled in the fetal position, is in the center of both figures. Gills mark its neck. This serves as a watermark]

[Picture: Central. A man in his mid-20s sits in a dark room, at a table. He dresses like someone's accountant - white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbow, tie, and glasses. His hair is short but slightly wild. With his right hand he is writing on a piece of paper on the table, which is covered in open books, bundles of paper, and clay tablets. His other arm, resting on the table, is chitinous and terminates in a crab's claw. The wall behind him is covered with posterboard depicting a colossal and convoluted family tree. The uppermost branches are average names in English, but the lower branches are in cuneiform. The lowest visible branches are merely marked by pictures of sinuous shapes. Certain names or symbols are circled, with no apparent pattern.]

The Tribe finds itself in the unenviable position of existing in the world of humanity without, for all intents and purposes, being human themselves. Where others despise this apparent imprisonment, the School of Clay attacks this assumption. Studying human culture and the place of Leviathans in it, they attempt to create a mode of living in this new world.

This study turns many of the Coastal School towards studies of their personal history, following family genealogies or the legacies of communities that have produced Leviathans. They cultivate contacts in the world at large Both to discern the place of the Tribe in human history and to stave off the dangers of isolation. Their historical interests come to rest in human history, then, trying to find the hidden clues to their own backgrounds inside relics of lost civilizations and yellowing photo albums.

Malkut's Devotion believes that the only way to exist in the modern world is to adapt, and that humanity, for all of its faults, is the model to follow. They overcame the progenitors, after all, and it's not like they're going to disappear. The ability to sustain a life in human society, and easier access to Atolls, is a source of calm and security in the otherwise trying life of a Leviathan. Adaptation and integration are methods towards Tranquility.


The members of the School of Clay are primarily those that are accustomed to think about others, especially in terms of scientific survey. Many are historians or psychologists, or at least individuals that studied those subjects. While they are occasionally stereotyped as extroverts and socialites, the Coastal School has its share of scientific observers - those that deeply desire human contact, but will not or can not fully participate in it. The wallflower is as present at the party as the host.

The only unifying factor in membership of the School of Clay is an interest in humanity and human history. Most members are, if not on the cutting edge themselves, at least not too put out by technology, and few concern themselves with the modes of life or strictures of the lost Leviathan society. They are the sort of people that live in the now and experience their history through people, not places, ideas, or objects. Most feel uncomfortable if isolated against their wishes - contact with others gives them a place to be.


The School of Clay is about observation, exploration, and adaptation. Their transformed shapes tend to be suited to both land and sea, armored against attackers but also with prevalent methods of communicating - sweeping antennae or boisterous, shifting hides. Their forms resemble crabs, lobsters, or swarming reef fish - the aquatic tenants of the beaches and reefs, teeming with life. Eyes are often prevalent and unblinking, while some develop forms that can adapt, chameleon-like, to suit any background.

Character Creation[edit]

Social Attributes are the primary focus of most members of the Coastal School, with Presence and Manipulation having equal showings. Composure and Stamina are favored over Resolve - it's less about persistence and more about remaining functional. Those members that observe others or delve into their own histories tend towards above-average Intelligence.

Socialize and Politics are the favored Skills of Malkut's Devotion, allowing them to participate in and direct human life. Academics, especially the study of history or psychology, is also common, but Computer knowledge is rapidly becoming more widespread - the ability to operate in the modern world. While most of Malkut's Devotion would rather run than fight, their participation in human life means that they tend to fight like humans, when necessary - they've adopted the gun as their chosen weapon, scoffing at questions of "honor" or "tradition." Natural observers, they share the Sunken School's affinity for Investigation and Empathy.

The School of Clay places a great emphasis on Social Merits; they are the likeliest Devotees to have Contacts and Allies. Their Cults are, surprisingly, usually modest affairs - the level of intimacy that surrounds a Cult compromises the School's perspective of themselves as infiltrating or observing human society. A Cult is likely to be composed of relatives, either close or distant, that have been uncovered as "in the know" by the Devotee. (Malkut's Devotion is deeply interested in Atolls, and they are the most likely to be in peaceful contact with one for a sustained period of time.)


The Devotees of Clay serve an important function as a bridge between their less social fellows and the human world. While they feel the same sense of alienation and isolation when moving through social circles, their perspective permits them some degree of isolation from this discomfort - they're ambassadors or researchers, they'll argue, operating on foreign soil. They're also the most likely to have access to money and resources that come as the perks of this social life - and the ability to get your hands on a gun on short notice has some considerable allure for most of the Tribe.

The Cohort in turn offers a place where the researcher can loosen his tie and take off his glasses - he doesn't have to act around them. With the rigors of social contact causing as much discomfort and irritation as they do, this safety valve is extremely important to most of Malkut's Devotion, even if they're not aware of it. Without contact with the Tribe, most of the Devotees of Clay would be heading for a disastrous meltdown.


The School of Clay is interested in integrating itself into groups and considering the nature of bloodlines and birthrights. They master those gifts that let them work with these tools - bending wills, blending in, and expressing their lineage.

The School of Clay grants a discount on purchasing Evolutions to the Vestiges of Sanctity and Fecundity.


Members of the School of Clay may select a free specialization for one of the following Skills: Politics, Firearms, and Socialize.


Drug dealer, "urban" anthropologist, psychotherapist, market researcher, club regular, fraternity or sorority leader, chairman of the Homeowner's Association


"We've always looked down on humans. It's easy, when you see them looking at you with those big moony eyes. But they've built this world, while anything our people did is long buried in silt and rotting algae. If I was you, I'd shut up and listen to them more often."


  • School of the Abyss: "Who would leave a world teeming with life to skulk around a dead one?"
  • School of the Sun: "Chanting and preaching - way to keep a low profile, buddy."
  • School of the Reef: "You ever notice how Rambo just can't seem to get a break? Stop looking for trouble, and you'll stop finding it."
  • School of Fog: "Dredging up our history will only tell you that we lost. I'm sitting at the winner's table, and I'm taking notes."
  • Typhons: "If you can't go with the flow, you're doomed to obsolesence. Like these guys."
  • Hybrids: "There are better ways to coexist with humanity than trying to make them more like us."
  • Other Creatures: "If they keep their hands off, let 'em be - otherwise, well, it's always good to let off some steam."
  • Mortals: "We came from here, and we've never left."

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