Negima: High School Magical Nicole
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Str 1 (2 when FA is active)
Sta 4 (7 when FA is active)
Fgt -1
Agl 5 (7 when FA is active)
Dex 0
Int 2
Awa 4
Pre 0
Initiative +7
Dodge 6 (7 when FA is active)
Fortitude 6 (7 when FA is active)
Parry 0
Toughness 6 (7 when FA is active)
Will 4
Acrobatics 4/6 (7 when FA is active)
Athletics 8/1 (2 when FA is active)
Deception 10/0
Expertise (Props) 8/2
Expertise (Otakudom) 2/2
Insight 0/4
Intimidation 0/0
Investigation 0/2
Perception 0/4
Persuasion 0/0
Ranged Combat (Guns) 7/0
Sleight of Hand 0/4
Stealth 4/6 (7 when FA is active)
Technology 1/2
Treatment 0/2
Vehicles 0/4
All-Out Attack
Attractive 1
Daze (Deception)
Equipment (Cell phone, laptop, gaming consoles, costumes / costume-making materials...)
Fascinate (Deception)
Improved Critical (Pactio Artifact) 1
Minion 6 (Marina!)
Move-By Action
Uncanny Dodge
Power Attack
Precise Attack (Ranged Cover and Concealment)
Pactio Artifact: Imaginos Armationem - Fantasy Arsenal (20 PP)
Create Object 7
- Precise extra (+1 PP)
- Continuous extra (+1 PP/rank)
- Innate extra (+1 PP)
- Quirk: Needs incantation (-1 PP)
- Quirk: DC 12 Expertise: Props check required (-2 PP)
- AE: Ranged Affliction (Fort-keyed) 7 (with Cumulative extra)
- AE: Deflect 7 (with Reflect, Redirect and Precise extras)
Enhanced Strength 1 (2 PP)
Enhanced Agility 2 (4 PP)
Enhanced Stamina 3 (6 PP)
Speed 2 (2 PP)
Linked to
Concealment (vision) 2 (1 PP)
- Check Required: DC 13 Stealth check (-3 PP)
- Quirk: Fails against anything with swift enough reflexes/perception (-1 PP)
- AE: Concealment 4 (all visual senses, concentration flaw, Check Required: DC 13 Stealth check)
Quickness 15 (1 PP)
- Limited: Making/Wearing Props and Costumes (-2 PP/rank)
- Check Required: DC 14 Expertise (Costuming) check (-4 PP)
Enhanced Benefit 2 (Quick Change 1, Costume Hammerspace) (1 PP)
- Quirk: Needs Incantation (-1 PP)
105/107 PP spent
Significant Other: Marina
Rival: Coobie