Dawn of the Third age/IC Logs/Session 24

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Lob: The Circle, lead by Nomoe, approached the Factory Cathedral on the outskirts of Denandsor. A constant automaton presence had kept it's citizens out of that tiny corner of the city

Lob: Teh Deliberative having ordered that no mortals or Exalts be allowed in that area due to dangerous and as of yet uncontrolled machinery and essence contamination.

Lob: This, of course, was a facade, as the Factory Cathedral designated by Deliberator Antonee as FC#A2B was in fact the site of the Autocthonian embassy to the deliberative and the only known Razor Gate between Creation and the 8 Nations, particularily Estasia

Lob: By Ruby's request, the Circle had been given permission to enter, and so they found the ambassador standing in front of the entrance, after passing through numerous security points and artifacts built to detect Akuma and other Creatures of Darkness

Wandering: looks around noting everything she saw so many new things to learn it would seem, she was more than a little excited to be going on this mission a whole new world to explore and she was about to meet its first dezien

Nomoe_Hideaki: bows in polite greeting. "Ambassador, it's good to see you again. I hope you are doing well?"

Lob: Ruby bowed in return. "I am well, Deliberator Nomoe...and it is good to see your Circle as well, Autocthonia and Estasia wishes to express it's congratulations on finding your mate, and expresses their greetings to your Circle as well..."

~Prototype: Beside "Ambassador Izil" stands a man in the dress uniform of the Deliberative Sky Fleet.

Lob: She looked coldly at Brazen, still "only" 8 feet tall and lit up like a supernova that was only concealed from the rest of the city by the high walls around the facility. "And Brazen."

Lob: "I would like you to meet our esteemed colleague, and a symbol of the productive and mutually beneficial relationship between the Great Maker and Creation, Glorious Prototype for Reunion."

Lob: Brazen personally gave a long exhale through his nostrils and met Ruby's eyes. She clearly wasn't very happy to see him there, although she wasn't surprised.

Lob: "He will be assisting our investigation within the Great Maker."

Nomoe_Hideaki: As always Nomoe is clothed in silks that would stand out even among the opulence of the Heavenly City and the power of his Charms is upon him like a mantle of subtle radiance. He bows slightly - a second time - to acknowledge Ruby's congratulations.

Lob: Ruby looked at Wanderer. "I do not think that we have had the privilege of meeting you, Deliberator..." She waits for her name.

Nomoe_Hideaki: "Glorious Prototype of Reunion, I am pleased to make your acquaintance." Nomoe bows to the other Alchemical as well, to the degree proper in greeting a fellow Celestial Exalt.

~Prototype: Pro comes to attention and salutes, then goes to parade rest and smiles. "It's good to meet you. My friends call me 'Pro'." He offers a hand to shake.

Lob: Brazen simply nods to them both.

Wandering: looks between Ruby and Brazen her eyebrow quirked slightly but quickly lowered it "Wandering Drunked Scholar, its is a pleasure to meet you both" she said smiling

Lob: Ruby bowed respectfully. "The feeling is mutual. Your efforts in Gem have been most impressive."

Wandering: Wandering nods acknowldging the compliment

Nomoe_Hideaki: Although he does care much for the gesture personally, Nomoe knows the customs of Estasia enough to know that it is considered polite to shake Prototype's offered hand. So he does just that with a diplomatic smile.

Nomoe_Hideaki: "You will be accompanying us then, Commander?"

~Prototype: Pro nods. "Yes. I've been stationed at our embassy in Estasia for some time, both as honor guard and a local liason."

Wandering: "Intresting, I'm sure your aid will be most useful to us"

Lob: Ruby nodded as they continued to introduce themselves to each other. "We are glad that you have managed to make such a good first impression with each other. But I would request that we continue to the Razor Gate. A transition through it requires a great deal of preparation, after all, especially such a large group."

Lob: "Also, Prototype," She noted. "Your warstrider has been successfully transported to Estasia."

Nomoe_Hideaki: "That much we can safely assume," Nomoe agrees pleasantly.

Nomoe_Hideaki: "Yes, certainly," he nods to Ruby.

~Prototype: "I have never disappointed yet," Pro says confidently. "And thank you, Ambassador."

Lob: As they entered the Factory cathedral, the first thing that they would note is that it's purpose has mostly been converted from a facility for the assembly of artifacts to a constant monitoring and operation station for the Razor Gate held dozens of meters below ground.

Wandering: "Where in Estasia will we arrive?" Wandering asked "Will we be able to see much of the city its self?"

Nomoe_Hideaki: lets Ruby answer that, though of course having been to Estasia a few times himself he'd know.

Lob: Enlightened Mortal Savants, each of them bound to secrecy by Eclipse Oath, shift from terminal to terminal, examining the merest shifts in essence levels, making sure that the Autocthonian essence that sometimes leaks from the Gate is properly counteracted by the elemental energy of Creation itself.

Lob: As they walk through these rooms, they pass through a large number of checkpoints, each of them examining biometric data that had been sent to the system a full day ahead of the Circle arriving.

Lob: As well as making sure that it matches up with the Access talisman given to each member.

Nomoe_Hideaki: passes through the checkpoints with the casual arrogance and almost bored expression of a professional diplomat. He doesn't understand as much as one tenth of the actual processes taking place behind the scenes, being no motonic technician himself, but then that's not the point.

Lob: "We will arrive at the corresponding Razor Gate in Estasia. Do not be alarmed, we usually get outsiders there, so the location has been set up to be as hospitable as possible to those from Creation."

Lob: Ruby said to Wandering. "Deliberator Nomoe has been to the Great Maker a few times himself, as an ambassador to Sanken, and he has given no complaints about our hospitality."

Nomoe_Hideaki: "Estasia has never been anything but most hospitable," Nomoe agrees.

Lob: The elevator ride itself took an almost alarmingly long time, almost 2 minutes spent travelling at approx. 50 miles per hour. If one of them had cared to ask. Fortunately, the elevator was massive, easily large enough to fit the bulk trade shipments that often crossed between the worlds.

Wandering: "Intresting, I hadn't known that" said Wandering "What of Estasia its self? will we be able to see it freely?"

Lob: Brazen, for his part, just constantly shuffled from talon-to-talon, clearly impatient at all these checkpoints and searches. He seemed to be barely holding his complaints in, and only with great effort.

Lob: Ruby considered her words carefully. "There is a foreigners' quarter which you may explore at your leisure. However, to ensure efficiency and a lack of distraction on the part of our mortal population, we would ask that we be given a request to explore the city at least 3-shifts (18 hours) in advance."

Lob: "Also, to prevent panic, Brazen Sand has been requested to travel with an escort at all times." Ruby added.

Lob: Her emphasis on the word "request" on that last sentence, although well-hidden, nonetheless indicates that the request was nothing of the sort.

Wandering: "That is a shame" said Wandering not hiding her disappointment "But if that is how it must be"

Lob: Eventually, the elevator came to a halt, and the massive doors opened to the Razor Gate, surrounded by yet more Technicians, including a team of Savants from Autocthonia itself.

Lob: "We apologize, but stability and harmony are imperative to the correct social working of the Great Maker."

Lob: Ruby answered.

Nomoe_Hideaki: privately smiles inwardly, not expecting Bright Snow to go along with the restrictions on her research

Lob: "Please stand at a distance while the Gate opens," Ruby asked. "We have not yet had any fatalities during a transition, but some materials have coem through...wrong, due to hastily done calibrations."

Lob: A nearby birdlike beastman savant covered in an exoskeleton of grey plates calibrated the gate, until finally it exploded into life.

Wandering: Wandering watches the operation carefully mentally noting what happens

Lob: What can only be described as a tunnel of pure industrial essence yawned open, howling with the sounds of clanging hammers and massive hydraulic pistons.

Nomoe_Hideaki: lets his sorcerer's sight drop, knowing from experience that it isn't the best idea to watch the activation in the essential spectra.

Nomoe_Hideaki: Not the most pleasant one anyway.

Lob: A klaxon sounded, accompanied by a spinning emergency light sending washes of red light across the massive room.

Lob: "CLEAR!" The head technician announced.

Lob: Brazen, for his part, had to quickly look away, holding his head briefly at the unexpected intensity of the gate's opening.

Wandering: jumped slightly at the klaxarn and then watched as the gate opened

Lob: "Ready for Transition!" Another essence-technician at the controls announced

Lob: Ruby took the lead. "The motonic cascade is now within acceptable safety parameters for Celestial Exalts. We can pass." Ruby told them

Nomoe_Hideaki: nods, making a small gesture for Ruby to take lead before following through the gate himself.

Wandering: follows the others through the gate

~Prototype: Pro gestures for Snow to precede him through the gate into Estasia.

Bright_Snow: With a shrug Snow leaps through, gracefully landing on the other side

Lob: The transition literally takes No-Time, shuttling through Elsewhere, which has No Space. A clock that was put through the gate would not have even advanced by a microsecond.

~Prototype: Pro steps through after her, letting the gate close behind him.

Lob: They exit into a world that is, in fact, not dissimilar to the compound they had just exited.

Lob: The ceiling is a bit lower, and there is a bit less space, but it is otherwise relatively familiar.

Wandering: looks around and seems vageuly disapointed that everything looks so similer to what they had just left

Lob: The difference is that every person on the other side wears a gem on their foreheads.

Lob: The gate opens onto a massive ramp, leading to a likewise massive conveyer belt, one that is currently not moving, but nevertheless big enough to dwarf even Brazen at full-size, easily.

~Prototype: Pro closes his eyes briefly, and his body shifts, his skin changing color as he drops his mortal guise.

Lob: As inspectors move around the new arrivals, scanning them for airborne pathogens or other dangerous things that could have been accidentally (of course accidentally) brought into the Great Maker from Creation.

Bright_Snow: "The air smells different." Snow manages with a sniff, "Don't look so dissappointed."

Lob: This is all done with the greatest of respect, of course. Each of them politely asking permission to scan each of the Exalts.

dakkareth: shifts his personal essence flows to incorporate his hearthstone once more, attuning him to the essence flows of the world - Autochthonia now - again.

~Prototype: Pro accepts with equanimity. It's all part of procedure, no insult intended.

Lob: Brazen also accepts the procedure, although whether he would have without being asked is something that the Circle would likely rather not even think about

dakkareth: doesn't even acknowledge the mortals apart from a miniscule gesture with his fingers amounting to 'be quick about it'.

Wandering: "I suppose" said Wandering hiding a smile and accepting the scans "Intresting ways they have here"

Lob: The air does smell different here though

Lob: not a trace of air circulation.

Nomoe_Hideaki: "It's not just the air either," Nomoe comments. "If you look at the essence flows ... completely different."

Lob: As they are shuttled into the Foreign Quarter, specifically the Embassy of Creation, things do start to feel very very different

Lob: Estasia is massive, and the tunnels that you walk through occassionally open into portholes that you can peek through to see the city itself

Lob: It is a massive Jade construct, easily the size of Denandsor, constantly flashing with essence racing through it's streets and up buildings.

Lob: At the tallest building, a massive essence projector creates an enormous light source for the entire city, providing light wherever they go.

Lob: And above even that, a ceiling made out of metal, equal parts panels, pipes, and massive grinding cogs for a purpose that one can only guess at.

Lob: As Ruby walks, she reads reports, gives directions to various lower-ranking officials, and generally works on the go.

Nomoe_Hideaki: His hands hidden in his sleeves Nomoe glides more than walks along, his movement preternaturally fluid and graceful.

~Prototype: Prototype walks along, smiling a little at the reactions of those new to the body of the Great Maker.

Lob: Brazen watched in wonder. "Well, that's a hell of a thing. Man, it's all...glowy!" He said, although he himself was almost blindingly bright in the tunnel

Nomoe_Hideaki: "Have you served long with the Deliberative air fleet, Commander?" Nomoe makes polite conversation. He hadn't been aware that the cooperation between the Realms had gone that far.

Wandering: The ealier disapointment has faded and is replaced with a look of wonder as she take in the sights "Truely this is something else"

Lob: "I'll say!" brazen agreed. "I dunno how they'd live without the sky, though."

Lob: Ruby sighed. "We get by, of course. The light of the city provides all the light they need and helps them maintain a proper sleeping rhythm."

~Prototype: "Yes, since I was constructed in Denandsor 3 years ago. It was an expirment to see if Champions could be built in Creation. The Eight Nations provided my soulgem and the expertise of the Sodalities, while the Deliberative supplied the materials and the location for the experiment, on the condition that any resulting Exalted belong to them."

Bright_Snow: Snow quietly stares, amazed at the place and drinking in every detail

Nomoe_Hideaki: nods. "How have you found your service to Creation?"

Wandering: "Yes it is odd to not see Sol and Luna above us" said Wandering "Still this place looks facisnating" there was a slight hunger in her words

Lob: "I can have a tour set up for your Circle, if you wish." Ruby noted.

Nomoe_Hideaki: "In this place we alone represent their power," Nomoe nods, "even if they themselves do not reach here directly."

Lob: "But please be aware that the city itself is alive. It is one of Estasia's most respected Champions of the Great Maker."

Lob: Brazen looked at her oddly. "How can a city be alive?"

Bright_Snow: "Yes please." Snow responds, "Aware that she would struggle to blend in with such a society"

Wandering: "Alive? thats possible? Then yes a tour would be most welcome" Wandering added

Lob: "Why would you need to blend in with them?"

Lob: Ruby asked.

Lob: "How can Prototype be alive?" Ruby asked, waving a hand at the Champion. "Becoming a Patropoli is simply the final stage of enlightenment for Champions of the Great Maker."

Lob: As she discussed this, another aide whispered in her ear. She actually went slightly pale. "I'm sorry, but I will perhaps have to schedule the tour for a few shifts later. Your presence has been requested by..." She actually swallowed. "By one of the Divine Ministers."

Bright_Snow: "Because people behave differently when they are aware they are being observed, especially by an outsider."

Lob: "What the hell is a Divine Minister?" Brazen asked, wondering what she could be all freaked out about.

Nomoe_Hideaki: "I see." Nomoe inclines his head slightly. "We are honored."

~Prototype: "Very satisfactory. Creation and its values took some getting used to, since all my past memories were of life in Autochthonia. But Champions are built to serve and protect, and I can do that just as well in Creation as the body of the Great Maker."

Lob: "Please...please follow me," She said. And then scowled at Brazen. "And be polite! Or perhaps it would be best if you weren't present at all, Brazen. The Divine Ministers take a very dim view of Breaker-spawn."

Nomoe_Hideaki: nods. "True. Circumstances may differ, societies may differ, the details may change, but duty remains the same."

Lob: Brazen growled back. "Hey, what right do they have to tell me not to show up! I'm part of this Circle!"

Lob: He actually stomped in anger, causing an echo to ring throughout the structure.

Nomoe_Hideaki: "The ambassador is merely saying that your presence could be counterproductive to our common goals," Nomoe explains.

Nomoe_Hideaki: "Sacrifices may be required to foil this conspiracy's schemes."

Nomoe_Hideaki: "Maybe now is the time for you to make a small one."

Lob: Brazen growled and snorted. "Fine, whatever! But because I CHOSE to!" He added to Ruby.

Wandering: "It will be fine Brazen, we can fill you in on everything you need to know afterwards" said Wandering <And the important stuff during right?>

Lob: <Yes yes, right...fine.> Brazen said, sulkily.

Lob: Brazen found himself in a rather well-appointed room in the embassy. Almost irritatingly well-appointed!

Lob: Meanwhile, the rest walked through chambers, and tunnels and walkways, all of them trailed by a group of oil-burning worshippers of the Divine Ministers, it all had the hint of ritual to it.

Lob: "You will be meeting Ku. One of the...lesser-appreciated Divine Ministers." Ruby noted.

Lob: "I would advise you to be respectful of them, as this is their domain and they speak with the voice of the Great Maker."

Nomoe_Hideaki: "Has the honored Divine Minister made the reason for this request known," Nomoe inquires.

Lob: As they neared a special chamber surrounded and barred by the 5 Magical Materials, a massive congregation had formed behind them.

Lob: "Ku is not in the habit of explaining itself." Ruby said, her face betraying a hint of nervousness. "This is a very strange event."

Lob: The bars started to lower and twist away from the door, and as it very slowly opened, smoke began to slither out of the cracks between. The congregation of worshippers fell on their faces in a show of submission to this facet of the Great Maker himself.

Wandering: "Impresive" Wandering murmered "Through I hope they don't expect us to drop like that"

Lob: Ruby stepped aside. "I wasn't one of those called to meet it. You must go into the chamber now. Good luck."

Nomoe_Hideaki: */Mmh. I have not prepared for this contingency./ mild distress, not knowing the appropriate formalities is vexing to Nomoe*

Nomoe_Hideaki: nods once and immediately strides forward to enter, head held high.

Lob: The smoke was black and oily and thick, breathing it burnt the lungs.

~Prototype: Prototype is close behind the Eclipse.

Bright_Snow: */ Improvise, I'm sure you now thousands of ways to approach this situation, just go with which one comes naturally. It may well be a memory of when we did this long ago./ An odd sensation, deja vu perhaps crawls through Snows mind/ I recall meeting Ku at the early lectures of Magnus just after the end of the war./*

Nomoe_Hideaki: Walking into the smoke Nomoe carefully slows his breathing. A nearly invisible veil of essence-spun silk materializes before his face.

~Prototype: Pro strides into the smoke just behind Nomoe, unafraid and unintimidated by Ku's display.

Wandering: Wandering walks forward the smoke not discomforting her in the least, she has breathed far worse

Nomoe_Hideaki: */Let's see if they share my understanding of our respective positions then./ detached amusement /Or if indeed memories come falling out of the dark .../*

Bright_Snow: Snow just strides straight in, her eyes taking a charchol sheen, the smoke being no more impediment to her than the deserts of the south or the frozen wastelands of the north

Lob: In the centre of this cloud of smoke and ash sits a barely visible skeletal figure seated upon a throne of soulsteel junk.

Lob: It's veins constantly belch out smoke, like a humanoid industrial chimney.

Lob: "Champions of Creation...You come to interfere in the Workings of the Great Maker..." It said before they even introduced themselves, it's eyes a dull red through the clouds.

Lob: It's voice sounded like the hiss of a handful ash falling between one's fingers.

Wandering: Wandering looked to Nomoe to take the lead he had dealt with these people before after all

Nomoe_Hideaki: approaches and bows respectfully, affording the Divine Minister about the same status as a celestial god in direct service to the Incarnae. "I am Deliberator Nomoe Hideaki of the Celestial Deliberative. Greetings to you, Ku of the Divine Ministers of Autochthon."

Lob: ",00Even a Champion of Autocthonia is with you...you cannot keep your hands off of anything."

Lob: It added, noticing Prototype.

Lob: It's eyes looked over all of them, with the vicious stare of a cornered animal.

Lob: ",00Now tell me, why are you here. Really."

Nomoe_Hideaki: does not meet its eyes but does not avert them either. "We are honored to receive an invitation to audience with you, honored Ku."

~Prototype: "The Deliberative wishes to help the Great Maker and his people, Great Ku. The peoples of Creation and Autochthonia are working toward common goals. They - we - are not here to interfere, but to preserve and protect."

Lob: ",00Yet you plan to visit my domain...I have agents there already. Ones that will see to this matter. As we have done over millenia."

Nomoe_Hideaki: "There are issues that both our realms are facing. We are here to do this together rather than apart."

Lob: ",00You will meet with Oberashti, then. He will assist you and ensure that the Maker's welfare and safety is taken care of."

Lob: It stopped for a moment and clouds of ashes, some chunks more solid then others, burst through the spaces between it's rusted soulsteel ribs.

Lob: Then it vacuumed up a cloud of smoke into it's gaping gas-mask grille. "I breathe the knowledge of Autocthon, that spreads like smoke. Into lungs and hearts and the mind. I know your purpose now!" It hissed.

Nomoe_Hideaki: "We are here to strengthen the bonds of friendship and mutual understanding between our realms, between our nations," Nomoe nods.

Lob: "The Nations mean nothing to me!" it hissed. "Do you think that I don't remember what you did ages ago? No, you would rather steal oru secrets for yourself...I told them not to open the gate...but did they listen? No! Unknown variables, unknown variables piled upon crisis piled upon crisis!" It whispered to itself.

Lob: It twitched it's head bonelessly across their faces, "Creation was a plague that we had to escape! A plague of grasping golden hands, held and supported at the wrist by Luna's Chosen!"

Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe waits unmoving for the Divine Minister to finish talking to itself, his expression politely neutral.

Lob: "Go!" It snapped to them. "I will be watching you!" It finally hissed, pressing itself deeper into the throne like a scared animal ready to pounce and kill out of sheer terror.

~Prototype: "Divine Minister, I do not know what happened those eons ago. But things have changed much in Creation since the Great Maker left."

Nomoe_Hideaki: bows again as he did before. "Farewell, honored Ku, of the Divine Ministers." And he turns around, leaving the audience chamber.

Lob: "Change? Change! Change is entropy and the breaking down of systems! Like everything! But we have to keep them supported, keep them going, and then you open the Gate and change spills in, more damned entropy!" It spat.

Bright_Snow: Snow glances at Ku with pity and a little disgust and turns and follows her mate out.

~Prototype: Prototype stubbornly still stands before Ku.

Wandering: Wandering just shakes her head slightly and then follows the others

Lob: Ku turned to Prototype and steel teeth clattered behind a gasmask of twisted soulsteel

Lob: "What do you want, Bastard of Autocthonia?"

Lob: It hissed, offended.

Nomoe_Hideaki: */I did not aspect an aspect of the Great Maker to be so ... wretched./*

Nomoe_Hideaki: *A mental sigh. /Well, so long as our efforts are not actively impeded we are at least no worse off./*

~Prototype: "Change is also growth, Divine Minister. The new Deliberative is not the same as what came before. They wish to help us, not to... to conquer us, or whatever it is that you fear from them. Since the gate has opened, the miscarriage rate has plummeted, and we have more people, more resources to fight against the Maker's sickness. With the connection to Creation, and with the help of its peoples, we are keeping the Grea

Lob: As they left, Ku waved a hand ending in rusty industrial blades and sealed the door behind them, leaving Prototype inside with it.

Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe strides out through the doors, the smoke swirling around him but never actually touching him. His clothes remains as pristine as they were going in.

Wandering: "Well that could have gone better, through I suppose it could have gone a lot worse as well" Wandering said in a low voice to her circlemates

Lob: It stood up and walked to Prototype. "You know NOTHING of Autocthonia, if you did, you would know that *I* am the Great Maker!"

Lob: "If the Great Sickness is being helped, then why are there CHAMPIONS OF THE VOID TAKING YOUR CURSED CHARMS!" it shrieked, furious at Prototype's defiance.

Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe approximates the meaning of a shrug in a small gesture, invisible to the praying masses outside the doors. "It is how it is, and not for us to change. Our goal remains unchanged."

Lob: "This is what Creation will do, they will tear out whatever they like from the Great Maker's guts, and then leave him to die! That is what they want to do, they want to satisfy their curiosity. Well I know that curiosity often goes unrewarded, Bastard Champion!"

Wandering: "I would not seek to change things at this time" said Wandering "We have a mission we have to fulfil first as you rightly said"

~Prototype: "My soul has served a hundred lifetimes in Autochthonia. I know that you speak for the Great Maker. And I will not deny that they are curious, but with respect, curiosity can be satisfied without causing harm. As for the Champions of the Void, that is what we have come here to deal with. The union of void to void is a threat to both our worlds, and one neither can face on its own."

Bright_Snow: Snow shrugs in response. */ His time in isolation has let his paranoia run rampant./*

Nomoe_Hideaki: "It seems we will need to wait for the Commander's private audience to conclude," Nomoe says dryly, glancing toward the closed doors briefly.

Bright_Snow: */ Though possibly not unwarrented /*

Lob: Ruby looks downright pale, but doesn't move to do anything

Lob: Ku let out a cloud of smog and opened the door. "Get out. The Great Maker will find a way to survive, if your meddling doesn't kill him first."

Nomoe_Hideaki: */The history of the first Deliberative is not a subject open to general study. But from what little I do know ... the original fear may well be founded in harsh reality. Our predecessors did after all extinguish a number of Primordials./*

~Prototype: Prototype turns on his heel and strides out to join the other Celestials.

Lob: The door quickly slammed shut behind the Alchemical.

Nomoe_Hideaki: gives him a nod. "Commander."

Lob: With the seals sliding back into place almost instantly.

Nomoe_Hideaki: Then, turning to Ruby, he inquires: "What's next, Ambassador?"

Wandering: "Where to now?" Wandering asked as their number was complete again

Lob: Ruby shook her head, still a little shocked by the actions of the Divine Minister. "There is transport available to the Far Reaches. I believe that Prototype knows more about what is going on then I am. I'm also afraid I cannot join you on your expedition, with apologies, Deliberator."

Lob: "However, Prototype is more then qualified to take my place on your travels."

Nomoe_Hideaki: makes a small gesture. "No apologies are necessary, Ambassador. I know well that your duties demand much of your time."

Nomoe_Hideaki: "What can you tell us of the details of this expedition then, Commander?"

Wandering: "That sounds like a good plan, there is little point wasting time here" Said Wandering "For now at least

~Prototype: ""We believe we have located the general area where the contact with the Underworld is, but we still have to search to find the specific location."

Nomoe_Hideaki: nods. "Will that area be accessible to vehicles or will we need to travel on foot?"

~Prototype: "it is be accesible to vehicles, yes. As Ambassador Izil said, transport will be made available to us. We're not entirely sure what the terrain will be like once we arrive in the area, but it's likely we'll be in vehicles at least some of the time even then.

Nomoe_Hideaki: "What size will this expedition be?"

Nomoe_Hideaki: "How much support and specialist personel will we be bringing along?"

Bright_Snow: "Were we actually planning on crossing to the Underworld side?"

~Prototype: "Outside of crew for the vehicles - pilots and technicians and so forth - we are teh expedition."

Nomoe_Hideaki: nods. "One adjutant for myself will have to suffice then."

~Prototype: "There are no plans to cross over at this time, but there are also no plans not to."

Bright_Snow: brief smile turns into a scowl as Prototype clarifies himself.

Lob: Brazen sat back and listened. He had no idea about how these plans woudl work out. He wasn't a plan guy anyway.

Nomoe_Hideaki: "The objectives are to gather intelligence on the Apostate-Abyssal alliance, to destroy their means of communication and exchange - the gate - and finally to inflict whatever opportunistic damage we can on either side. Correct?"

~Prototype: "Yes."

Nomoe_Hideaki: "I have, for the moment, no further questions." Nomoe leans back in his chair.

Lob: The Estasian-model Tunnel-sweeper was a behemoth, small enough to fly through the tunnels that comprised Autocthon's veins, yet large enough to carry Prototype's warstrider in it's cargo area.

Nomoe_Hideaki: has brought along a young military officer from the Sanken embassy to serve as his adjutant. Combining remnants of his old uniform with the necessary Autochthonian equipment he makes for a somewhat strange-looking figure, but his zeal and his ability are unquestionable - for a mortal, that is.

Lob: The flying machine hummed and floated on turbines that vented glowing essence along it's back.

Lob: A pilot greeted the crew and showed them to her cockpit, explaining how the Tunnel-Runner operated.

Lob: She seemed to show some affection for the vehicle, considering it "Her" tunnel-runner, even though it was technically Estasia's

Lob: With that, they left, out into the Far Re

Bright_Snow: sits talking witg the pilot for some of the journey learning about the womans story and begins piecing together a picture of Autocthonian society

Lob: Reaches, a journey that they were told would likely take a couple days. Fortunately, the ship was stocked with food and places to sleep, although Brazen would require some...creative furniture use.

Wandering: spends the time poking around the machine trying to understand how it works and conversing with Snow and the Pilot about living in Authotica

Lob: The pilot gladly conversed with Snow, eventually confiding in her that some of the longer runs could get a bit lonely with no one else to talk to.

Lob: She told them about where she grew up and her childhood and things like that, although she sometimes stared at their forehead, finding it odd to see someone without a soulgem.

Nomoe_Hideaki: endures the lack of proper amenities with dignity. Military operations go by their own rules and having fought in Sanken's unending war for over ten years he is all to familiar with it.

Lob: She mostly avoided Brazen.

Lob: Brazen mostly enjoyed looking out the windows, seeing the strange custodians and servitor crawling along the walls of Autocthon

Lob: They passed very strange places, which the pilot didn't even bat an eyelash at

Nomoe_Hideaki: does not interact much with the crew except to subtly influence them. One never knows when a single mortal at the right place and time might make a difference even to one of the Exalted, so it's best to have them on your side.

Lob: The crew mostly keeps to their jobs, treating this as just another mission...although doing so in Nomoe's presence is difficult

Lob: So it goes for a couple days, eventually finding themselves in a monotonous, but pleasant enough pattern.

~Prototype: Prototype assists the crew in managing their distraction, for though he is from Creation, he is a Champion, and thus more of a known quality for them.

Lob: The crew actually take to Prototype better then Nomoe, recognizing him as a Champion. They often crowd around him and ask questions about Creation adn what it's like.

Lob: One of them goes so far as to respectfully ask for the Champion's autograph to take back to his son.

Lob: Brazen generally avoids Prototype too, with barely-concealed jealousy over his popularity with the crew.

~Prototype: Prototype does his best to answer their questions, and gives the man his autograph with a laugh.

Lob: All told, Brazen eventually sulks in the cargo area and spends time with Wandering when he can.

~Prototype: The Orichalcum Caste seeks out Brazen's company, wanting to get to know him better.

Lob: The man looked wide-eyed at the autograph and thanked Prototype repeatedly, stowing the autograph away with shaking hands, as if it was a divine relic.

~Prototype: "I have heard of your virtue and heroism, but the crew are not familiar with you. They see you as inhuman, a spawn of the Breakers - that is what the Yozis are called in Authochthonian scripture. But if we become friends, I believe they would feel more at ease with your presence."

Lob: Brazen looked down at the Orichalcum caste and crossed his arms. "Well they should feel more at ease while I'm around. I'm super-awesome, and the greatest hero in Creation, ever!" He said, as much for Brazen's own sake as to convince Prototype

Lob: On one of her off-shifts, the pilot showed Snow her pet rat, an extremely well-bred black and white curly-coat that she was hoping to enter in a regional contest someday.

~Prototype: Prototype nods. "You are certainly one of the greatest, yes. I know that for a long time, you ruled a city. Can you tell me more about how you came to do so? People here are not used to the idea of Exalted as rulers."

Lob: Brazen shrugged. "I was the strongest and toughest guy around there, and they needed someone to defend them with the Wyld fucking everything up all around them."

Lob: "It was crazy, entire desert turning into spider-webs crazy."

Lob: Brazen shrugged. "So yeah, you know...I was working for the Yozis at the time, of course..."

~Prototype: "What made you turn away from them?"

Lob: "I figured that I was the one who really did everything, you know? They kept saying that I should worship them and that they'd give me anything I want, but really, they just gave me a big box full of goodies and then that was all."

Lob: "But I earned those things they gave me, so eventually I figured...you know, I'm done with your schemes."

Lob: "And here i am now."

Lob: "And if anyone doesn't like me, then they're clearly idiots!" he said with a sniff.

~Prototype: "And why did you take rulership of the city?"

Lob: Another shrug. "Seemed like the thing to do. It needed a protector."

~Prototype: "So you did it in order to protect the people who lived there?"

Lob: Brazen nodded. "Part of it, at least. People there thought i was awesome. I liked that, besides, Gem is where I grew up."

~Prototype: Prototype nods. "They will understand that, I think. Thank you."

Lob: Their conversation was suddenly interrupted by the sound of an explosion, and a tremor powerful enough to make Brazen stumble around in surprise.

Lob: "What the fuck was that!?" He shouted, and then quickly rushed out of the cargo bay, leaving Prototype with his Warstrider.

Lob: The lights throughout the Tunnel-Runner suddenly turned red, and a warning klaxon sounded through the halls, waking up all the crew-members who had been off-duty

Wandering: "What the?" Wandering jumped up from where she was sitting "That does not sound good at all"

Nomoe_Hideaki: Snapping out of his daily meditation Nomoe is on his feet in the blink of an eye, his balance perfect in spite of the tremor. */What was that? Do you know?/*

Lob: Brazen's foot-falls were heavy enough to leave marks on the steel floor from his talons as the rushed to the front of the ship.

Nomoe_Hideaki: In a rush of air he stands in the cockpit a moment later. "Report," he demands of the crew.

Lob: "We're under attack, Deliberator!" One of the technicians at what looked to be some kind of Sonar station quickly responded.

Nomoe_Hideaki: "Enemy identity? Enemy strength?"

Lob: Another explosion rocked the ship. "It's made out of jade, but we don't know how much more of it we can take!"

Nomoe_Hideaki: "Distance?"

Lob: "We don't know! We're being bombarded by what seems like..." His eyes widened and he showed Nomoe the screen, showing a myriad of tiny dots approaching the centre.

~Prototype: Prototype comes with Brazen at a run. "Is there room for me to launch?"

Lob: "Sir! This centre part shows our position. These dots...they're some kind of artillery! And they're launched from an...an unimaginable distance!"

Bright_Snow: Snow looks alarmed. /* No idea /*

Lob: "Open up a fucking hatch or door or whatever! I'm going outside!" he demanded

Nomoe_Hideaki: */We're being bombarded at considerable distance. Damn. Looks like this is a job for us./*

Bright_Snow: "Do not worry, I shall accompany him" The serpent bracelet on her wrist slides down and becomes sharp

Lob: One of the technicians rushed to Prototype, the same man who had asked for his autograph. "Sir, we can have you launched in 2 minutes! Can you keep up with the Tunnel-Runner?"

Bright_Snow: */Indeed/*

Lob: One of the crew-men was relieved that he could answer Snow instead of Brazen. "Come with me, there's an airlock, but you'd have to hang on while it's going at full-speed! And we're nearing the Pole of Smoke!"

~Prototype: "I can, but it will take me 5 minutes to put my bird through her startup sequence. I'll head down and start now."

Lob: "Can...either of you even do that?!" Brazen actually laughed at his doubt.

~Prototype: Prototype turns and heads back to the cargo hold as fast as he can.

Wandering: "It seems we will be needed for this" said Wandering flexing her muscles "I could do with a work out anyway"

Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe sighs. "Let's see what we can do about that ... /Lightspeed mode/." A blur obscures his form for a moment, then it resolves into Nomoe with his clothes' color scheme reversed. Instead of the wide, dark robes he is wearing clothes of pure white strapped close to his body with a multitude of silk strips and a pure black haori sucking in ambient light.

Lob: The tech used a communicator attached to one of the walls to tell the people at the cargo bay to make ready for Prototype with all due haste.

Bright_Snow: nods in understanding. "Understood."

Lob: When he got there, he saw that the people had already run system checks on the warstrider, readying it to fly with their usual efficiency.

Lob: The pilot looked to Nomoe. "Sir, what can we do? I've never been in this situation ebfore!"

Nomoe_Hideaki: "Continue onward, use terrain for cover as applicable. We will take care of the rest."

Lob: She quickly latched onto the Solar, seeing his natural leadership ability.

Bright_Snow: Snow enters the air lock, "and let me do the blocking for you.

Nomoe_Hideaki: joins Snow at the air lock.

Nomoe_Hideaki: "This way to the outside, right?"

Nomoe_Hideaki: He isn't even using his flash step Charm now, his normal speed having increased hugely.

Lob: "Y...yes Deliberator." She responded firmly, with new confidence.

Bright_Snow: "Yes. Be prepared to hang on, or outpace this craft though."

Lob: After 30 seconds of changing the air, the outer door opened into a howling tunnel filled with smoke, although not as heavy as when they met Ku.

Nomoe_Hideaki: smiles in vicious anticipation. "Not a problem."

Lob: Explosions buffetted the steel and iron walls around them, as they tried to exit.

Nomoe_Hideaki: In a flash Nomoe takes off, hammering through walls of air and more substantial matters with irresistible force.

~Prototype: Prototype straps into the cockpit and pulls on the feedback mechanisms, testing that they were responding properly as he feeds his essence into the machine to link.

Wandering: "Let us hope it will not come to that" said Wandering bony spurs producing through her skin and then harding into plates as she follows th others onto the outer hull of the ship

Lob: Brazen growled in impatience until the doors finally yawned wide as Prototype neared the end of his checks. He flew out and gripped the side of the ship, his talons digging into it's Jade exterior.

Nomoe_Hideaki: Overtaking the ship in the blink of an eye Nomoe takes a leading position ahead of it.

Lob: Ahead of him, Nomoe saw what looked like a hundred twinkling stars, all heading towards them.

Nomoe_Hideaki: His caste mark alights on his brow and his hands start to trail pale white and golden light as he prepares to intercept every projectile coming close to the ship.

~Prototype: Finally, Prototype is released from the back of the ship, and he fires the thrusters to keep from falling to far behind.

Lob: Staring at them for awhile, one of htem blasted into the wing, causing an explosion that gouged the side of the wing, and then unfolded into a walking contraption of steel that started to eat away at the ship

Nomoe_Hideaki: */I'll try to keep these things away from the ship. Can you see what's firing them?/*

Lob: Brazen began firing green beams of essence from the back.


Nomoe_Hideaki: A moment later he repeats for the benefit of everyone else: "Can anyone see the point of origin?"

Lob: The missiles were effortlessly sliced as Nomoe shot from projectile to projectile, destroying them with his own bare hands

Lob: but there were so many of them that some managed to escape his grasp

Lob: meanwhile, the Tunnel-Runner tried to dodge and dive away from the missile swarms.

Lob: Flying over a massive ocean of oil interspersed with islands of industrial fire.

Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe is like a black and white bolt of lightning, snapping from missile to missile with impossible speed to either deflect them to miss the ship or destroy them outright.

~Prototype: Prototype peers through his cockpit, his telescopic vision searching for the location of the attacking artillery.

Lob: One of them is bashed off-course, and slides along the top fo the ship, but managed to unfold itself and threaten Nomoe with a mouth composed mainly of sharp industrial gears and electric-arc generators.

Lob: It gave a mechanical squeal and rushed towards the interloper

Wandering: Wandering crawls along the hull of the ship towards the construct a feral smile spreading across her lips as she closes on the creature

Lob: prototype noticed that the missiles seemed to be coming along the top of the tunnel, but couldnt see exactly where they were coming from

Lob: The creature was like a steel jellyfish with a head formed of grinding flesh and teeth and fire. It quickly turned upon the Lunar once it noticed the organic being coming towards it

Bright_Snow: Glancing through the smoke, while climbing out onto the craft, the air streaming about her Snow glances through her windswept pale hair and into the smoke in the distance.

Nomoe_Hideaki: As one of the missiles reverses its course to threaten him Nomoe changes his posture to meet the head wind with his frontal profile to rapidly decelerate while descending slightly. A moment later he shoots upward and down again to come at thing from above, seeking to shatter it into a million pieces simply with the force of the collision.

Lob: Then it was that Snow saw it

Lob: They were launching from the walls, from the ceiling...from the ocean itself?!

Lob: Like they were being born from the smoke itself, they shot constantly...they had walked into a spider's web, that much was certain!