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It is said that when the Creator had finished his work, he looked upon the whole of the Tree, from the sterile perfection of Heaven to the unmoving misery of Hell, and saw that all was as it should be. But, a vital piece remained unmade. Cneph's work would stand forever, unchanging and eternal, but this was not life as the Creator had imagined it. So, up from the horrible depths of the bottom of the Tree, Cneph sang a song of hate. A million chittering insects escaped the rotting roots of Yggdrasil, and at the head of their legion was the True God of Time.

Therion and Cneph supposedly talked for a while. How long this conversation took is impossible to calculate; the end result was a bargain being struck between Maker and Unmaker. Therion would bring his brood of time-flies and hour-bugs to riddle and infest Creation with his taint. By doing so, the clock would move forward, all life could begin, and Creation as we know it was truly complete. The payment for his efforts were promised by the Creator himself; at the End of Time, when Therion and his brood swarm over the bloated corpse of a world-tree they helped bring down, his labors would be complete.