Angra Mainyu

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In the beginning, there was no time or space, no meaning or purpose … and this was after Creation was pretty well finished. The Creator looked at the length of The World Tree, from the tip of perfection crowned with mysterious and deadly stars to the very depths of hell cloaked in a fiery blanket of corruption. But nothing moved; nothing felt. The angels lay sleeping, the worlds lay formed but motionless; the whole of the Tree awaited its birthing pain.

Cneph, greatest of all spirits, then became pregnant with possibility. He swelled and then birthed the twin Gods Ormuzdh and Angra Mainyu. These two spirits became the first of such entities; they were Yin and Yang, Good and Evil, the Beginning and the End. Cneph had promised the Earth to the first of the True Gods to be born, and upon hearing this promise Angra Mainyu exploded out of Cneph’s wound as a roiling mass of crawling insects. They tore at the fabric of reality, and the damage they did was called Time, ever drawing Creation to its inevitable end.

Angra Mainyu howled for his birthright, and longed to plague Earth with darkness and pestilence. Cneph felt great sadness for the poor world, and so said that the Old God would rule Earth for only 9000 years and that after that Ormudzh would have the crown. Mainyu agreed. His rule was a horrible time of eternal night and cavorting insect-demons. But this time passed, and with the rise of Ormudzh came the War in Heaven and the rising of the New Gods. Lord Entropy, the spawn Mainyu, became leader of the Council of Four, an outcome favourable enough to the Spirit King of Evil that he left it at that.

Since that time, Angra Mainyu has come to Earth rarely. He spends most of his time in the Spirit World, slowly consuming the potential energy and sliding everything from cause to effect. His control over the Spirit Kingdoms are weak, but he has had since the dawn of time to terrorize them. His darkness is ancient and legend, and his name is whispered in fear on all worlds of the Tree. Here he takes the form of a tidal wave of bubbling Evil and electric Time, preceded by his chorus of insectile followers.

But it was the return of Ormudzh to Earth that inspired Angra Mainyu to return. Ormudzh is Good, Space and Humanity, and his enChancelment upon the Earth inspired a New Renaissance. Technology exploded and mankind took to the stars. Space technology lead to knowledge of other worlds, magic, and even the barest beginnings of Miraculous understanding. When the first Time Machines were built though, in the year 2511, that was what distracted the Bug Emperor to make himself known again. The first thing he did upon his return was consume the last 500 years of progress, resetting the clock to 2011.

Let the games begin anew, brother, the Source of All Evil snickered.


True God of Evil, Time and Insects


  • ASPECT: 5 (Exemplar)
  • DOMAIN: 6 (Imperial)
  • REALM: 5 (Tempest)
  • SPIRIT: 0 (Candleflame)


  • Immortality 6
  • Elemental 2
  • Flight 1
  • Co-Location (Can be multiple places at once, bought as a Greater Change of Self (Level 9/Automatic/Onself Only/Limited, final cost 6)


  • Manifestation (Pure acts of good cause him physical harm, and he is often powerless against the true of heart)
  • Bound by Predestination (He often acts irrationally due to perfect foreknowledge of his actions)
  • Double (The True God Ormadzh)
  • Cannot Tell the Truth (Always lies, to the point of being infallibly dishonorable)
  • Revelatory Traits (Darkness falls, time wobbles and bugs crawl out of the woodwork)


Angra Mainyu listened to Hell's song long before Lucifer made it hip

  • Corruption is the Highest Principle
  • Suffering is a form of Corruption
  • Power Justifies Itself

((Built on 75 Character Points))