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Each of a character’s abilities gives him 1 skill point (SP) for each ability level. These SP can be used to purchase skills for that ability. A character with 5 levels of fighting ability could have the provoke (2 fighting SP) and dueling (3 fighting SP) skills, because 2 plus 3 is not greater than 5.

When a character gains ability levels he can learn new skills and trade his current skills for SP to buy different skills.

Bonus ability levels from craftsmanship or equipment do not provide extra SP.

Some skills replace other skills with lower SP values. A character with 4 levels of fighting ability and parry (3 fighting SP) can replace parry with counterattack (5 fighting SP) if she increases her fighting ability to 5.

Attack skills are new types of a attacks that a character can do instead of using the standard attacks or attack abilities. Action skills are stuff a character can do on her turn instead of standard actions like attacking, evading and using healing ability. Effect skills are not used as actions but may have an ongoing function or allow the character to do something immediately before or after a triggering event.

Some skills require specific equipment. Usually this equipment is not very expensive or rare, and you can assume that a character with those skills have the appropriate equipment. However some equipment might provide bonuses that only apply when you use that equipment. For example a sword that gives a +2 bonus to fighting attacks does not help with fighting skills that require an axe or polearm.

Blasting Skills

Explosive Skills

explosives (1 blasting SP) Explosive skills use weapons the attacker throws or drops in a space some distance away from himself, like a grenade, landmine or pipe bomb.

concussion grenade (2 blasting SP long range explosive attack, prepared) this “offensive grenade” has a relatively small blast radius. Do a standard blasting attack. Each target hit by the attack takes 2 damage if the target is outdoors or in a very large open space, and 3 damage if the target is indoors or in an enclosed space.
frag grenade (4 blasting SP long range explosive attack, prepared) this “defensive grenade” flings shrapnel that can be dangerous to allies who do not have cover. First do a standard blasting attack. Each target hit by this attack takes 3 damage. Then do a second attack against each character who is not evading or unreachable by close range attacks (like a flying character who used shooting ability on their last turn.) If you are using a grid, the second attack can only hit characters within three spaces of the target space who do not have cover. The second attack does 1 damage to each character it hits.
mad bomber (2 blasting SP prepared action) Perform a prepared explosive skill that you have already used.
incendiary device ( blasting SP)
mine ( blasting SP)
remote detonator ( blasting SP)
smoke bomb ( blasting SP)
stun grenade ( blasting SP)
time bomb ( blasting SP)

Spraying Skills

spraying (1 blasting SP) Spraying skills use weapons that affect an area adjacent to the attacker, such as an automatic weapon which fills the air with bullets or a flamethrower that spews a stream of burning fuel.

concentrated fire (4 blasting SP long range spraying attack, prepared): like a standard blasting attack except that you choose one of the targets as your primary target before making attack rolls. If you use a grid, your attack must target a space occupied by the primary target. This attack does 3 damage to primary target, and 1 damage to the other targets.
spray and pray (2 blasting SP long range spraying attack) If you are using a grid this blasting attack targets all of the enemies within two spaces of a target space that is exactly 3 spaces from the attacker. If you are not using a grid, this blasting attack targets all enemies who are not evading or unreachable with close range attacks (like flying enemies who used shooting ability on their last turn.)
suppressive fire (2 blasting SP long range spraying attack): Like a normal blasting attack except that you must roll twice for each target and use the worst roll. Even if you miss, the targets must roll twice and use the worst roll for her attacks until the end of your next turn. If the target does an attack that lets her roll twice and use the best roll, she does not get to use the best roll, she must use the worst roll.

Shooting Skills

Archery Skills

archery (1 shooting SP): Archery skills use shooting SP and require a character to use a bow. Bows have more range than thrown weapons or even slings, and they are more quiet than firearms, but drawing a bow and keeping it drawn while aiming takes strength and concentration.

TODO: Arrows often cause piercing damage.

aim (2 shooting SP firearm, crossbow or archery action): A shooting attack on your next turn does 1 extra damage and you can roll twice and choose the best roll.
bullseye (2 shooting SP long range firearm, crossbow or archery attack): Take your time to make every shot count. Roll twice and choose the best roll. Standard shooting damage. You must skip your next turn, even when you are healthy.
long range shot (4 shooting SP long range firearm, crossbow or archery attack, prepared): At the beginning of combat, before ordinary turns begin, you can do one standard shooting attack against an enemy who is visible from a long way off before the battle begins. If the encounter requires you to start off at close range (like a fight that breaks out in an enclosed space) you may not use this attack. When more than one character can attack before ordinary turns begin, they go in the order of their ordinary turns.
arcing shot ( shooting SP long range archery or sling attack)
arrow stab (2 shooting SP close range archery attack): Perform a basic attack but add your shooting ability level to the attack roll.
fire arrow (2 shooting SP long range archery attack): A shooting attack that causes 2 damage (3 damage if it is automatically successful) and burning.
pin (2 shooting SP long range archery attack, prepared): A shooting attack that does standard damage and makes an enemy skip her next turn if it is successful. This is a less-lethal technique, so if it incapacitates the target, the enemy is immobilized by an arrow through one of it's limbs rather than vitally wounded.
quick draw (2 shooting SP archery, throwing or firearm effect): Whenever you attack an enemy before her first turn, you roll twice and choose the best roll. If the attack normally allows you to roll twice, you can roll three times and choose the best roll. If the attack normally requires you to roll twice and choose the worst roll, you only roll once.
rapid fire (4 shooting SP long range archery or firearm attack, prepared): 2 attacks (same target), standard shooting damage
silent but deadly (4 shooting SP long range archery or crossbow attack, once per combat) do a regular shooting attack. Until the end of your next turn, you can add your stalking ability to your defense.
snap shot (2 shooting SP long range archery or firearm attack): Whenever you do a snap shot, you roll twice and choose the worst roll. If you are healthy you can attack twice. If you are injured you do not have to skip a turn. Snap shot does standard shooting damage.
volley (4 shooting SP long range archery attack): Like a standard shooting attack, but until your next turn, any ally who attacks the same target or target space with a long range attack can roll twice and use the best roll. (This special effect applies even if the volley attack misses.)

Crossbow Skills

crossbow (1 shooting SP) Crossbow skills use shooting ability SP and require a crossbow. This weapon combines the convenience of a firearm with the silence of firing a bow.

TODO: Crossbows often cause piercing damage.

aim (2 shooting SP firearm, crossbow or archery action): A shooting attack on your next turn does 1 extra damage and you can roll twice and choose the best roll.
bullseye (2 shooting SP long range firearm, crossbow or archery attack): Take your time to make every shot count. Roll twice and choose the best roll. Standard shooting damage. You must skip your next turn, even when you are healthy.
interception (2 shooting SP long range firearm, crossbow or throwing attack): When a character tries to attack you with a close range attack, you can attack them first with a standard shooting attack, then you must skip your next turn.
long range shot (4 shooting SP long range firearm, crossbow or archery attack, prepared): At the beginning of combat, before ordinary turns begin, you can do one standard shooting attack against an enemy who is visible from a long way off before the battle begins. If the encounter requires you to start off at close range (like a fight that breaks out in an enclosed space) you may not use this attack. When more than one character can attack before ordinary turns begin, they go in the order of their ordinary turns.
point blank shot (4 shooting SP long range firearm or crossbow attack): If you are using a grid, attack an enemy within 4 spaces. If you are not using a grid, attack an enemy who has tried to attack you with a close range attack. Roll twice and use the better roll. Standard shooting damage.
prone position ( shooting SP firearm or crossbow)
silent but deadly (4 shooting SP long range archery or crossbow attack, once per combat) do a regular shooting attack. Until the end of your next turn, you can add your stalking ability to your defense.
trick shot (4 shooting SP long range firearm or crossbow attack, prepared): 1 attack, 1 damage (2 damage if it is automatically successful,) the target skips a turn and drops one of her weapons. Roll twice and use the best result. If the attack is successful you can choose one weapon the target is carrying. The target drops that weapon. If the attack is not successful, the target takes 1 damage, but does not skip a turn or drop a weapon.
weak point (8 shooting SP long range attack firearm or crossbow attack, prepared): A shooting attack that causes 5 damage (7 if it is automatically successful.)

Firearm Skills

firearm (1 shooting SP) Firearm skills use shooting SP and require a handgun or a long gun like a rifle or shotgun. Firearms have a lot of range, but they also make a very loud noise which draws attention even when you take measures to muffle the sound.

TODO: Firearms often cause crushing damage.

aim (2 shooting SP firearm, crossbow or archery action): A shooting attack on your next turn does 1 extra damage and you can roll twice and choose the best roll.
bayonet (2 shooting SP close range firearm attack): Your firearm must have a bayonet attached. Perform a basic attack but add your shooting ability level to the attack roll.
bullseye (2 shooting SP long range firearm, crossbow or archery attack): Take your time to make every shot count. Roll twice and choose the best roll. Standard shooting damage. You must skip your next turn, even when you are healthy.
interception (2 shooting SP long range firearm, crossbow or throwing attack): When a character tries to attack you with a close range attack, you can attack them first with a standard shooting attack, then you must skip your next turn.
long range shot (4 shooting SP long range firearm, crossbow or archery attack, prepared): At the beginning of combat, before ordinary turns begin, you can do one standard shooting attack against an enemy who is visible from a long way off before the battle begins. If the encounter requires you to start off at close range (like a fight that breaks out in an enclosed space) you may not use this attack. When more than one character can attack before ordinary turns begin, they go in the order of their ordinary turns.
pistol whip (2 shooting SP close range firearm attack): You must be using a handgun. Perform a delay action but add your shooting ability level to the attack roll.
point blank shot (4 shooting SP long range firearm or crossbow attack): If you are using a grid, attack an enemy within 4 spaces. If you are not using a grid, attack an enemy who has tried to attack you with a close range attack. Roll twice and use the better roll. Standard shooting damage.
prone position ( shooting SP firearm or crossbow)
quick reload ( shooting SP firearm)
quick draw (2 shooting SP archery, throwing or firearm effect): Whenever you attack an enemy before her first turn, you roll twice and choose the best roll. If the attack normally allows you to roll twice, you can roll three times and choose the best roll. If the attack normally requires you to roll twice and choose the worst roll, you only roll once.
rapid fire (4 shooting SP long range archery or firearm attack, prepared): 2 attacks (same target), standard shooting damage
rifle butt (2 shooting SP close range firearm attack): You must be using a long gun, like a rifle or shotgun. Perform a delay action but add your shooting ability level to the attack roll.
snap shot (2 shooting SP long range archery or firearm attack): Whenever you do a snap shot, you roll twice and choose the worst roll. If you are healthy you can attack twice. If you are injured you do not have to skip a turn. Snap shot does standard shooting damage.
snipe (3 shooting SP long range firearm attack) You must be using a firearm with very long range, like a rifle. Do a standard shooting attack except that you have a -2 to hit, and whether or not the attack succeeds you have +3 defense until your next turn.
trick shot (4 shooting SP long range firearm or crossbow attack, prepared): 1 attack, 1 damage (2 damage if it is automatically successful,) the target skips a turn and drops one of her weapons. Roll twice and use the best result. If the attack is successful you can choose one weapon the target is carrying. The target drops that weapon. If the attack is not successful, the target takes 1 damage, but does not skip a turn or drop a weapon.
weak point (8 shooting SP long range attack firearm or crossbow attack, prepared): A shooting attack that causes 5 damage (7 if it is automatically successful.)

Javelin Skills

javelin (1 shooting SP long range attack): Like a normal shooting attack except that it causes 3 piercing damage (5 piercing damage if it is automatically successful) and you cannot hurl a javelin when you take cover. This attack requires light, throwable spears. Carrying and recovering the spears takes some extra effort, but a javelin can do more damage than other thrown weapons, slings or bows.

Sling Skills

sling (1 shooting SP long range attack) Like a normal shooting attack except that it causes crushing damage and requires a sling or staff sling.

Throwing Skills

throw (1 shooting SP long range attack): Like throw object, but if you are healthy, roll twice and choose the best roll. This skill allows you to develop other throwing skills like distracting throw, throw trap, and blinding throw. Throwing use special knives, darts or other throwing blades like chakram or shuriken. These do less damage than other long range weapons but they are quick and can be used to delay enemies. Throwing weapons can only be used with throwing skills, they cannot be used with standard shooting attacks or other shooting skills.

blinding throw (4 shooting SP throwing, long range attack, prepared): You must have the throw skill. Do a throw attack. If the attack is successful, it reduces the enemy's defense by 2 for the rest of the battle. Regardless of whether the attack is successful it makes the enemy skip a turn.
distracting throw (2 shooting SP, long range throwing attack): You must have the throw skill. Do a throw attack. If the attack is successful, it causes 1 damage (2 damage if it is automatically successful) and makes the target skip a turn.
interception (2 shooting SP long range firearm, crossbow or throwing attack): When a character tries to attack you with a close range attack, you can attack them first with a standard shooting attack, then you must skip your next turn.
quick draw (2 shooting SP archery, throwing or firearm effect): Whenever you attack an enemy before her first turn, you roll twice and choose the best roll. If the attack normally allows you to roll twice, you can roll three times and choose the best roll. If the attack normally requires you to roll twice and choose the worst roll, you only roll once.
throw trap (4 shooting SP long range throwing attack): You must have the throw skill and a net or long rope. Do a throw attack. If the attack is successful, it causes no damage, but the enemy must skip a turn and all attacks against that enemy can roll twice and choose the best roll until the end of your next turn. Attacks that normally require the attacker to roll twice and use the worst roll only have to roll once. Attacks that normally allow the attacker to roll twice and use the best roll can roll three times.

Knockout Skills

Assassination Skills

assassination (1 knockout SP close range attack): Like a regular knockout attack, but you are not delayed if you evaded on your previous turn. This skill also allows you to develop assassination skills which cause lots of damage or debilitating effects using subtlety, poison and precision strikes that target weak points and vital organs.

sneak attack (2 knockout SP action): You get a +4 bonus to a knockout attack on your next turn.
hit and run (3 knockout SP action): You perform a standard knockout attack except that you have +2 to your attack roll. Whether or not the attack succeeds, you have -2 defense until your next turn (the turn you have to skip because of your knockout attack.) The defense penalty can help you draw attacks away from weaker allies.
precise attack (2 knockout SP action): You perform a standard knockout attack that always hits when rolling a 19 or 20.
backstab ( knockout SP close range attack, requires a dagger or other short blade):
double daggers ( knockout SP)
poison ( knockout SP)
garrotte ( knockout SP)
weak point ( knockout SP)

Power Attack Skills

power (1 knockout SP) Use 10 + your knockout ability level for strength if it is better than your other strength options (like 10 + toughness or wrestling.) Other power attack skills require this skill. They cause massive damage using the attacker’s size or a devastating close range weapon like an axe, hammer, mace or club. Some power attacks do crushing damage, penetrating armor which has insufficient padding to absorb the attack.

chop ( knockout SP, requires power skill)
penetrate (2 knockout SP crushing attack, requires power skill) +1 to hit characters who have an armor bonus to defense with close range, damaging attacks.
power stroke ( knockout SP, requires power skill)
swing ( knockout SP, requires power skill)
crush ( knockout SP crushing attack, requires power skill)

Fighting Skills

Fencing Skills

fencing (1 fighting SP): Fencing skills use a well-balanced, one-handed blade which can cut and thrust. You may use a buckler, shield or other weapon in your other hand. Some fencing attacks do piercing damage, which is more effective against padded armor which does not deflect thrusts.

cut and thrust ( fighting SP close range fencing attack):
  • injured: 1 attack, 1 damage.
  • healthy: 2 attacks, 1 damage each (cut) or 1 attack, 2 piercing damage (thrust).
parry and riposte ( fighting SP close range fencing counterattack, prepared): If you successfully defend against an attack, you can immediately counter with a 1 damage attack.
lunge ( fighting SP close range fencing piercing attack, prepared)
  • injured: 1 attack, 1 damage.
  • healthy: 2 attacks, 1 damage each (cut) or 1 attack, 2 damage (thrust).
  • each attack has +2 to hit.
throw sword ( fighting SP long range fencing attack, prepared): 2 damage, and you cannot use that sword until you spend a turn picking it up.
defensive stance ( fighting SP close range fencing attack)
  • injured: 1 damage, you get +1 to defense until your next turn.
  • healthy: 1 damage, you get +2 to defense until your next turn.
back edge cut ( fighting SP close range fencing attack, prepared, requires double-edged blade): Follow up any attack with another attack that does 1 damage.
flurry of blows ( fighting SP close range fencing attack, prepared, requires two swords): 3 attacks, 1 damage each. Press one enemy, or whirl about fighting enemies all around you. If all 3 attacks succeed, you can do a 4th attack.
coup-de-grace ( fighting SP close range fencing attack, prepared): 3 damage, possibly impaling or decapitating your opponent. If the attack fails, the enemy still takes 1 damage.
dueling (2 fighting SP action): You perform a standard fighting action (1 or 2 attacks) except that you can immediately do an extra attack (which does 1 damage if successful) if the target of a successful dueling attack attacks any character but you before your next turn.
parry (3 fighting SP effect): If an enemy attacking you rolls a 2, you get a free attack (which does 1 damage if successful) against that opponent.

Polearm Skills

polearm (1 fighting SP): Polearm skills use a staff, spear, two-handed sword or other long weapon. Some polearm attacks do piercing damage, penetrating armor that does not deflect blades.

thrust ( fighting SP close range polearm piercing attack): You can do an impaling attack if you are healthy. If you use a sharp weapon, this attack does 4 damage. If you use a blunt weapon, this attack does 1 damage and makes the enemy skip a turn.
outreach ( fighting SP close range polearm piercing attack):
  • injured: 1 damage, you get a +1 to defense until your next turn.
  • healthy: 1 damage, you get a +2 to defense until your next turn.
both ends ( fighting SP close range polearm attack, prepared): 2 attacks, 2 damage. If the first attack is unsuccessful, it still does 1 damage.
sweep ( fighting SP close range polearm attack, prepared):
  • success: 2 damage, makes the enemy skip a turn.
  • failure: still does 1 damage.
swing ( fighting SP close range polearm attack, prepared):
  • success: 3 damage, you get +2 to defense until your next turn.
  • failure: 1 damage, you get +1 to defense until your next turn.

Unarmed Skills

unarmed strike (1 fighting SP): Allows you to develop unarmed skills which do not require weapons.

provoke (1 fighting SP action): You perform a standard fighting action (1 or 2 attacks) except that you have +2 to your attack rolls. Whether or not the attacks succeed, you have -2 defense until your next turn. The defense penalty can help you draw attacks away from weaker allies.
combo (2 fighting SP action): when performing a fighting action (1 or 2 attacks). If your first fighting attack was successful and your second attack targets the same opponent as the first attack, the second attack has +2 to hit.
stun ( fighting SP)
sprawl and brawl ( fighting SP)

Wrestling Skills

grab (1 wrestling SP close range attack): Make a wrestling roll against the target's defense. If the attack is successful, the target is grabbed until the target escapes the grab or the attacker evades, escapes, uses healing ability, attacks someone else or becomes incapacitated. If you are using the grid rules, you cannot move while you are grabbing the target.

sacrifice (2 wrestling SP action): You perform a standard wrestling action, except that each attack has a +2 bonus to hit. Whether or not the attack succeeds, you have -2 defense until your next turn. The defense penalty can help you draw attacks away from weaker allies.

wrench (2 wrestling SP action): You attack a target. If the attack is successful the target must skip it's next turn, and if you are healthy you can do a second attack against the same target. If the second attack is successful, the target becomes crippled and must attack as if it is injured for the rest of the battle. This action cannot be used by an injured character.

engage (3 wrestling SP action): You perform a standard wrestling attack, except that you can immediately do an extra attack (which delays the target) if the target of a successful engage attack attacks anyone but you before your next turn.

slam ( wrestling SP close range attack) injured: 1 attack, 1 damage healthy: 2 attacks, one makes a target skip a turn and the other causes 1 damage.

hold ( wrestling SP close range attack) injured: 1 attack, make the target skip a turn. healthy: 2 attacks, both make a target skip a turn.

jab ( wrestling SP close range attack) injured: 1 attack, 1 damage healthy: 1 attack, 1 damage +2 to hit

tackle ( wrestling SP)

choke ( wrestling SP)

disarm ( wrestling SP)

clinch ( wrestling SP)

dominant position ( wrestling SP)

eye gouge ( wrestling SP)

clinch ( wrestling SP)

ground and pound ( wrestling SP)

guard ( wrestling SP)

Defense and Movement Skills

Armor Skills (Toughness SP)

armor (2 toughness SP, +1 toughness) This skill requires some type of armor or protective clothing. Armor skill is required by bulletpoof, chainmail, full plate, half plate, padding and vital protection skill. The extra toughness from armor skills does not give the character more toughness SP. Armor does not directly alter defense, but increasing toughness can indirectly increase both defense and strength.

bulletproof (2 toughness SP, +1 toughness, resists crushing) This skill requires the armor, padding and vital protection skills. You cannot use this skill with chainmail, half plate or full plate skill.
chainmail (2 toughness SP, +1 toughness) This skill requires the armor skill, a mail hauberk, leggings, coif and gloves or mittens. You cannot use this skill with bulletproof, half plate or full plate skill.
half plate (2 toughness SP, +1 toughness, resists piercing) This skill requires the armor and vital protection skills, a breastplate, brigantine, lamellar, plate armor or at least two types of lesser plate armor like a helmet, gauntlets or greaves. You cannot use this skill with bulletproof, chainmail or full plate skill. Armor that deflects blades resists piercing damage.
full plate (4 toughness SP, +2 toughness, resists peircing) This skill requires the armor and vital protection skills and a full suit of plate armor, including breastplate, helmet, greaves and gauntlets. You cannot use this skill with bulletproof, chainmail or half plate skill. Armor that deflects blades resists piercing damage.
padding (1 toughness SP, resists crushing) This skill requires the armor skill and armor specifically designed to absorb blows, like a gambeson, leather jacket or ballistic vest. Padding makes the toughness bonus from armor skill resist crushing damage. This skill is required for bulletproof skill. Armor with extra padding to dissipate kinetic energy resists crushing damage.
vital protection (1 toughness SP, resists peircing) This skill requires the armor skill and armor specifically designed to deflect blades, like a breastplate, brigantine, stab vest, lamellar or plate armor. Vital protection makes the toughness bonus from armor skill resist piercing damage. This skill is required for half plate, full plate or bulletproof skill.
armor skills toughness peircing crushing SP
armor +1 none none 2
armor, padding +1 none +1 3
armor, vital protection +1 +1 none 3
armor, padding, vital protection +1 +1 +1 4
armor, chainmail +2 none none 4
armor, chainmail, padding +2 none +1 5
armor, chainmail, vital protection +2 +1 none 5
armor, chainmail, padding, vital protection +2 +1 +1 6
armor, vital protection, half plate +2 +2 none 5
armor, vital protection, half plate, padding +2 +2 +1 6
armor, vital protection, full plate +3 +3 none 7
armor, vital protection, full plate, padding +3 +3 +1 8
armor, padding, vital protection, bulletproof +3 +1 +2 6

Shield Skills (Toughness SP)

shield (1 toughness SP) Shield skills require a buckler or shield for parrying attacks.

shield bash ( toughness SP shield close range attack): You can use this ability to do an attack that does 1 damage
total defense ( toughness SP shield action): Instead of attacking you can get a +2 to defense until your next turn.
block ( toughness SP shield counter, prepared): Make an enemy re-roll a successful attack.
phalanx ( toughness SP shield effect): +2 defense if you have a healthy ally using a shield or +1 defense if you only have an injured ally using a shield.
intercept ( toughness SP shield effect): You have a +1 to defense against long range attacks when you use a shield.
tortoise ( toughness SP shield bonus action): In addition to your normal actions, you can give one ally a +2 to defense against long range attacks until your next turn.
push ( toughness SP shield effect, prepared): Add +2 to all of your attacks this turn, and force one of the targets of those attacks to skip a turn, whether or not the attacks succeed.

Toughness Skills

thick skull (3 toughness SP effect): You take 1 less damage from knockout attacks.

rest (1 toughness SP action): Make a toughness roll (difficulty 12). If successful, you now have hit points equal to half your toughness ability rounded down + 1.

berserk attack (2 toughness SP attack, requires fighting or wrestling): Make an attack using fighting or wrestling ability with -2 to hit instead of having the standard penalty from being injured.

immunity (2 toughness SP effect): You have +2 when rolling to resist the effects of poison and disease.

blocking (3 toughness SP action): When a character uses blocking, she chooses an ally to defend. Until the blocking character's next turn, enemies can not attack the character she is defending, unless the blocking character has been delayed or incapacitated.

cover ( toughness SP)

ankle support (1 toughness SP, +1 strength) This skill requires boots. This skill can be combined with the back support skill for a total of +2 strength.

arm guard (2 toughness SP, +1 agility) This skill requires equipment that protects the arms or hands like mail gloves or mittens, gauntlets or bracers. These make it easier to catch and deflect attacking weapons. This agility bonus can be combined with shield skill bonuses to agility.

back support (1 toughness SP, +1 strength) This skill requires a girdle or weight belt. This skill can be combined with the ankle support skill for a total of +2 strength.

armor (2 toughness SP, +1 toughness) This skill requires some type of armor or protective clothing. Armor skill is required by bulletpoof, chainmail, full plate, half plate, padding and vital protection skill. The extra toughness from armor skills does not give the character more toughness SP. Armor does not directly alter defense, but increasing toughness can indirectly increase both defense and strength.

bulletproof (2 toughness SP, +1 toughness, resists crushing) This skill requires the armor, padding and vital protection skills. You cannot use this skill with chainmail, half plate or full plate skill.
chainmail (2 toughness SP, +1 toughness) This skill requires the armor skill, a mail hauberk, leggings, coif and gloves or mittens. You cannot use this skill with bulletproof, half plate or full plate skill.
half plate (2 toughness SP, +1 toughness, resists piercing) This skill requires the armor and vital protection skills, a breastplate, brigantine, lamellar, plate armor or at least two types of lesser plate armor like a helmet, gauntlets or greaves. You cannot use this skill with bulletproof, chainmail or full plate skill. Armor that deflects blades resists piercing damage.
full plate (4 toughness SP, +2 toughness, resists peircing) This skill requires the armor and vital protection skills and a full suit of plate armor, including breastplate, helmet, greaves and gauntlets. You cannot use this skill with bulletproof, chainmail or half plate skill. Armor that deflects blades resists piercing damage.
padding (1 toughness SP, resists crushing) This skill requires the armor skill and armor specifically designed to absorb blows, like a gambeson, leather jacket or ballistic vest. Padding makes the toughness bonus from armor skill resist crushing damage. This skill is required for bulletproof skill. Armor with extra padding to dissipate kinetic energy resists crushing damage.
vital protection (1 toughness SP, resists peircing) This skill requires the armor skill and armor specifically designed to deflect blades, like a breastplate, brigantine, stab vest, lamellar or plate armor. Vital protection makes the toughness bonus from armor skill resist piercing damage. This skill is required for half plate, full plate or bulletproof skill.
armor skills toughness peircing crushing SP
armor +1 none none 2
armor, padding +1 none +1 3
armor, vital protection +1 +1 none 3
armor, padding, vital protection +1 +1 +1 4
armor, chainmail +2 none none 4
armor, chainmail, padding +2 none +1 5
armor, chainmail, vital protection +2 +1 none 5
armor, chainmail, padding, vital protection +2 +1 +1 6
armor, vital protection, half plate +2 +2 none 5
armor, vital protection, half plate, padding +2 +2 +1 6
armor, vital protection, full plate +3 +3 none 7
armor, vital protection, full plate, padding +3 +3 +1 8
armor, padding, vital protection, bulletproof +3 +1 +2 6

shield (1 toughness SP) Shield skills require a buckler or shield for parrying attacks.

shield bash ( toughness SP shield close range attack): You can use this ability to do an attack that does 1 damage
total defense ( toughness SP shield action): Instead of attacking you can get a +2 to defense until your next turn.
block ( toughness SP shield counter, prepared): Make an enemy re-roll a successful attack.
phalanx ( toughness SP shield effect): +2 defense if you have a healthy ally using a shield or +1 defense if you only have an injured ally using a shield.
intercept ( toughness SP shield effect): You have a +1 to defense against long range attacks when you use a shield.
tortoise ( toughness SP shield bonus action): In addition to your normal actions, you can give one ally a +2 to defense against long range attacks until your next turn.
push ( toughness SP shield effect, prepared): Add +2 to all of your attacks this turn, and force one of the targets of those attacks to skip a turn, whether or not the attacks succeed.

Stalking Skills

perception ( stalking SP) Use 10 + your stalking ability level for intelligence if this is greater than your other intelligence options (like 10 + command, craftsmanship or healing.)

sharpshooting (3 stalking SP effect, requires shooting): +2 to hit with shooting before the target's first turn.

assassinate (3 stalking SP effect, requires knockout): +2 to hit with knockout before the target's first turn.

ambush (2 stalking SP effect): If you go before any of your opponents, each of your allies gain +1 to stalking while determining initiative.

illusion ( stalking SP long rage attack): attack 3 separate targets as a single action. When the grid rules are used, this action targets all of the creatures in a space and all of the spaces adjacent to that space. Each successful attack makes the target skip it's next turn.

surprise attack ( stalking SP)

blindfighting ( stalking SP)

burglary ( stalking SP)

pick pocket ( stalking SP)

slip away ( stalking SP)

tracking ( stalking SP)

feint ( stalking SP)

scam ( stalking SP)

vanish ( stalking SP)

conceal ( stalking SP)

disguise ( stalking SP)

disappear ( stalking SP)

mirage ( stalking SP)

camouflage ( stalking SP)

Acrobatics Skills

dive for cover ( acrobatics SP): When you take cover you can simultaneously evade using acrobatics instead of getting +2 defense.

tumbling (3 acrobatics SP effect): +1 to defense against wrestling attacks

flying kick (2 acrobatics SP action, requires fighting): You attack one target using fighting ability. If successful the target takes 1 damage and has to skip it's next turn.

instant stand (5 acrobatics SP effect): Whenever you become delayed due to an opponent, not because of an action you performed, you become prone instead. On your next turn, you can make an acrobatics roll (difficulty 20). If successful, you are no longer prone and can continue your turn as you normally would. If you are unsuccessful, you are no longer prone and you skip this turn.

landing ( acrobatics SP)

swing ( acrobatics SP)

drop ( acrobatics SP)

climb ( acrobatics SP)

jump ( acrobatics SP)

balance ( acrobatics SP)

cat crawl ( acrobatics SP)

underbar ( acrobatics SP)

vault ( acrobatics SP)

wall run ( acrobatics SP)

muscle-up ( acrobatics SP)

cat grab ( acrobatics SP)

roll ( acrobatics SP)

running jump ( acrobatics SP)

precision jump ( acrobatics SP)

wall jump ( acrobatics SP)

Quickness Skills

run for cover (3 quickness SP action): When you take cover you can simultaneously evade using quickness instead of getting +2 defense.

charge (3 quickness SP effect, requires fighting): +1 damage to this character's first fighting attack before the target's first turn.

rescue (2 quickness SP reaction): When an ally is successfully hit by an opponent, you may choose to take that damage instead and skip your next turn. You cannot use this skill if you are disabled.

riding (1 quickness SP) Riding skills use quickness SP and require the character to ride a horse or other suitable animal. Mounting the animal requires an action, but you should assume the rider is already mounted at the beginning of combat unless there is some important reason why they would not be mounted.

cavalry charge ( quickness SP riding attack, requires a saber, axe or other cutting weapon with modest reach): lots of damage
jousting ( quickness SP riding attack, requires a staff, lance or stout spear): attack another rider, and if successful knock her off her mount and make her skip her next turn.
mounted archery ( quickness SP riding archery attack, requires shooting ability): being able to shoot while the mount is moving provides a defense bonus until your next turn.
lie down ( quickness SP riding attack, requires shooting ability): you get off your mount and shoot at your enemies. the mount provides cover from long range attacks
capture ( quickness SP riding)
jump [steeplechase?] ( quickness SP riding)
rearing strike ( quickness SP riding)
kick backward ( quickness SP riding)
side stepping ( quickness SP riding)
spear ( quickness SP riding)
trample ( quickness SP riding)
break horse[animal?] ( quickness SP riding)

Riding Skills (Quickness SP)

riding (1 quickness SP) Riding skills use quickness SP and require the character to ride a horse or other suitable animal. Mounting the animal requires an action, but you should assume the rider is already mounted at the beginning of combat unless there is some important reason why they would not be mounted.

cavalry charge ( quickness SP riding attack, requires a saber, axe or other cutting weapon with modest reach): lots of damage
jousting ( quickness SP riding attack, requires a staff, lance or stout spear): attack another rider, and if successful knock her off her mount and make her skip her next turn.
mounted archery ( quickness SP riding archery attack, requires shooting ability): being able to shoot while the mount is moving provides a defense bonus until your next turn.
lie down ( quickness SP riding attack, requires shooting ability): you get off your mount and shoot at your enemies. the mount provides cover from long range attacks
capture ( quickness SP riding)
jump [steeplechase?] ( quickness SP riding)
rearing strike ( quickness SP riding)
kick backward ( quickness SP riding)
side stepping ( quickness SP riding)
spear ( quickness SP riding)
trample ( quickness SP riding)
break horse[animal?] ( quickness SP riding)

Flying Skills

aerial shot (2 flying SP action, requires shooting): You do a standard shooting attack except that you have a -2 to hit, and whether or not the attack succeeds you have +3 defense until your next turn.

hover ( flying SP)

soar ( flying SP)

swoop ( flying SP)

hoist ( flying SP)

snatch ( flying SP)

Swimming Skills

drag under (3 swimming SP effect, requires wrestling): +2 to wrestling attacks while in the water.

drown (2 swimming SP effect, requires wrestling): Damaging wrestling attacks do 2 damage instead of 1 in the water.

submerge (2 swimming SP effect): +2 to stalking in the water.

dive (1 swimming SP effect): +1 to defense and swimming while evading in water.

hold breath (1 swimming SP effect): You have +2 to defense against wrestling attacks that deal damage.

diving ( swimming SP): You can hold your breath a long time and retrieve stuff from deep water.

Support Ability Skills

Healing Skills

TODO: a variety of useful healing skills that...

  • heal 1 damage even if the roll fails
  • are only used for healing incapacitated, injured or healthy characters
  • can max out HP
  • can be used while fighting instead requiring your full attention
  • might have higher difficulty
  • might only be usable once per battle (especially magical energy-based healing.)

examine (3 healing SP effect) At the beginning of combat, make a healing roll (difficulty 10) for each enemy. Each successful roll tells you the toughness of that enemy.

strike vitals (3 healing SP action) You perform your basic knockout attack that deals +1 damage.

vile injection (1 healing SP action): You perform an attack using knockout ability. If successful, the target takes 1 damage and becomes diseased (difficulty checks are 6 + your healing ability).

antidote (2 healing SP prepared bonus action, difficulty 5) Once per encounter you can attempt to remove the poison effect from a target as a bonus action with a difficulty of 5.

quick antidote (4 healing SP partial action, difficulty 10) You can attempt to remove the poison effect from a target as a partial action instead of a normal action.

instant antidote (4 healing SP bonus action, difficulty 15) You can attempt to remove the poison effect from a target as a bonus action with a difficulty of 15.

cure (2 healing SP prepared bonus action, difficulty 5) Once per encounter, you can attempt to remove the disease effect from a target as a bonus action with a difficulty of 5.

quick cure (4 healing SP partial action, difficulty 10) You can attempt to remove the disease effect from a target as a partial action instead of a normal action.

instant cure (4 healing SP partial action, difficulty 15) You can attempt to remove the disease effect from a target as a bonus action with a difficulty of 15.

quick fix (5 healing SP partial action, difficulty 15) You can attempt to heal an injured character as a partial action with a difficulty of 15.

healing touch (5 healing SP prepared bonus action, difficulty 10) Once per encounter you can attempt to heal an injured character as a bonus action instead of a normal action.

resuscitation (5 healing SP prepared partial action, difficulty 15): Once per encounter, you can attempt to heal an incapacitated character as a partial action with a difficulty of 15.

invigorate (2 healing SP close range action) You remove the delayed effect from an ally you can touch.

Craftsmanship Skills

Craftsmanship skills use craftsmanship SP. Each +1 bonus that a character gives to himself or his allies using craftsmanship ability also uses 1 craftsmanship SP.

pick lock ( craftsmanship SP)

disable trap ( craftsmanship SP)

set trap ( craftsmanship SP)

fool's gold ( craftsmanship SP)

forgery ( craftsmanship SP)

Command Skills

Command skills use command SP. Each minion also uses command SP equal to the minion’s CP value. For example, a character with 5 command ability could have a 1 command SP skill and two minions that each have 1 toughness and 1 shooting.

terrify (3 command SP psychic effect, prepared): If one of your attacks incapacitates an enemy, you may then perform a ranged psychic attack using command ability. If successful, the target becomes frightened. You may only use this once per battle.

coordinated attack (1 command SP minion action): Three of your minions may sacrifice their normal attacks to perform a single 1 damage attack with +8 to hit.

tactical attack (1 command SP minion action, requires Coordinated Attack): Five of your minions may sacrifice their normal attacks to perform a single 1 damage attack with +16 to hit.

gauge skill (1 command SP effect): At the beginning of combat, make a command roll (difficulty 10) for each enemy. Each successful roll tells you the defense of that enemy.

guard (2 command SP minion action): A minion of yours may choose to defend you until the beginning of it's next turn. This requires your opponents to incapacitate the minion before attacking you. Only one minion can defend you at a time.

intimidate (3 command SP ranged psychic attack) 3 seperate targets, each target becomes frightened (affects a 3 space wide area when playing on a grid.)

convert (1 command SP psychic attack): You attack an opponent with minions using command ability. If successful, you gain control of one of their basic minions until the end of battle. This does not work on golems or chimeras.

inspire (2 command SP): Your allies have willpower equal to your command ability. This skill is no longer in effect when you are incapacitated.

gossip ( command SP)

rally ( command SP)

retreat ( command SP)

persuade ( command SP)

Vehicle Skills

Navigation Skills

sail ( navigation SP)

row ( navigation SP)

tie knots ( navigation SP)

nautical charts ( navigation SP)

stellar navigation ( navigation SP)

submariner ( navigation SP)

Driving Skills

racing ( driving SP)

defensive driver ( driving SP)

skid ( driving SP)

drift ( driving SP)

snow driver ( driving SP)

pass ( driving SP)

rolling stop ( driving SP)

trucker ( driving SP)

Piloting Skills

skydiving ( piloting SP)

break ( piloting SP) Turn quickly to avoid geting shot

barrel roll ( piloting SP) Slow yourself down to avoid overshooting or make an enemy overshoot.

combat spread ( piloting SP) Two attacking vehicles split up. One becomes a defender to lure enemies into a position where the wingman can attack.

blind flying ( piloting SP) The pilot can fly the aircraft using instruments even when he cannot see the ground or horizon.

defensive spiral ( piloting SP) Last ditch defense by spiraling downward. If successful the attacker may crash into the ground.

defensive split ( piloting SP) You and an ally flying vehicle head in opposite directions, forcing the attacker to follow one while the other circles to maneuver behind the attackers.

jinking ( piloting SP) a last-ditch effort to avoid guns by unpredictable changes in direction

lag roll ( piloting SP) puts the attacker in a better firing position and increases distance

scissors ( piloting SP) the more maneuverable vehicle gets a bonus to hit or defense.

yo-yo ( piloting SP) Trade altitude for speed and maneuverability while attacking

split s ( piloting SP) roll upside down and then loop to turn 180 degrees and escape from combat.

swoop ( piloting SP) dive at the target and attack with guns, avoiding a dogfight against the potentially more maneuverable target.

emergency landing ( piloting SP)

air navigation ( piloting SP)

thrust reversal ( piloting SP) Some aircraft can reverse the direction of thrust from their engines. This helps the aircraft to land on water or a short runway, descend rapidly without picking up speed or accelerate backward on the ground (powerback.)

holding ( piloting SP) The aircraft flies in a racetrack pattern to conserve fuel while waiting in a fixed area.

pylon turn ( piloting SP) Flying the aircraft in a circle around a fixed point allows gunners to accurately focus fire on that point.