Star Trek Intrepid/Quintana

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Captain Caio Quintana[edit]

Race: Human

Past: Survived the Battle of Wolf 359

Branch: Command

Beauty 4

Courage 4

Cunning 3

Strength W

Prowess 2

Wisdom 2


Man of the Galaxy

Invoke: communicating and negotiating with new and lesser-known species. Compel: force you to search for non-military solutions first, even with new and lessr-known species that at first appear hostile

Prime Directive

Invoke: concealing your identity and race on undeveloped planets. Compel: force you to abide by the local customs of a non-space-faring culture

Tactical Creativity

Invoke: trying unorthodox tactics in space and ground combat. Compel: force you to not follow tactics not designed by you.


The child of a starship engineer working at the San Francisco Yards and a poet, Caio had always wanted to see the exotic things the galaxy had to offer, so he joined Starfleet, entering the Academy in 2348. He was an average student, but what made him noticed by others was his never ending good humor, his buoyance (no matter what happened, he always kept an "up" attitude) and his ability to start a friendship with even a Tellarite student of his class, Brokk, considered the epithome of Tellarite gruffness. Caio was very charismatic, but also intelligent – his grades reflected the fact he found most of the challenges in the Academy courses not that challenging.

Caio ended up being assigned to the Colonial Operations Command in his Cadet Cruise. It was not a dream assignment, but turned out for the best when the ship was ambushed by Orion pirates during a mission for Starfleet Intelligence. Caio, remembering his classes on Orion Culture & History and Xenopsychology convinced the Orions that the Atlas was a decoy, the real cargo being taken by other ships. At the end of the Cadet Cruise, Caio was surprised to find he had graduated with High Honors and received the rank of Lieutenant, Junior Grade. He carried proceeded without any bumps and his reviews were always positive.

Then the Borg came.

Caio was the Chief CONN Officer and Second Officer of the USS Yamaguchi, one of the ships destroyed at the Battle of Wolf 359. When early in the combat the bridge was hit and half the crew there killed, including the captain and the first officer, Caio took command of the vessel. His tactics gained some advantage for the fleet, but in the end he Yamaguchi was damaged beyond repair. Caio left in the last escape pod, which was caught in the explosion of the ship. His wounds were extensive and he spent a year recovering.

Promoted to commander after his recovery, Caio became the first officer of the USS Brasilia. After six years, he was offered a command, becoming captain of the USS Intrepid