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Cruxus, level 3 Dragonborn, Warlock Eldritch Pact: Star Pact Dragon Breath Key Ability: Dragon Breath Constitution Dragon Breath Damage Type: Dragon Breath Lightning Background: Dragonbonded Clan (+2 to Intimidate)

FINAL ABILITY SCORES Str 13, Con 16, Dex 10, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 18.

AC: 18 Fort: 15 Reflex: 14 Will: 17 HP: 38 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 12

TRAINED SKILLS History +9, Intimidate +14, Arcana +7, Bluff +10

UNTRAINED SKILLS Acrobatics, Diplomacy +5, Dungeoneering, Endurance +3, Heal, Insight, Nature, Perception, Religion +2, Stealth, Streetwise +5, Thievery, Athletics +1

FEATS Level 1: Improved Fate of the Void Level 2: Armor Proficiency (Chainmail) Feat User Choice: Implement Expertise (Rod)

POWERS Eldritch Blast: Eldritch Blast Warlock encounter 1: Chains of Levistus Warlock daily 1: Decree of Khirad Warlock utility 2: Ethereal Stride Warlock encounter 3: Frigid Darkness

ITEMS Magic Chainmail +1, Rod of Corruption +1, Amulet of Resolution +1, Potion of Healing (heroic tier), Bracers of the Perfect Shot (heroic tier)