The Regal of Time

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Noel Grenoble

Time’s Regal

Young Girl Ready to Stop Wasting Time

The Domina of Time has long wavy medium blond hair and sparkling green eyes. Her very pretty smile lights up the room wherever she goes. She has a presence about her that nobody can ignore. She stands at five feet and six inches and can usually be seen wearing coloured leggings, skirts and is never seen without a locket-watch with a picture of her current boyfriend.


Aspect 0[edit]

Of Mortal Form 5/5 Aspect Miracle Points

Called a “Once-Born”, when the soul-shard of Time came pouring into her, Noel’s mind, body and soul at first rejected the newfound power. Only her mind and body succeeded, allowing her soul to completely soak up the power of Time.

I have 0 Aspect. That means I perform Level 0 Miracles for 0 MP. I perform Level 1 Miracles for 1 MP, I perform Level 2 Miracles for 2 MP, I perform level 3 or 4 Miracles for 4 Miracle Points and I can perform level 5 through Level 9 Miracles as a Word of Command which costs 8 MP.

Domain 5[edit]

Regal, or Majestic Domain 5/5 Domain Miracle Points

Noel is the living Goddess of Time, an aspect of the world itself. She is entitled to wear a crown of strawberry leaves and platinum. She can perform feats comparable to the creators, re-writing history and bending Time into the myriad paradoxes and fluxes witnessed in science fiction. Clocks spin backwards in obeisance to their mistress. Time’s closest correspondences are time-telling tools, history and defining moments.

I have 5 Domain. That means I perform Level 5 and under Miracles for 0 MP. I perform Level 6 Miracles for 1 MP, I perform Level 7 Miracles for 2 MP, I perform level 8 or 9 Miracles for 4 Miracle Points. Finally I can perform a Word of Command for the cost of 8 MP.

Realm 1[edit]

Radiant 5/5 Realm Miracle Points

Though blessed with temporal might, Noel displays no undo authority over the people of the Chancel. She also exudes minimal amounts of the “stench of nobility” to others, even to the point of masking her power completely under an Unblemished Guise.

I have 1 Realm. That means I perform Level 1 and under Miracles for 0 MP. I perform Level 2 Miracles for 1 MP, I perform Level 3 Miracles for 2 MP, I perform level 4 or 5 Miracles for 4 Miracle Points and I can perform level 6 through Level 9 Miracles as a Word of Command which costs 8 MP.

Spirit 1[edit]

Hearthfire 5/5 Spirit Miracle Points

So deeply has the power of Time seeped into Noel's soul that its power exudes only a faint warmth to others. She appears neither overly intimidating nor fiendishly vulnerable, and so is the most comfortable type of Spirit to other Sovereigns. This sense of safeness sometimes extends into a "somebody else's problem" field type effect, covered under her Unblemished Guise

I have 1 Spirit. That means I can have 2 anchors. My Auctoritas raises the level of all Miracles cast against me by 1 Miracle Level. I only have to perform the Rite of Holy Fire (two weeks for Spirit 2). With the Rite of the Last Trump I can convert # MP of any type into 1 MP of any other.



Noel's body is almost impenetrable to damage. The most horrendous assaults barely scuff her.

Unblemished Guise[edit]

Without a level 1 Aspect Miracle to penetrate her Guise, Noel gives off the seeming of a non-miraculous girl. Other effects about her may give away her identity, but nothing about her presence does in and of itself.

Big Time Charm[edit]

From within her veil of mundanity, emanating from her otherwise non-miraculous frame, Noel exudes the charm of a legend. She can bluff spirit lords and lead nations, should the need arise.

(Aspect 4 for feats of charisma (+4), Penetration 1 (+1), Simple Miracle (-1), Local (-1), Limited (-2), Uncommon (+1), final cost 2 pts)



Can be summoned, but not bound. She may do favors for those who summon her, or may not


Must police and preside over cases of time crime, gives one MP when this becomes inconvenient

Revelatory Trait[edit]

Clocks run backwards around her, gives one MP when this lets people know her nature


She wants to know the truth, gives an MP whenever this gets her in trouble


She hates waiting. This gives one MP whenever her impulsive action or inability to wait gets her in trouble



  • Beauty is the highest principle
  • Justice is a form of beauty
  • Lesser creatures should respect their betters

Virtue: Romantic[edit]

Dangerous. Noel uses the more classical definition that includes daring and adventure as well as deep emotional connection. This means that Noel always knows the most Romantic thing to do in any situation, nobody can ever make her do an unRomantic thing (like something really boring), she regains a MP whenever her Romantic nature gets her in trouble, and she can spend one Spirit MP to make her Romantic nature obvious to all.

Needless to say, she will hate Lord Entropy.


  • 4 - Sanctity of Time
  • 4 - Gregory "Gregor" Greenfable, old high school friend
  • 4 - Dawson Weston, on-again-of-again Toronto boyfriend
  • 2 - Mother, in ailing years
  • 2 - Father, long absent but she believes he's still out there
  • 3 - Adventure, she hates being boring
  • 1 - History, which she values so people learn from the past


Anchor Name[edit]

Describe who they are, why you love or hate them, and what you use them for, perhaps how their life has changed since becoming an Anchor.


Noel grew up in a ranch just on the outskirts of Brock, living with her parents. As an only child she got lots of attention from both of them, but particularly her father who called her his little princess. They did everything together, taught her to horseback ride and imparted what knowledge and wisdom he had on their long rides together. He was her best friend. One day she came home to see her parents fighting, and before she knew it he rode off. He never said goodbye.

Always blaming herself, she became an angsty teenager. She regretted not making her father stay. Without his adventurous nature and his dreams, her own sense of adventure withered. Her own dreams died. She moved into the city with her mother who worked full time, so her life became monotonous and mostly alone. This went on until in High School when she met her friend Gregor, who made her see the light again. Though he was more cynical than she was at her worst, he had a bright perspective on life itself even so. Through bad circumstances and timing they never became involved, and Noel ended up moving away to Toronto to go to University. They lost touch.

Noel found a new boyfriend in University. She had always loved Gregor, but she regretted never telling him her feelings. Free from the small-town atmosphere, she found and poured herself into a new romance with a upper classman named Dawson. Though she was a doting girlfriend, he never seemed to have the time for her. He had a lot of obligations and was always busy. The two got into a stupid fight based mostly around bad timing, and feeling like she was in a rut, they decided to take some time off. She moved back to her home town.

Now she lives in Brock, taking care of her old mother. She didn't have the money to get her own place, her History degree didn't give her what she wanted. She longed for adventure, but history jobs seemed boring. She didn't find it that interesting a career; she never got enough out of just reading words out of a book. If she could visit the past she would have. While back home, she found Gregor as a teacher at their old high school, and re-kindled her feelings for the old friend. When her boyfriend from Toronto came to visit her, he walked in to see her hugging her old friend and took it the wrong way. Their relationship is now on the rocks though she still loves Dawson.

She put out resumes everywhere but the only place that hired was the Tick Tock Shop, an old dusty clock-shop in downtown Brock that had maybe one customer a day if it was lucky. The old man who owned the shop would never close it. Sometimes he would visit and would be surprised to see her working there at all. She felt unappreciated, and mostly just watched her life tick away.


Noel is very outgoing, with a bubbly personality, though sometimes quick to anger. She is likely to change her mind, being very tenacious and curious. She has a need to find the truth behind a fake smile, and enjoys getting to know people's real self. She knows she uses her amazing charm to get what she wants. Under this is a person plagued by regret and worry. She constantly thinks about what she did wrong that she would change. She is impatient and usually watches the clock when she has to wait for something. She is obsessive and romantic, and when she loves she does so with all of her heart. She always seeks the next adventure, the next love.


Fir is the flower of the Estate of Time, and it intertwines with Catalpa, the flower of romance, which represents Noel. The plain white background is fashionable among Powers of Heaven.