Negima: High School Magical Simon's Wolf Spirit

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Wolf Spirit

Attributes (14)

Str 1

Sta 1

Fgt 2

Agl 2

Dex 0

Int 0

Awa 1

Pre 0

Defenses (3)

Dodge 2

Fortitude 1

Parry 2

Toughness 1 + 2 = 3

Will 2 + 1 = 3

Initiative Bonus +2

Skills (6)

Athletics : 2

Close Combat - Claws: 2

Intimidation : 2

Stealth : 4

Insight : 2

Advantages (3)

Animal Empathy


Great Endurance

Powers (9)

Senses - 5

-Danger Sense : Hearing (1), Acute : Olfactory (1), Low Light Vision (1), Infravision (1), Ultra-Hearing (1)

Regeneration - 2

Movement - 2

-Trackless, Sure Footed

Insubstantial - 2 (10 PP)

- Insubstantial is normal form

45/45 PP