- Initiative: 1d20 + 10 × stealth + 10 × detection (highest goes first.)
- Toughness ability level is your maximum HP.
- Stamina: half of you toughness, rounded down.
- Agility: 10 + stealth, acrobatics, quickness or flying.
- Intelligence: 10 + detection, command, healing or craftsmanship.
- Strength: 8 + toughness or 10 + wrestling.
- Healthy: your HP are greater than your stamina.
- Injured: your HP are less than or equal to your stamina.
- Incapacitated: your HP = 0 (They cannot be less than 0.)
- Frightened: you must evade or escape. You cannot attack or heal.
- Delayed: you cannot move or perform actions.
- Automatic success: roll 20 before adding modifiers, +1 damage.
Basic Actions
- Basic attack: close range, fighting, wrestling or knockout vs. agility, 1 damage.
- Throw object: long range, roll vs. agility, 1 damage.
- Hold: close range, wrestling vs. strength, target delayed until end of his next turn.
- Distract: close range, roll vs. intelligence, target delayed until end of his next turn, once per battle.
- Evade: add acrobatics, quickness or flying to agility until your next turn.
- Catch: close range, detection, acrobatics, quickness or flying vs. 10 + evade ability, return target's agility to normal.
- Escape: leave combat if you evaded on your last turn and have not been caught or hit since that turn.
- Engage: bonus action before close range attack, +2 to that attack, -2 agility until the beginning of your next turn.
- Take cover: bonus action before long range attack, -2 to that attack, +2 agility until the beginning of your next turn.
Using Abilities
- Shooting: long range, shooting vs. agility, 2 damage (5 if automatically successful), delay yourself if you are injured.
- Blasting: long range, 3 separate targets, blasting vs. agility, 1 damage, delay yourself if you are injured.
- Knockout: close range, knockout vs. agility, 2 damage (4 if healthy), delay yourself.
- Fighting: two basic attacks using fighting ability if you are healthy.
- Wrestling: close range, basic attack using wrestling, hold using wrestling, or both if you are healthy.
- Surprise: long range, stealth or detection vs. intelligence, target frightened until the end of his next turn, once per battle.
- Swimming: evade, escape, catch in water. bonus to agility and close range attack rolls in water.
- Healing: healing vs. 10, increase injured allies HP to stamina + 1, or give incapacitated ally 1 HP.
- Craftsmanship: +1 bonuses to abilities you and your allies already have.
- Command: 1 or 2 minions whose total CP is your command level. Minions cannot be healed.
- Intimidate: command vs. intelligence, target frightened until the end of his next turn, once per battle, requires equal or better strength.