Will Colder

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A character in the PbP game Hearts of Iron.


  • Name: Willhard "Will" Colder ("Colder" to most people, "Will" to some select friends)
  • Race: human (free Edge)


Will Colder
Take a good look, you won't see him without his glasses again anytime soon.

A lean, youngish man in heavy road-worn boots, a hat drawn deep over his eyes, and a cape worn on the left shoulder so it leaves free his right arm and the big revolver strapped to his thigh. He also wears glasses, round emerald-lensed spectacles. He has the body language and general air of Clint Eastwood's "Man With No Name", and the same lifestyle, too - an aimless drifter with no marketable skills or prospects but his marksmanship and a certain disregard for law, order and personal safety.

Oh, he had a small farm once and a beautiful young wife... they got married when he left the army... but she died, the farm burnt down, and he lost an arm trying and failing to save them. Afterwards, no one seemed to have much use for a one-handed ranch hand. Eventually he just up and left, strapping on his old service revolver and walking out into the night, never to be seen again. Now he's very much a lone wolf, but only because he doesn't really get along with people, not because he actually likes being alone, as such (really he's lonely as all hell, but you'll never get him to admit it).

He carries a knife in his boot-top, a heavy semi-auto revolver low on his right hip, and a sawn-off double-barrel shotgun in a crossdraw holster on the left, underneath his cape.


  • Condition: fine
  • Wounds: 0
  • Fatigue: 0
  • Bennies: 3



  • Agility d8
  • Smarts d6 (+2 for test of will)
  • Spirit d8 (+2 for test of will)
  • Strength d6
  • Vigor d6

Derived Statistics

  • Pace 6
  • Parry 6
  • Toughness 5 (6 on torso)
  • Charisma 0


  • Fighting d8
  • Guts d6
  • Intimidation d8+2
  • Notice d6
  • Riding d4
  • Shooting d8
  • Stealth d6
  • Taunt d6+2

Edges & Hindrances


  • Marksman
  • Quick Draw
  • Strong Willed


  • Bad Eyes (minor; wears glasses)
  • Loyal (minor; he has very few friends, and holds them very dear)
  • One Arm (major; crushed by a collapsing roof and amputated at the shoulder)


Will's revolver
Will's sidearm of choice is a Galford SCR .455, a heavy gas-operated semi-automatic revolver.

Weapons & Armor

  • Boot knife (Damage Str+d4), $25
  • Heavy semi-auto revolver (Damage 2d8, Range 15/30/60, ROF 1, Shots 6, AP 2, Semi-Auto), $300
  • Sawn-off shotgun (Damage 1-3d6, Range 5/10/20, ROF 1-2, Shots 2, shotgun), $150
  • Leather vest (Toughness +1 on torso), $25

Other Stuff

  • Gold locket (personal keepsake; touch and you die)
  • Glasses (-2 to Notice and ranged attacks without)
  • .455 bullets x 50, $25
  • 12-gauge shells x 50, $25
  • $450


  • XP: 20
  • Rank: Seasoned


  1. Fighting and Shooting +1 die type
  2. Quick Draw
  3. Notice and Stealth +1 die type
  4. Marksman