The Prestige (Dark Champions - New Venice)

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The Prestige

Home run! Great slugging with that aenswr!


Violet is a tall woman in her late twenties with angular cheekbones, short-cropped red hair, and a contortionist’s slender build. On stage she wears elaborately colored tailored (although slightly the worse for wear, now) suits or, for escape attempts, a black body-stocking: not fishnets. Never fishnets.

As the Prestige she wears a black bob wig and an old-timey magician’s costume, complete with top hat, folding cane, and tiny black bandit’s mask. With her height, build, and acting skills she can often pass for a man, a fact she puts to good use in concealing her identity.


Violet’s sister Vanessa is her identical twin, although the two woman dress and wear their hair differently now that they aren’t performing together. Vanessa still possesses some skill with magic, but prefers to pursue a more normal life now, working as a pharmacist’s assistant. Where Violeta is sharp-tongued, distrustful, and skeptical, Vanessa is open, warm, and somewhat gullible. The two women share a house together in a neighborhood of New Venice that is rapidly going downhill, and though Vanessa does not know it, it is only due to Violet's nightime activities that the house hasn't been foreclosed or burglarised.

Characteristics (Normal charcteristics but a bit faster, and extremely high not quite superhuman dexterity and intellignece)

     13STR                             3
     20DEX                            20
     15CON                             5
     12BODY                            2
     20INT                            10
     15EGO                             5
     20PRE                            10
      4OCV                             5
      4DCV                             5
      6MOCV                            9
      6MDCV:                           9
     14PD                             12
     14ED                             12
      3SPD                            10
      8REC                             4
     40END                             4
     30STUN                            5
     10BODY                            0
     RUN 16m                           4
     SWIM 4m/round                     0
     LEAP 3m/round                     0


       Stage Skills                   45
       Entangle 4d6 (Rope OAF)         2    (Able to bind and gag with scarfs or rope)
       Garrote hth KA 4d6 (Rope)       2    (Able to bind and gag with scarfs or rope)
       Cane 9 EB Stun only(Cane)       2    (Able to bind and gag with scarfs or rope)
       Darkness All vision 10m r       2    (Smoke Grenade)
       Missile Defection               2    (The famous catch a bullet trick)
       Illusion (Requires planning     2    (Place an illusion if you have access to area beforehand)
       Shapechange (People only)       2    (Mission Impossible Mask trick)
       Cold reading (TP 9d6)           4

Senses Sight hearing small (The Super Dective skills you asked for treated as super senses)

       Targeting                      10    (Can hit someone in total darkeness by listening)
       Analyize                       15    (In short the character is a mobile crime lab)
       Discriionatory                 15
       Tracking                       15
       Microscopic vision 100x        10


       Eidectic memory                 5    (Photographic memory)


       Detective                       5
       Slight of hand/Pick Pocket      5
       Persuasion                      5
       Escape Artist                   3
       Disguise                        3
       Perform                         3
       Lockpicking                     5
       Forgery                         3

       Total                         299


       Secret Identity                15
       DNPC:Sister                    25
       Pysch:Hatred of con men        10
       Hunted: Telios Pharm. Inc.     10