Baldric Styrian, the Thunderhammer
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Baldric Styrian, the Thunderhammer, Commander of the Storm Wardens
Middle Aged Leader/Fighter
Age: 44
Status: 5
Agility: 3
Animal Handling: 3
Athletics: 5
Awareness : 3
Cunning: 3
Deception: 2
Endurance: 3
Fighting: 5
Healing: 1
Knowledge: Law 4
Language (Common) 3
Marksmanship: 3
Persuasion: 3
Status: 5
Stealth: 1
Survival: 3
Thievery: 1
Warfare: 4
Will: 3
Bludgeon 5B Education 1B Tactics 4B
Benefits & Drawbacks
Bludgeon Fighter I Bludgeon Fighter II Famous Honor-Bound Clumsy
Available Destiny points: 2
16 Gold Dragons originally (Used
Now: 1 Gold Dragon, 130 Silver Stags
Wolf's Pelt Greatcloak Surcoat with silver buttons Black Pantaloons Fine Riding Boots Battered Leather Gloves Dagger Breastplate Valyrian Steel Warhammer Destrier - Leather Barding
Derived Stats
Intrigue Stats
Intrigue Defense: 6
Composure: 9
Combat Stats
AR: 5
Valyrian Steel Warhammer Damage: 6 - Bulk 1, Powerful, Shattering 3, Slow, Two-handed, Add +1 to the result of all Fighting or Marksmanship tests, As Superior, plus increase the weapon’s base damage by +1.
Combat Defense
Base: 9
Health: 9