Scratch:Fighting Skills

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fencing (1 fighting SP): Fencing skills use a well-balanced, one-handed blade which can cut and thrust. You may use a buckler, shield or other weapon in your other hand. Some fencing attacks do piercing damage, which is more effective against padded armor which does not deflect thrusts.

cut and thrust ( fighting SP close range fencing attack):
  • injured: 1 attack, 1 damage.
  • healthy: 2 attacks, 1 damage each (cut) or 1 attack, 2 piercing damage (thrust).
parry and riposte ( fighting SP close range fencing counterattack, prepared): If you successfully defend against an attack, you can immediately counter with a 1 damage attack.
lunge ( fighting SP close range fencing piercing attack, prepared)
  • injured: 1 attack, 1 damage.
  • healthy: 2 attacks, 1 damage each (cut) or 1 attack, 2 damage (thrust).
  • each attack has +2 to hit.
throw sword ( fighting SP long range fencing attack, prepared): 2 damage, and you cannot use that sword until you spend a turn picking it up.
defensive stance ( fighting SP close range fencing attack)
  • injured: 1 damage, you get +1 to defense until your next turn.
  • healthy: 1 damage, you get +2 to defense until your next turn.
back edge cut ( fighting SP close range fencing attack, prepared, requires double-edged blade): Follow up any attack with another attack that does 1 damage.
flurry of blows ( fighting SP close range fencing attack, prepared, requires two swords): 3 attacks, 1 damage each. Press one enemy, or whirl about fighting enemies all around you. If all 3 attacks succeed, you can do a 4th attack.
coup-de-grace ( fighting SP close range fencing attack, prepared): 3 damage, possibly impaling or decapitating your opponent. If the attack fails, the enemy still takes 1 damage.
dueling (2 fighting SP action): You perform a standard fighting action (1 or 2 attacks) except that you can immediately do an extra attack (which does 1 damage if successful) if the target of a successful dueling attack attacks any character but you before your next turn.
parry (3 fighting SP effect): If an enemy attacking you rolls a 2, you get a free attack (which does 1 damage if successful) against that opponent.

polearm (1 fighting SP): Polearm skills use a staff, spear, two-handed sword or other long weapon. Some polearm attacks do piercing damage, penetrating armor that does not deflect blades.

thrust ( fighting SP close range polearm piercing attack): You can do an impaling attack if you are healthy. If you use a sharp weapon, this attack does 4 damage. If you use a blunt weapon, this attack does 1 damage and makes the enemy skip a turn.
outreach ( fighting SP close range polearm piercing attack):
  • injured: 1 damage, you get a +1 to defense until your next turn.
  • healthy: 1 damage, you get a +2 to defense until your next turn.
both ends ( fighting SP close range polearm attack, prepared): 2 attacks, 2 damage. If the first attack is unsuccessful, it still does 1 damage.
sweep ( fighting SP close range polearm attack, prepared):
  • success: 2 damage, makes the enemy skip a turn.
  • failure: still does 1 damage.
swing ( fighting SP close range polearm attack, prepared):
  • success: 3 damage, you get +2 to defense until your next turn.
  • failure: 1 damage, you get +1 to defense until your next turn.

unarmed strike (1 fighting SP): Allows you to develop unarmed skills which do not require weapons.

provoke (1 fighting SP action): You perform a standard fighting action (1 or 2 attacks) except that you have +2 to your attack rolls. Whether or not the attacks succeed, you have -2 defense until your next turn. The defense penalty can help you draw attacks away from weaker allies.
combo (2 fighting SP action): when performing a fighting action (1 or 2 attacks). If your first fighting attack was successful and your second attack targets the same opponent as the first attack, the second attack has +2 to hit.
stun ( fighting SP)
sprawl and brawl ( fighting SP)