Scratch:Blasting Skills

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explosives (1 blasting SP) Explosive skills use weapons the attacker throws or drops in a space some distance away from himself, like a grenade, landmine or pipe bomb.

concussion grenade (2 blasting SP long range explosive attack, prepared) this “offensive grenade” has a relatively small blast radius. Do a standard blasting attack. Each target hit by the attack takes 2 damage if the target is outdoors or in a very large open space, and 3 damage if the target is indoors or in an enclosed space.
frag grenade (4 blasting SP long range explosive attack, prepared) this “defensive grenade” flings shrapnel that can be dangerous to allies who do not have cover. First do a standard blasting attack. Each target hit by this attack takes 3 damage. Then do a second attack against each character who is not evading or unreachable by close range attacks (like a flying character who used shooting ability on their last turn.) If you are using a grid, the second attack can only hit characters within three spaces of the target space who do not have cover. The second attack does 1 damage to each character it hits.
mad bomber (2 blasting SP prepared action) Perform a prepared explosive skill that you have already used.
incendiary device ( blasting SP)
mine ( blasting SP)
remote detonator ( blasting SP)
smoke bomb ( blasting SP)
stun grenade ( blasting SP)
time bomb ( blasting SP)

spraying (1 blasting SP) Spraying skills use weapons that affect an area adjacent to the attacker, such as an automatic weapon which fills the air with bullets or a flamethrower that spews a stream of burning fuel.

concentrated fire (4 blasting SP long range spraying attack, prepared): like a standard blasting attack except that you choose one of the targets as your primary target before making attack rolls. If you use a grid, your attack must target a space occupied by the primary target. This attack does 3 damage to primary target, and 1 damage to the other targets.
spray and pray (2 blasting SP long range spraying attack) If you are using a grid this blasting attack targets all of the enemies within two spaces of a target space that is exactly 3 spaces from the attacker. If you are not using a grid, this blasting attack targets all enemies who are not evading or unreachable with close range attacks (like flying enemies who used shooting ability on their last turn.)
suppressive fire (2 blasting SP long range spraying attack): Like a normal blasting attack except that you must roll twice for each target and use the worst roll. Even if you miss, the targets must roll twice and use the worst roll for her attacks until the end of your next turn. If the target does an attack that lets her roll twice and use the best roll, she does not get to use the best roll, she must use the worst roll.