Scratch:Archery Skills

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archery (1 shooting SP): Archery skills use shooting SP and require a character to use a bow. Bows have more range than thrown weapons or even slings, and they are more quiet than firearms, but drawing a bow and keeping it drawn while aiming takes strength and concentration.

TODO: Arrows often cause piercing damage.

aim (2 shooting SP firearm, crossbow or archery action): A shooting attack on your next turn does 1 extra damage and you can roll twice and choose the best roll.
bullseye (2 shooting SP long range firearm, crossbow or archery attack): Take your time to make every shot count. Roll twice and choose the best roll. Standard shooting damage. You must skip your next turn, even when you are healthy.
long range shot (4 shooting SP long range firearm, crossbow or archery attack, prepared): At the beginning of combat, before ordinary turns begin, you can do one standard shooting attack against an enemy who is visible from a long way off before the battle begins. If the encounter requires you to start off at close range (like a fight that breaks out in an enclosed space) you may not use this attack. When more than one character can attack before ordinary turns begin, they go in the order of their ordinary turns.
arcing shot ( shooting SP long range archery or sling attack)
arrow stab (2 shooting SP close range archery attack): Perform a basic attack but add your shooting ability level to the attack roll.
fire arrow (2 shooting SP long range archery attack): A shooting attack that causes 2 damage (3 damage if it is automatically successful) and burning.
pin (2 shooting SP long range archery attack, prepared): A shooting attack that does standard damage and makes an enemy skip her next turn if it is successful. This is a less-lethal technique, so if it incapacitates the target, the enemy is immobilized by an arrow through one of it's limbs rather than vitally wounded.
quick draw (2 shooting SP archery, throwing or firearm effect): Whenever you attack an enemy before her first turn, you roll twice and choose the best roll. If the attack normally allows you to roll twice, you can roll three times and choose the best roll. If the attack normally requires you to roll twice and choose the worst roll, you only roll once.
rapid fire (4 shooting SP long range archery or firearm attack, prepared): 2 attacks (same target), standard shooting damage
silent but deadly (4 shooting SP long range archery or crossbow attack, once per combat) do a regular shooting attack. Until the end of your next turn, you can add your stalking ability to your defense.
snap shot (2 shooting SP long range archery or firearm attack): Whenever you do a snap shot, you roll twice and choose the worst roll. If you are healthy you can attack twice. If you are injured you do not have to skip a turn. Snap shot does standard shooting damage.
volley (4 shooting SP long range archery attack): Like a standard shooting attack, but until your next turn, any ally who attacks the same target or target space with a long range attack can roll twice and use the best roll. (This special effect applies even if the volley attack misses.)