Scratch:Stealth Skills

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Revision as of 17:08, 16 May 2011 by SerpLord (talk | contribs)
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assassinate (3 stealth SP effect, requires knockout): +2 to hit with knockout before the target's first turn.

ambush (2 stealth SP effect): If you go before any of your opponents, each of your allies gain +1 to stalking while determining initiative.

illusion ( stealth SP long rage attack): attack 3 separate targets as a single action. When the grid rules are used, this action targets all of the creatures in a space and all of the spaces adjacent to that space. Each successful attack makes the target skip it's next turn.

surprise attack ( stealth SP)

burglary ( stealth SP)

pick pocket ( stealth SP)

slip away ( stealth SP)

feint ( stealth SP)

scam ( stealth SP)

vanish ( stealth SP)

conceal ( stealth SP)

disguise ( stealth SP)

disappear ( stealth SP)

mirage ( stealth SP)

camouflage ( stealth SP)