Lysaria Styrian

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Lysaria Styrian

Young Adult Schemer

"Do not think I do not know my place Uncle, nor my duty. I am as like to die in blood and agony in the service of my Lord as any knight, though it will be in the birthing chamber, not a battlefield, and bards will not sing of it. You change your fate on the field with your arms and armor. I have other means."


Goals: Power Motivations: Stability, Duty Virtues: Devoted Vices: Scheming

The second child of Lord and Lady Styrian, and a girl, Lyss has always known who and what she is to her House. A useful tool, a single opportunity for a favorable marriage, at best a means of improving her struggling House's lot by binding its fate to one of greater status. That is not to say she has docile sat in the castle, awaiting her fate. The Stormlands do not breed passive women.

When she was young, and the disastrous storm wracked the harbor and left her family's power teetering on the edge, Lysaria was sent to spend time in the service of a noblewoman who had been a one-time friend of her mother's, both to broaden her world view, and to ensure she was elsewhere should House Styrian's enemies attempt to capitalize on their misfortune. While she was there, she was blessed to travel as part of the noblewoman's entourage to a tournament at Riverrun. While the knights were impressive - and their occasional attention flattering to an impressionable young girl - she found herself drawn more to the subtle games and intrigues that took place.

Once she returned home, she put what she learned to use, practicing her skills by inventing household games of subterfuge, or embarking on plots to smooth out her uncle's occasionally rough edges. Lysaria is an earnest girl, quick, clever, and fiercely loyal to her family. She views the upcoming years with seriousness, for while her brother might have a dozen battles before him to improve House Styrian's standing, she has but one wedding. She views her brother and her uncles with fond affection and endless patience for the coarser aspects of their personalities. Her half-sister Alessandra with a peculiar mixture of awe, admiration and sisterly affection. That she was born to a different mother seems to matter very little to Lyss, as it simply means Alessandra presents new angles from which to subtly position whatever it is she is currently amusing herself with.

Somewhat insecure about her ability to read and write, she has taken the news a new Maester will be arriving at the castle with uncharacteristically girlish excitement.


Agility 2
Animal Handling 2
Athletics 2
Awareness 4 - 1B Empathy, 2B Notice
Cunning 4
Deception 3
Endurance 2
Fighting 2
Healing 3
Language 3
Knowledge 3
Marksmanship 2
Persuasion 4 - 1B Charm/Convince/Seduce
Status 3
Stealth 2
Survival 2
Thievery 2
Warfare 2
Will 3

Destiny Points and Benefits[edit]

DP 2/2

Favoured of Nobles

Flaws and Drawbacks[edit]

Flaw- Survival


Starting Currency: 15 gd
Remaining: 6 gold dragons, 95 ss

Superior Dagger
Hunting Bow, 24 arrows

1 set Common Cloths
4 sets Courtier's Garb (100 ss)
1 set Noble's Carb (300 ss)

1 Trained Adult Dog, "Argus"
1 Palfrey, "Dancer"

Herbs, Poisons, Etc.:
Pennyroyal, Strong
Tansy, Strong

Myrissh Lens
Far Eyes

Derived Statistics[edit]

Intrigue Statistics[edit]

Intrigue Defense: 11
Composure: 9

Combat Defense:8 Health: 6

Combat Statistics[edit]

Combat Defense: 8
Health: 6